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About Raagwa

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  1. Raagwa


    Official answer from the feedback tracker: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T135442
  2. Raagwa


    I am having the same error. My message.xml looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <messages> <message> <delay>20</delay> <repeat>0</repeat> <deadline>0</deadline> <onconnect>1</onconnect> <shutdown>0</shutdown> <text>Willkommen auf dem KV13 DayZ Server!</text> </message> <message> <delay>25</delay> <repeat>0</repeat> <deadline>0</deadline> <onconnect>1</onconnect> <shutdown>0</shutdown> <text>Du hast Fragen, Verbesserungsvorschläge oder dir gefällt etwas nicht? Besuche uns auf unserem Discord: https://kurzelinks.de/kv13dayz</text> </message> <message> <delay>30</delay> <repeat>0</repeat> <deadline>0</deadline> <onconnect>1</onconnect> <shutdown>0</shutdown> <text>Es gibt mehrere sichere Zonen in Städten. Dort findest du Händler, frisches Wasser und ein Feuer zum aufwärmen. Es liegt an dir, diese Zonen zu finden.</text> </message> <message> <delay>35</delay> <repeat>0</repeat> <deadline>0</deadline> <onconnect>1</onconnect> <shutdown>0</shutdown> <text>Regen und Nächte sind aktiviert, suche dir also entsprechende Kleidung und eine Taschenlampe, um zu überleben.</text> </message> <message> <delay>0</delay> <repeat>300</repeat> <deadline>0</deadline> <onconnect>0</onconnect> <shutdown>0</shutdown> <text>Du hast Fragen, Verbesserungsvorschläge oder dir gefällt etwas nicht? Besuche uns auf unserem Discord: https://kurzelinks.de/kv13dayz</text> </message> </messages>
  3. Raagwa

    PC 1.0 Release Date Announcement

    Sure, they will suddenly going to pull a fully different version out of their hat.
  4. Raagwa

    cant compile "mission" script module

    Which XML files should I delete as if I get the error message at server start?
  5. Raagwa

    Stable Update 0.63.149525

    You can't call this "Stable patch"! There are more Bugs then before! Please roll back to the previous version or release a Hotfix!
  6. Raagwa


    What should i say? I've updated to, beta patch is 94945 and every server i connect: wait for host... waited for over 1 hour...
  7. Raagwa


    ... and beta patch 94945... ...wait for host.... <_<
  8. Raagwa

    Spawning in the air!

    Happened to me too... spawned in the air, near NW Airfield, fell to my death...
  9. Had the same Error. Mags in my Backpack disappeared.
  10. Waiting for Activation :)
  11. Raagwa

    Loading Problem

    Beta Patch is here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9314 Will try this when i get home.
  12. Raagwa

    Loading Problem

    I tried this too... it doesn't help :(
  13. Raagwa

    Loading Problem

    [qoute] I am stuck at "Waiting for server response" or "Waiting for character to create" or "Receiving Data". - Servers are simply being overloaded, wait a litte or try another server. If nothing works try below. - Launch Operation Arrowhead from steam and select the option to re-install BattlEye Anti-Cheat client. If you are using retail download the latest version form http://www.battleye.com/download.html and put it in a folder named "BattlEye" in the "Expansion" folder of your Arma2:OA main directory. - Redownload DayZ mod files and make sure you have the latest version. http://armafiles.info/dayz/ - If nothing works try reinstalling both Arma2 and OA. For the record: I've done everything of this.
  14. Raagwa

    Loading Problem

    Dude, check page 2 before Posting... http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9494