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Everything posted by preacherlr

  1. preacherlr

    Love the New Sway

    I like it. Ever carried 10 kg or gear 3-4kg of rifle and ran 1k? Takes you awhile to catch your breath. Even while prone, You'd need a bipod to stabilize yourself.
  2. preacherlr

    New patch is out.

    Fixed EVERYTHING. I can dream, Right? :p
  3. Did you have batteries in the stun baton? Cause it 2 shot kills zombies..
  4. preacherlr

    The 22 rifle

    I've killed quiet a few " Fully " gear players with it. The derp helmet slows you down, but once you get through that, It's all good. The down side is you have to hit players in the head to do any real damage, which is unrealistic to begin with. However, it has very little recoil or dispersion, so you can smash a few rounds out in their face region, and still come out on top. Don't get me wrong, come up against someone face to face and they have anything better, they'll probably win. But from 30-40 meters, and they're either too dumb to realize or not looking at you, You can win every time. What I'm trying to say is, If you're a decent shot, and close enough, You stand a decent chance. At the very least, It's better than running around with your dick in your hand screaming abuse at people.
  5. preacherlr


    Exactly. And if I smash your pretty little face in, It's hours I didn't have to invest into my character. You've unwittingly answered your own question.
  6. preacherlr

    Why are "Payday"-masks military loot?

    Nope. They just lowered the spawns in .48. Now they're more common, found a few in civ spawns, but they're rather common in military spawns.
  7. preacherlr

    Revert to 0.48

    That's cute.
  8. Found this on vilayers facebook, and they sent the same thing in an email to all their customers. Vilayer Ltd3 hours agoDayZ Standalone Is updating to day so all servers will be down for extended maintenance. We will let you know when its all back online again.
  9. preacherlr

    Updating dayz in steam

    I'd love to do that, But steam being the bitch it is decides I need to redownload the ENTIRE game 90% of the time.
  10. preacherlr

    Updating dayz in steam

    Closed and reopened my steam just now, UPDATE. 1.2gb. Hope this helps.
  11. preacherlr

    Server Admin Rcon.. Can't use #Ban command..

    Yeah, We could have. We needed each person who got banned, Which was around 8 of us to video it and send it in. I had video of me getting banned, But no one else did. So they got the warnings.. It's a shame. They need to be more strict with the servers. There's an aussie one at the moment named EXPERIMENTAL HARCORE Midnight only.. If the guy who pays for it is on there, you get kicked. There's like 30 similar servers to this.. Really annoying. Like 20-30% of the AUssie server pool is ran by idiots who should have their CP logins taken off them.
  12. preacherlr

    Updating dayz in steam

    Possibly, Like this? Twitter / Eugen: Update up soon hopefuly, having connection issues at the HQ, might be a ddos.DevTracker - Today, 03:55 AM:)
  13. preacherlr

    If duping & glitched mags are now in the past...

    My dream for the wipe, Was remove dupe mags, Atleast now we only have to fight hackers, instead of every 3rd person using an Inf mag..
  14. preacherlr

    Updating dayz in steam

    Servers are up now too.. Heaps have players in them.. Maybe they were running the EXP builds?
  15. preacherlr

    Server Admin Rcon.. Can't use #Ban command..

    There is a way to ban players off your server. I was banned from " The 19th Battalion AU/NZ " server. Cause I killed all their swagmins, and may or may not have given them my name while doing it.. Worth it. They got warnings from Vilayer about it too. ;3
  16. preacherlr

    Updating dayz in steam

    I'm not even able to update it on any of my Pc's.. D:
  17. preacherlr

    Patch confirmed? Vilayer's emails and facebook.

    No, I just REALLY REALLY wanted .49 and the wipe. ;)
  18. preacherlr

    Patch confirmed? Vilayer's emails and facebook.

    No, Vilayer are a GSP, A server provider. Meaning, They'd be told before hand, because updating the software on their machines is their job.
  19. preacherlr

    [Maintenance] All Servers Are Down?!

    Vilayer Ltd3 hours agoDayZ Standalone Is updating to day so all servers will be down for extended maintenance. We will let you know when its all back online again. Vilayers facebook.. If it's not up, I'm suing vilayer.
  20. preacherlr

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    The condition of the battery won't change as it's charge depletes, Right click and lick the battery, It'll tell you if it has any juice left in it. ;)
  21. It's still impractical. Your ass is not " Natures Pocket "... It's not healthy to carry things around in it. It can cause serious damage. Yeah it's possible, However, Just because you can, Doesn't mean you should.
  22. Situation or Simulation? Either way. 0/10 still a terrible idea. Carrying items, Especially Sharp items as you're suggesting, Inside of your anus is never a good idea. Carry a knife in your ass for a day, Then come back and suggest it. Nothing like cutting your inside up and going septic..
  23. preacherlr

    Force inhalants.

    I'd be happy with functioning Syringes.. I want to be able to inject foreign fluids into peoples bodies.. Why? Because everyone needs Pipsi in their blood stream.
  24. We're back at the mythical " Ass Slot " Again. Your post is missing the detailed system in which faecal matter can build up on said items and cause some form of degradation. 0/10 would not read again, Not original.
  25. preacherlr

    explosive sniper rounds

    Pretty sure he uses Tannerite, Or Binary explosives.