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About FreedomTea

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  1. FreedomTea

    US 46, the admins are disgusting

    Sounds legit to me i'm afraid. We lost vehicles even after saving due to restarts. We play on a server that restarts every 4 hours (which I think you need in dayz else zombies/loot/clock starts messing up) - the restart message is automated, I dont know if that was the same for you. Its an issue with the vehicle system i'd say, perhaps it could be looked into next-next patch. I love the realistic "minecraft" style of play where you build a camp etc but i get a hot flush every time the server restarts / we go away for a week without playing because this game is not very "persistant" at this time. I really hope Rocket and the devs look into further ways of preventing item/camp loss over periods of time.
  2. FreedomTea

    New Server Signup and Ticket System

    Is the ticket system for reporting corrupt servers too? I.E. locked/clanonly/private servers?
  3. I logged in 20min ago and I was at the beach, I had all sorts of cool stuffs but it defauled me to nothing, (this was before i read the thread about maitainance), when everythings back will i be in the right spot or do i need to ask for my stuffs? Thanks
  4. FreedomTea


    bump for eu13 admin viewage
  5. FreedomTea

    [GUIDE] Vehicles & Repair

    There's also a video of some guy rolling about in a tractor somewhere on the forums
  6. FreedomTea

    [GUIDE] Vehicles & Repair

    Does the UAZ really have 7 seats? We had one ingame and it had 3 seat slots in the back and 2 in the front. When reffering to inventory space what does 50/20/2 mean? Does it have 50 slots but only 2 for a certain item, say bags? Also the landrover is classed as "millitary offroad" ingame but is a Defender 110 in real life. Dont want to be finnicky but the other ones have real names. Good guide
  7. FreedomTea


    Please come back :C Home server for six of us but now it has gone as fees were not paid :C Loved the timezone, love no-crosshair, no-3rd person and no kill messages + the ping was always great. Currently finding another server with those settings is hard, not to mention we have had tents setup since the start on '13! Perhaps have a paypal donate button somewhere to help with fees? EU13. Come Back!
  8. FreedomTea

    Noticeably lower FPS on 1.6.0

    Grand news, myself and others found it unplayable today due to laggy eff p ess
  9. FreedomTea

    1.6.0 Clothing Change Swimming Bug

    Thanks rocket, just happened again - this time in Vibor. I lost my inventory (but put my alice pack of stuff down before trying the clothes... learnt from last time) I instantly DC'd from the server, returned and I am in some sort of debug ocean, and it wont remove me from it. Picture of us all having a grand time in debug ocean: Unfortunately I am now stuck here, leaving server, restarting etc keeps me in the ocean. Slowly losing temperature.
  10. FreedomTea

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    - Complains of COD noobs - Wants chopper What
  11. FreedomTea

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    You DONT want skins, they make you stuck in swim mode on dry land, wait for a fix. Edit: Rocket, posted a bug report - it needs appoval.
  12. Date/Time: 27/05/2012, 2:20pm GMT, post 1.6.0 Release What happened: After picking up and putting on camo clothing from the floor, water was poured on me as if i were submerged. I then began swimming on the shop floor. The game then dropped my items and deleted my pack. I had to disconnect and reconnect to fix it. Where you were: Zelenogorsk shop, behind the isle nearest the wall. What you were doing: Put on "Camo Clothing". *Current installed version: 1.6.0 *Server(s) you were on: EU5 *Your system specs: Geforce 480GTX, Intel Q6600 2.4ghx quad, 8gb DDR2 Ram @ 877mhz, Windows 7 64 bit. *Timeline of events before/after error: Logged straight in, went into shop, then the events occured.
  13. FreedomTea

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    I just put on some "camo clothes" i found in a shop. The game poured water on me and I began swimming in the shop, then all my shit got chucked around :<