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Everything posted by nettles

  1. nettles

    Bug , please help

    It's not a bug. Once in a thousand years, a paragon emerges. This man or woman is to be hailed as the herald of the endtimes. This is no bug. This is prophecy.
  2. nettles

    Survey: Worst part of DayZ?

    Hiding from the jackass that just shot me in the buttcheek and hearing his footsteps pass by my hiding spot while he searches greedily for my nonexistant corpse.
  3. nettles

    Top 3 places to loot after 0.55 - DayZ Standalone

    I'm not hating, just thought it was a bit obnoxious for the informative nature. Thanks for the video.
  4. nettles

    The true feeling of achievement & Survival

    No doubt. I came back after an extended break and it took me all of about five minutes to realize that the game has changed. As soon as I let that first zombie catch up to me I realized I'd made a huge mistake. Luckily I survived the encounter and the fracture, and now that stealth actually has some use, I'm super stoked to see what's in store for the next few updates. Unfortunately people have realized they can farm military loot in some areas. That's kinda lame and boring. Defeats the purpose.
  5. nettles

    Top 3 places to loot after 0.55 - DayZ Standalone

    Helpful information. Kinda obnoxious start though.
  6. nettles

    Sleep Deprevation

    Good points- I jumped the gun, a thousand pardons and kudos for the well articulated reply. I just feel like requiring rest would promote team gameplay as you'd need someone to watch over you and wake you up if someone comes creeping along.
  7. nettles

    Sleep Deprevation

    oh, you're one of those types. I like the idea of having to rest and sleep because it brings an opportunity for teamwork. You and your friends set up camp and someone stands guard while you and your buddies catch sleep. While waiting for everyone to get their beauty rest, someone could be cooking up hunted food, making rope with dried grasses or whatever, building fishing poles or whatever, traps, etc etc, it's a good opportunity to get some work done. Kids seem to forget there's more to this game than just picking up a gun and shooting each other...
  8. nettles

    Looting Zombies

    I understand that loots being on a zombie might not make it grounds for immediate ruining, but there is also the matter of the loot economy that needs to be taken into account. Can't have people farming military zombies for 5.45 ammo and the like.
  9. nettles

    Looting Zombies

    Anything you would find on a zombie (especially military.) would be ruined. Springs in magazines would be rusted out. equipment would be broken, clothes would be ruined beyond repair. These zombies stand out in the rain and get shot up. They drag themselves along the ground, etc.
  10. nettles

    Missions and AI

  11. nettles

    Drag unconsious players

    It had always been a planned feature. There's a loooot of things on the list of features to implement though, so don't hold your breath. They've only just recently put physics into the game.
  12. nettles


    Yep, it is possible to get inside those statues pretty easily, but you're exposed while you try it.
  13. nettles

    Dynamic bleeding

    Yes, I'd really like to see some more realistic body damage and profuse bleeding. At the moment it is a little silly you can take six rounds to the torso and still be standing a blood bag later.I'd also like to see recovery from wounds take much, MUCH longer. Particularly broken bones and puncture wounds like stabs and gunshots.
  14. nettles

    Remove books and other ideas

    What kind of cretin plebeian are you? Get rid of books? For fuck's sake. If you choose to live in a dark cave like some ignorant child jacking off about how cool your l33t sn1pr r1fle is, that's great. Don't expect us to want the same thing. Food should be scarce as hell because no factories are producing or shipping the food into the country. That's just how it is. Learn to farm or fish and quit crying about being unable to loot 3 rifles and 20 cans of food every town. Have you even tried to READ a book? They're not worthless. There's plenty of useful information and entertaining stories in the ingame books. Take the Russian Cheat Sheet, for example. I carried that since the last wipe and used it to translate signs and the like. You can also tear out blank pages to light fires. As for drinking an entire can of gasoline, good. You did everyone out there a favor. Your ignorant, poorly-suited survival instincts are wiped from this planet for good. In closing, don't play a survival simulator if you just want to loot rifles, shoot people, and be a whiny cock.
  15. nettles

    zombie guts

    Oh no the zombies in the zombie survival simulator are too hard I need to be able to loot AKs and M4s uninterrupted
  16. nettles

    Balaclava 3 hole variant

    Bandits need that third hole so they can suck each other off while talking about how sweet their last 'kill' was.
  17. nettles

    Death by Overheating.

    Yeah this. There's really no point to this piece of clothing unless you're planning to just be a dick to people. So please do proceed to suffocate and die inside your meticulously-crafted bushrag.
  18. nettles

    Will there be in DayZ Standalone

    Thanks. One can hope, yeah?
  19. nettles

    Will there be in DayZ Standalone

    This game's going to be a survival simulator that pits you against disease, hostile NPCs and players, the wicked outdoors, and your needs (such as eating and covering yourself). Dean Hall mentioned he wanted to develop this into an anti-game. Not a game where you have fun and frolic in fields of infinite rifles and 'ammo.' Any 'missions' you do are going to be facilitated by other players with established bases, probably. Bring a camp enough food to keep their sick guys alive, get a reward or acceptance into the camp, mission complete. Get a couple buddies, gun down all their people and take over the camp, whatever. It's up to you to decide what you're going to do with the tools provided on release. You don't need an NPC giving you direction. Use your imagination. And please don't be one of those children that constantly refer to themselves as 'snipers' on the forum.
  20. nettles

    Days and Nights are switched.

    Are you sure you're reading military time? 9:00 is 9 in the morning, 21:00 is 9 at night. Could be a problem with the server listing, iunno.
  21. Your character was wiped so you intend to have an entire server hosting company's servers removed? That's ambitious with a pinch of salt. If I had a recommendation for anyone in regards to this game, it would be to not get attached to your character or your gear. Even for reasons out of your control you're going to lose everything. It hurts much less when you're a whiny douchebag about it. Trust me.
  22. nettles

    Massive Stockpile - Player made?

    That is a disgusting amount of loot.
  23. nettles

    jumping off a deerstand

    I agree that naked toons should be able to withstand a little bit steeper of a drop and do feel as though there should be some balance to fall damage in relation to weight. If it's not already in the works. If it is, ignore me, I'm just a dingus.
  24. nettles

    jumping off a deerstand

    I doubt you'd be okay if you jumped off a deer stand carrying a rifle, a vest stuffed with mags, and a backpack loaded down with two childrens' worth of weight.
  25. nettles

    Closet on Wheels

    I don't remember there ever being a question, apologies. Because it's cute, of course. Nobody wants to shoot a cutie pie.