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Statik (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Statik (DayZ)

  1. Statik (DayZ)

    STOP that sh*t Glitch-using

    It's being worked on. Useless topics won't speed it up any.
  2. Statik (DayZ)

    Play Style

    I like running up to people and start shooting off my M4 yelling "FRIENDLYFRIENDLYFRIENDLYFRIENDY"
  3. Statik (DayZ)

    Sad Story Based On Actual Dayz Events

    That actually made me laugh.Props.
  4. Statik (DayZ)

    Killed By Hacker - Stuff Away! Can I Have It Back?

    Makes sense. I didnt even put it on. I was under the impression it was for SP games only.
  5. Statik (DayZ)

    Dayz Atmosphere

    I would love to see things like a collection of people who died in a church, people who died on a bench, hanging themselves, etc, etc.
  6. Statik (DayZ)

    Killed By Hacker - Stuff Away! Can I Have It Back?

    Cheat engine doesn't really make you a cheater. It's mostly used for SP games.I have cheat engine on my PC, and I don't hack. I'm actually not sure it even works on Multiplayer in games.
  7. Statik (DayZ)

    Ear Damage

    Ok, you tell my 77 year old grandfather to wear ear protection. Let me know how it goes. I'm just saying you don't need ear protection for smaller weapons.
  8. Statik (DayZ)


    Only if they're sick already...
  9. Statik (DayZ)

    Dayz Deathmatch

    Then avoid it. It's extremely easy to stay away from KoSers. "I ran across the highway and got hit by a speeder. Stop him!"
  10. Statik (DayZ)

    Shot On Sight

    Use the search function. Extremely difficult to put in, and wouldn't work at all.
  11. Statik (DayZ)

    Ear Damage

    I'm not talking about people firing things such as 249s. I'm talking about other rifles, shotguns etc.No ear protection was worn.
  12. Statik (DayZ)

    Remove Slow Vault Or "step Over".

    It would look extremely weird to be creeping along, only to do a dashing jump over a fence.
  13. Statik (DayZ)

    Suggestion: Server Option For Mic Always On

    No. The slurping of Mtn Dew and crunching of Cheetos will infuriate me.
  14. Statik (DayZ)

    Spraypaint Glitched My Mosin Away

    Report it? Don't post it here.
  15. Statik (DayZ)

    Ear Damage

    I don't see there being a way to realistically implement this, seeing as I know people who have fired loud guns all their lives, and hear fine. Maybe if something extremely loud (e.g. 249, PKM, etc) was added and fired too close to someone, they could experience a ringing of the ears, and eventually loss of hearing all together. No, I didn't get this idea from ACE... Not at all...
  16. Statik (DayZ)

    Lag or Hacks

    The first story sounds like it's most likely lag, but the second story sounds a tad fishy..
  17. Statik (DayZ)

    protective cases should be,,,,, protective

    It's not a bullet proof case. Like said above it protects from the elements, and they're usually designed to also protect from your general banging (i.e. scratches, bumps, dropping, etc.).
  18. Statik (DayZ)

    Survivor d20's

    Please explain what D20's, and D6 die loot is...
  19. Statik (DayZ)

    Do you save your loot? or spend it when you can?

    I remember back last year, I found my first AS50. I hauled ass to the nearest town, got lucky and found a tent, placed it in the shittiest spot ever, and threw it in, hoping to conserve it's lifespan... It was gone within a few hours. I still try to save my goodies though.
  20. Statik (DayZ)


    They're comparing it to other games which are mindless shooters, with no depth, story, progression, or challenge. DayZ is the opposite of that. Hense the clear opposition against the rather poor idea of game modes.
  21. Statik (DayZ)


    Well if you go to the coast, most cities offer a "free for all" gamemode.. Does that count...?
  22. Statik (DayZ)

    Crafting a ghillie suit

    Say hello to my hot pink ghillie suit.
  23. Statik (DayZ)

    My Character is Obese and has Diabeetus...

    You're going to burn a lot of calories. And one "You drank water from the pond" seems to be equivalent to 1 sip.
  24. Statik (DayZ)

    A rusty plane.

    Chernarus is too small for planes. Not to mention it would just be hoarded.
  25. Statik (DayZ)

    Bring back the "lone survivor" play style

    I'm just giving SA time to run it's course. I've put nearly 40 hours into it, and it's getting try. The lack of recent updates have worn the game out for me. Bugs have been addressed, problems noted. I'm just taking a hiatus until the game reaches further into development, until it hopefully reaches the desired stage you're talking about.