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Everything posted by preacherlr

  1. preacherlr


    Very informative post, 10/10 Would recommend to friends.
  2. I hope the sound engineer they hired is able to this or better. ;)
  3. preacherlr

    Choose Spawn Point

    Berezino is literally just up the road.. Best town to gear up in Imo.. I love Three Valley spawns..
  4. First off, Not sure if this is the right place, If it's not can a mod move it please. Are servers hosts allowed to set their BE to disallow certain characters, IE ( ) [ ] { }. I hadn't come across this untill today, when I was kicked from about 8 different servers on joining, And ended up having to take my clan tag out of my name.. I had seen this once or twice in the mod, And was never really sure why people do it, I can understand if it messes with Rcon's and such, However no one can use a Rcon at the moment ( As far as I know.. ) So is it just an attempt at keeping clans off a server or is there another reason, If you host a server with this enable, Could you leave a comment saying why?
  5. preacherlr

    Hey...I see you....put your hands up.....

    Yeah, He did, Lol. About 20 seconds before the video started, I thought he was going to try then, When I ran past him.
  6. preacherlr

    Hey...I see you....put your hands up.....

    Ignore the background talking, Was my mates at svetlo, I put what I said in captions/annotations because Shadow play didn't record my voice.
  7. WTB Beans. 50 posts each.
  8. preacherlr

    Disallowed characters : You have been kicked.

    I can understand this, but I've never had an issue with the name I've used, In all 1200 hours in the mod and 200 on SA. Yet there are people getting around with profanity for names.. It just baffles me that [ and ] are added to the list, Yet racial slurs are not.
  9. preacherlr

    Disallowed characters : You have been kicked.

    I got it on about 6 servers in a row before I found one that let me in. >.> Hadn't seen it until today.
  10. preacherlr

    Experimental woes :T

    Not sure about the loot issue, But the holes in the fences was acknowledged on Twitter
  11. preacherlr

    Current best server hosting company

    Vilayer do allow you to change, Not sure about the other ones, However my vilayer server crashed every 30-45 minutes, So there was no need for restarts =\.
  12. preacherlr

    Sex Change operation w/o my approval

    Just do what everyone else does, Run around screaming " I'm a strong independent black woman! "
  13. preacherlr

    So... You need some splints?

    It's a known glitch, Fixed on the experimental, You just have to have ruined supplies to do it. Actions: Ruined rags/bandages and wooden sticks doesn't produce infinite splints
  14. preacherlr

    Black Tactical vests

    The only reason I could think of is because the didn't sit properly on your character.
  15. preacherlr

    Medical clothing, door noises, blood splatter.

    I like all 3 ideas, Especially the third, They had it in the mod, But the patch never went live. D: I also can't find proof now. D:
  16. Not to that extent, However it can cause my over " Usage " to spike, Similar to what it's like when I download. With any luck will be better next stable patch, You can try the experimental, As I believe it has the Network fixes in place.
  17. From what I've noticed, A pristine buttstock will out shoot a damaged one any day, Same goes for foregrips. Some people also claim that damaged food gives less nutrients and such.
  18. preacherlr

    Is carrying 2 two-handed weapons considered ok?

    It's pretty well known, And no, It's not a bug, It's a feature, That's why it says " Take into hands " Instead of " Take " ;). However, The duping is a bug. :P
  19. preacherlr

    different wound statuses

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/173079-id-like-to-see-the-old-im-injured-walkrun-come-back/#entry1766446 GUILTY! But in all seriousness, Would be awesome. :p
  20. preacherlr

    Character has been deleted 3 times now

    I've just had my first character delete in about a month, And it was due to a server crashing, You sure you're not logging out and getting eaten or shot?
  21. preacherlr

    I think I found the cause of the apocalypse.

    We finally have the answer...
  22. preacherlr

    updates duration

    Last I heard, Was a week and a bit ago, Vehicles were less than 6 months out.
  23. preacherlr

    Normal servers and Hardcore - Gear transfer?

    You have a different character on Regular than you do on hardcore, They share nothing.
  24. preacherlr

    New to Online Games, What is Teamspeak?

    A VoIP program, Basically like skype without video chat, But allows you to have as many people as the server provider has payed for at the same time. It's free to get, And as long as you're not renting a server, It's free to use.