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Everything posted by GoonieZ3

  1. GoonieZ3

    Bicycle Suggestions/Discussion [Official]

    I'm with you soapmak3r. Its up to the community to voice their opinion. The devs have to listen to feedback from us. They have specifically stated they listen to our feedback. If some people feel that vehicles need to be added asap in order to facilitate a more enjoyable gaming session than thats your right to speak up. Vehicles were in the mod and didnt destabilize gameplay balance then and wont now. If you feel your voice is being oppressed by close minded fanboys who want to play semantical games and offer vile generic pavlovian response, you should tell them how you feel. You're sick of it. I'm sick of it. Deal with OUR opinions, cause we have to put up with yours.
  2. GoonieZ3

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Wow. Why all the hate for Angel_Dust? Or any disenting opinion for that matter. For all the people screaming "we testing alpha" We should be able to provide honest feedback about the direction this game is going without being insulted and told to go away.
  3. GoonieZ3

    Device reset failed, error 8876086c

    Yeah I had the same problem, same crash, same card, same windows. My laptop which is also has xp for audio recording DOES NOT have this crash. Weird eh? Some xp users get away with it for whatever reason. My advice: Download a legal image of a windohs 7 64bit and install it as a dual boot without a cd key. Then you can use it for 30 days free and then before the trial is up you can reset the trial using a simple command and get another 30 days. You can do this 2-3 times and just reinstall 7 after 90 days. Just google it, its a 100 percent legal loophole.
  4. GoonieZ3

    [UMCF] Recruiting now! Origins only!

    - Name* Chris - In-Game name Goonie - Age 30 - Location In real life * Midwest - Can you operate on a GMT timescale? Yes - Do you have Teamspeak 3 & Skype ? TS3 but I hate skype - What are your skill sets? Marksman, Off key remarks, dark humor - In three lines, Describe how you can best help the militia? I am patient, tactical and methodical. I tend to survive longer than most. I know my way around and can find things quickly.
  5. Hey. US player in the central time zone here. Looking for a serious tactical squad who is patient and can survive for long periods of time on heavily populated servers. I have a mic. 21+ please. PM me and I'll get right back to you.
  6. Name: GoonieZ3 Age: 30 Location: US Central Headset & Microphone?: Yes Speak English?: Yes How long have you been playing DayZ?: 9 months In-game Name?: GoonieZ Playing style - Bandit/Hero/Survivor?: Reluctant Bandit Other games you play/interested in playing?: BF3, Dota, LOL, any FTP Anything else you would like to add?: Can't wait for GTA V !
  7. Type: Talk Show, Indie radio station Language(s): English Time Zone: Central Time Zone. Open schedule. I'm looking to do a variety show. Some comedy, some news/talk show and some music. Interviews with fellow survivors. I have big ideas and low resources. For my station I would want the music to come from the community, so if you're in a band or are a solo artist please feel free to respond. Other people interested in doing interviews or doing funny skits are needed as well. Please be 21+ and on drugs....or not, I'm flexible ;D
  8. I've been thinking for a long time that I want to start a band in DayZ. Seeing the radiostation application made me think that this could actually be a real opportunity to have a proper venue for this idea. I don't really want the burden of trying to run a station of my own for various reasons. Instead I figured why not just try to get a few songs on some of these stations. So my idea is to find someone who wants to collaborate online shooting tracks back and forth. Must be 25+ and third eye activated. I can play most styles of music and play guitar, bass, keys and program drums. PM me if interested.
  9. I actually play this way myself too, I have been forced to defend myself in a few situations though. I've had a hard teaming up with people because of it because everyone wants to do the high risk ops all the time and then pvp. I'm content with just surviving day to day with decent gear and studying human behavior through a scope, without pulling the trigger. Unless they become a threat of course. After all they could be a friend, it's just the culture of fear and mistrust fostered in the world of Day Z and also IRL that keeps us from sharing that can of beans.
  10. Hey, I'm a chill 30 year old with 6 months of experience. I can roll solo and get completely kitted fast and stay alive for weeks. Been in a few groups and can roll with the glitc...I mean punches. I'm in the central time zone and play during the day and early evenings. PM with a server and a time and I'll be there.