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Posts posted by preacherlr

  1. Oh, it has always been happening, and currently nothing is really stopping it all that much, but we're working on something.

    Is it sharks with laser beams attached to their heads? I have a prototype. Contact me for blueprints.


    I'm sure this had been asked before but why on earth making this game taking soo long??? DayZ sold 2 million coppies, and with 30$ a piece that's shit load of money. Yet it seems like it's gonna take a year or two before release.


    That's cute.

    Do some research and you would know. Everything is being built/rebuilt from scratch. Not just ported. It's not a simple as " Here's a texture, put it on a shape, That's a wall, add it to loot spawn, you can build a base now. "

    Same goes for cars.

    • Like 1

  3. I'd also like to see more stable objects to stand on so they don't push us off or run into it then fall off (Such as large hotel buildings and towers: CLICK HERE)

    Hehe.. The weapon collision kicks in, and is greater than the rails collision.. every time I see someone up the, I fire a few pot shots at them and watch them get pooped out.

    • Like 2

  4. Could be a multitude of things.  One of the big things I have noticed is when you log out, your character remains for 5-10 seconds, and can still take damage.  So maybe a zombie hit you and broke it, or maybe someone shot you after you had already logged.

    You stay in for 30 seconds after logging out.

    • Like 1

  5. After posting in this thread, I had this happen to me.. I tried to kill him, tempting fate and the time paradox, however, I was too slow. It seems to happen as OP described. When you log off a server, then log back on the same server within 30 seconds. I had to do it because of the glitch when you try to aim and just get gun textures all up in your face.

  6. Be honest, while electronic gimmicks are kind of fun and run on electricity ( players actually had to change batteries every day if they ran them as they would do right now -> 24/7 )...do you really need every electronic device to help you know where you are on a 180km² map? I don't need a GPS where i live and it's like 10 times bigger as the Chernarussian area and there are a ton more streets. I'm already waiting for the GPS failed a long time ago posters...


    Satelite based services like internet, mobile phones and also GPS would not work anyway after some time...allthough modern satelites have a long life time they need constant finetuning and adjusting by the control centers to work properly...

    There you go.

  7. Fortunatly the aim for the head is not a bug: ;)

    From the last patch notes:

    - Ongoing melee balancing has zombies more resilient to body impacts. (Aim for the head)

    And i hope they will stay as they are as resistence and melee mechanics :)

    It is a bug, It's listed as a " Known Issue " And was fixed on EXP before they went down.

    Also, If we're able to carry 2 rifle, It'll be like the DMR and M4 combo all over again.

  8. I was actually thinking of a way to make torches the other day. I think this could be doable with maybe sticks and rags (torn shirts). But as far of the realistic aspect of it goes, I wouldn't really know. It would be awesome to have something like that though. 


    I think it should be scaled more around the thought of a desperate attempt to see light as an "on the move" solution. I think they shouldn't last a really long time. You're putting yourself at risk, but at least you can make sense of things if only for just a little while. At least long enough to have a chance to point yourself in the right direction sort of thing. I haven't gone out and actually wrapped a ripped up shirt to a stick to see how long the fire lasts, but I would imagine it wouldn't be that long, unless a low burning fuel were involved. 


    Good post. 


    Flares are coming, so that's something!

    You could have a Rag + Stick = 2-3 minute torch, and add kerosene, So Rag + stick + kerosene = 7-10 minute torch..

    Atleast adds a bit of realism. ;D

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