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About preacherlr

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    I'm in your base, Touching your things.

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  1. preacherlr

    So....Anyone seen this?

    AFAIK it's an issue with a few of the male character models. Maybe try setting yourself to respawn as a female character next respawn?
  2. preacherlr

    No Status Reports, No Updates, Hello...???

    It's fair to ask a few questions when there's been silence for 6 weeks.
  3. preacherlr

    Pitch black, why?

    When did DayZ get set in murica?
  4. preacherlr

    Experimental Update 1.0.150104

    Keeping in mind, Everyone here has paid for a product. I'm not saying bash the devs, But people are aloud to have expectations.
  5. preacherlr

    Tent damage

    Disable base destruction mod now does this.
  6. preacherlr

    Concept suggestion: Heat-seeking missiles

    Story of my life.
  7. preacherlr

    Is It Possible?

    A walkie turned on and left on the ground? I know that used to work. Not sure if it still does.
  8. preacherlr

    Curing the cold

    Cured a cold. Was white food and hunger the whole time. Changed clothes ( stripped naked, got new clothes then picked up my items out of my clothes Had no fireplace and was outside the entire time Did 2 animation cycles of the eating pills for both codeine and tetracyline Ate a can of food every 10 minutes and drank soda every 10 minutes coughing/sneezing went from 20 seconds to 3 and a half minutes per interval Then after another 10 or so minutes it went away and so did the sick symbol.
  9. preacherlr

    Curing the cold

    I had the cold for over 2 hours, The 30 minutes I'm referring to was spent in a house, by a fire basically non stop eating and drinking. At this point I'm under the impression it's a bug. Old mate in the above post state he fixed it in half an hour. The only thing he did that I didn't was change clothes, so unless that's the secret. People I play with have had the cold for days at this point. They've taken every drug they could find, stayed energized and hydrated..
  10. preacherlr

    Curing the cold

    That's the only thing I've not tried. That and a full change of clothes, but I don't see that helping tbh. Sat away from my group for 30 minutes last night, by a fire, eating, drinking and smashing tetracyline and codeine pills. ( Codeine pills description says it cures the cold ) After 30 minutes I got bored of it and smashed my off switch. On the coast again.
  11. preacherlr

    Curing the cold

    Anyone figured this out yet? Spreads like wild fire.
  12. preacherlr

    Melee Animation Need Redone

    But.... This is the new melee animation...
  13. preacherlr

    Is armor worth it nowadays?

    Helmet, Probably.. I often wear anti-stab.. They seem to act the same as press or ballistic.. I could be wrong but it's less than 4kg..
  14. preacherlr

    dayz out of memory any fixes?

    Download more ram.
  15. preacherlr

    names of friends overhead

    No, this isn't COD.