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Everything posted by needhelp

  1. needhelp

    Pending Update: Build

    Srsly rocket, this is just plain Bullshit. The first time (must be months ago) i read about your idea to track this kind of a buse i already thought, what an extremly stupid idea. And now you really make it true. You can't solve this problem algorithm wise... People can still dc, np. And just join another server afterwards, how will you sort this out from just serverswitching? There are so many possibilities, you can only solve this by tracking so much, that you can actually implement some preventing directly.I can only advise you to completly rethink this whole concept, looks like designed to fail to me.Next thing is, ok, disconnecting to avoid death is not allowed, we can look this up (although i guess many don't even know it).But you talk about server hopping warnings etc. That is nowhere explicitly fobidden, and there are many different possibilities of doing it.How do you sort this out? You just go BANHAMMER TIME?
  2. No porblem. I was one of them. But rocket fucked up everything with the patch 1.7.2, so many of us (including me) lost much nice stuff anyways. Stopped playing from then on. I'm interested if and if so, when 1.7.2 will get playable.
  3. needhelp

    PvP structure suggestion

    Dunno if just stupid or just retarded. All your suggestions are complete unthought bullshit. Did you ever think before posting this crap. My post seems harsh, but i just only read bullshit.
  4. Don't take that too serious. I saw an invisible player myself lately, first i could see him, then his skin became invisible and i could only see the weapon, unluckily it was a sniper... Anyways, the game and engine behind dayz is complete crap. Cheatwise and bugwise. I can never ever advise someone to ever buy a Bohemia Interactive game.
  5. needhelp

    Cheaters eu20 cherno top building snipers

    First of all, no, it's actually not even strange. Second, stop those false cheat accusations when they are stupid like this. They had good gear -> CHEATERS Makes you look stupid.
  6. needhelp

    Guy gets robbed

    I don't get all those proposes for trying to kill them here. Obviously it was only meant as fun. And it was a hell lot of fun imo. No one got hurt, noone was damaged. Why the fuck try screw this nice scene up?
  7. needhelp

    Can anything in game do this much dmg?

    Dude, in the graphics options, make sure both resolutions match. Otherwise the game will be as blurry as it is for you. Hope this helped you.
  8. needhelp

    Guy gets robbed

    One word: AWESOME! Luckily they could secure the dangerous flashlight!
  9. needhelp

    DayZ hacker owned Game! :)

    Please zero in next time for 100meters and compensate it by aiming above. *sarkasm off* Those guns look so duplicated, you obviously didn't score a kill with it yet. I see only one ownage there. And this is you having no clue how to use the gun you are carrying.
  10. needhelp

    This is why the AS50 is so valuable

    As far as i know it only renders up to about 1 km. But i discovered lately that it is pretty foggy even on sunny days, not to even mention rain when vision range can drop to about 500 meters. Congrats on your gun that can hit on 1,4 km. We need more BRAINS!
  11. needhelp

    Bandit gets owned

    It's a pure easy kill. No skill, nothing outstanding, didn't even look like a headshot on a non moving target that was about 300 meters away on an easy server. I am amazed in awe. 1/10 for making me post
  12. Funny shit, i am a computer scientist, true, and software engineering is of course part of those skills. Funny fact two: i know how to use google. Still have no intention to look up some random slang word you are throwing at forums.
  13. +1 But i am not entirely sure. Because of 7 disconnect abuses the last 2 days i am nearly going to join the disconnecter faction, since rocket obiously thinks it is part of the game and should not be fixed with some priority.
  14. needhelp

    Server hopper named Denis

    Disconnect abuse and server hopping abuse, this for sure sucks. But you seem to be one hell of a bad city sniper anyways, so go serhopping griefing your gear again and stop whining.
  15. I was on DE2 today and a mate got sniped in Stary. Since i was nearby i started a search for the sniper and found him after some time. Unluckily i did not have fraps running. Situation was as following: I was 20-30 meters away with my MK48 and pointing towards his chest. He had no idea i was there. So i started unloading and hit his chest with 5-10 bullets (just wanted to get sure he can't dc). So i see him fall (seemed like dead body falling, w/e, he MUST have been dead). His corpse was gone (i instantly stood up and walked there), no blood, no flies, and no kill for me! Is this some sort of cheat? If there is some chance of investigation (which i doubt, i can't provide evidence and especially not the guys name since veteran 3dp:off), i can provide the name of my buddy. Time of the snipers death was pretty much 18:57 Berlin Time Zone. The point is. If this is some sort of hack (the guy himself was a script kiddy max, probably less, for sure), then there is unluckily no sense in playing on a compromised server anymore. vet 3dp:off server is harder anyways, and when you have cheaters who snipe and are unkillable then this is just bs. Was not the first incident like this btw. tl;dr Read story for answer question if dead not being dead is cheat.
  16. needhelp

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    I am just going to make sure to report now any of those incidents, so that maybe some day something is done about it. Earlier: 1. Server Hopper (login message 500 meters radius required) jumped in behind my friend and disconnected before we could kill him. 2. Some guy went looting, we shot at him and he stood up, jumped two meters to the side and before he even touched the ground he disconnected. 3. Two guys were sprayed at, and when we finally managed to zero in on them, they disconnected. *sarkasm* Hey, give us more meele weapons and let us wait for some more months before you do something about this (enough awesome simple solutions were presented already).
  17. needhelp

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    I seriously wonder what rocket is waiting for. Seems like the most easy fix of the biggest gamebreaker right now. Dead bodies fix might be a bit harder, but hey. Until the fix: Kill people on sight in < 1 second. Otherwise > 95% will disconnect.
  18. Don't feed the mentally retarded trolls guys.
  19. needhelp

    Found a "camp", what should I do?

    First take what you want, then destroy the rest. Fuck this vehicle collecting and tent citying. Frag grenades show awesome results on tents, cars can be just blown up.
  20. needhelp

    Why did you shoot me?

    I would instantly shoot you seeing you not geared at all in electro. It is so provocating of you going there without gear and trying to ninja loot from me(?). And if i would see you geared up there, your first points mentioned seem legit (shoot you aswell). Enough of an answer?
  21. needhelp

    Looking for mature players.

    You should add how often you are playing and on what kind of servers (reg, vet; 3dp:on/off). Because from my experience it is easy for two people to synchronize playtime, but every new addition makes it really hard, as long as they are not hardcore (timewise) playing.