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Everything posted by preacherlr

  1. preacherlr

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    But.. Inventory organisation simulator 2013 is half the fun of DayZ D: Many of long runs in the country side are kept interesting with it. ;D
  2. preacherlr

    How many calibers should there be?

    Beans for .243 . I'd like to see as many as possible, Especially .22 LR. The main thing I'd be interested in is different ammo types, IE Hollow points, Soft cores, " Green Tip " AP.
  3. preacherlr

    Reloading the magnum

    Pretty sure it's a glitch, If you drag and drop the ammo it should ( atleast it did for me ) Load 6 rounds. However, Whenever I try to fire it, I just get a " Click ". After speaking to a friend who had a working magnum, He said he was using speedloaders, and that you can use it properly without them.
  4. preacherlr

    First experience and a few comments otherwise

    Really? Because they didn't ask, You combat logged? Back on point. 1. This is coming, Be it tents or stashes, But not until later. 2. We will probably never see this, Thank god. Nametags = Horrid Idea. 3. There's a history tab, I think there's also a favourites tab? 4. There was talk of this, Not sure where rocket and the team stand on it.
  5. Honestly, It's most likely all dependant on the brand. I've seen Square and circular Tuna cans, Pulltop and opener needed. Never seen a can of sardines to be honest, Doesn't strike me as something I'd enjoy.
  6. preacherlr

    Private/Public kicks!!!

    Technically it's against the rules of Public server hosting to kick/ban people for no reason. And no. People cannot set servers to private, To my knowledge.
  7. I voted no, For the sole purpose of it being DayZ, I can't count how many times I've seen people get hit, and leg it into the forest, only to bleed out, or get eaten by a zombie. That's a body you'll never find.
  8. preacherlr

    Hunger and Thirst timers

    Every time I see a hungry/thirsty post, I think of this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvTDN0DtsSA&list=UUDfHeMxm7VRExU3BQBEvT6g
  9. preacherlr

    no giant penis on map : /

    Beans static, You have mine. I've seen this on DayZDB but haven't made my way up there in-game yet.
  10. preacherlr

    What did you do in Dayz today?

    I ate some BeanZ.
  11. preacherlr

    Anyone played Arma 3 Breaking Point?

    It's alright. Military bases are camp fests, Anti-Material Rifles, Cars are buggy, literally 15 minutes ( Minimum ) Of running if you die to get somewhere decent. It's fun for awhile, but I just got bored of it after less than 10 hours of playtime.. The Zombies are cool though.. Also, This opinion is based off 2 week old gameplay. They may have patched everything I said.
  12. preacherlr

    Mosin in Arma 2 ?

    As stated above, There are many SP/MP missions you can get from armaholic which are " Shooting ranges " Normally with weapon crates and scoring systems. I've never used these missions with custom guns though, Might be touch and go, you may even have to edit the mission file to make the crates have the custom guns. And no, It won't be exactly the same as firearms behave differently in ARMA 2 than SA.
  13. preacherlr

    Server unique characters?

    That's called a private hive. A single server connected to it's own database, Independent of the central "main" hive.
  14. This was said in one of the first dev blogs, many moons ago.
  15. preacherlr

    A compilation of good ideas

    It's not overly hard to learn it.. There's 8 blood types, o- Is a universal donor, AB+ is a universal receiver. 6 left for you to learn. And seeing as DayZ is all about realism, It'd be pointless to put bloodtypes in if the only punishment was less blood gained or something trivial like that.
  16. preacherlr

    Instant die bug?

    I've had this twice, Both times caused by firestations. If you sprint down the stairs too quickly you just get a random " You are dead ". We're you in the firestation? :p
  17. preacherlr

    is there chat?

    Local chat only, Press / To bring up the chatbar, Page up and down to cycle through previous messages.
  18. preacherlr

    DAYZ standalone gives me internet problems

    I had an issue with ARMA 2 running on a specific modem I had. Luckily, there was a known fix, And I just had to update the firmware. Is the problem your entire connection crashing, Or just laggy/desyncy gameplay?
  19. preacherlr

    The Balota Situation / Skiddie

    You're right about it being Desync, You can tell when a server is heavily desyncing because you shoot, noting happens, then random hit sounds. It tends to happen at random intervals, but seems to be ALOT more common when trying to shoot someone who's just logged in. Making it easier for server hoppers to escape death because of it. Luckily yours registered and you did get to kill him.
  20. preacherlr

    New aussie player looking for group!

    If you're still looking for a group, Send me a PM and I'll give you our TS details. There's around 8-10 of us on daily, Plus a few more ring ins, And we're mostly aussie.
  21. preacherlr

    Not sure if hacking or abuse

    Most likely the admin of the server.. I heard something about " Random " People being able to kick players off the server, However I've never seen or experienced it, and I've only seen 1 person get kicked from a server.
  22. Multiple characters : You'll end up with WarZ style combat. 1 person has all their character logged out at the same place, you kill one, then have to fight however many more they're allowed. " Hardcore " and " Casual " Characters/servers : You more or less just described public hive VS Private hive...
  23. preacherlr

    New player question.

    Get the mod if you want to try a slightly more polished version. Get DayZ SA if you want to have some form of input on the development, Test for bugs, And be along for the ride. There's not much to do in SA at the moment seeing as it's the third build. The mod is in a better condition at the moment as it's had more time, But SA will quickly pass it, I'd say in 2-3 months, Tops. Both are great, So it's entirely up to you, My vote would be for SA though. Plus, If you get SA now, You get it cheaper than in say, 3 - 4 months.
  24. preacherlr

    Press Vest

    It's Rare-ish, It only spawns in enter-able train stations.
  25. preacherlr

    Am I not healing due to a glitch?

    Saline IV is a Saline bag with an IV start Kit added to it, Stevie.