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Statik (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Statik (DayZ)

  1. Statik (DayZ)

    Aggro range

    Zombies are just people. Their sense of smell is not heightened.
  2. Statik (DayZ)

    New Camos?

    Lets get some CADPAT up in this bitch.
  3. Statik (DayZ)

    My first wallpaper

    Nice work, but personally, I'd rather see it with the characters clear.
  4. Statik (DayZ)

    Dayz Calendar?

    Im not sure if you're legally allowed to make and resell something like that. You might want to check with the DayZ staff first.
  5. Statik (DayZ)

    Amputations in Dayz

    There's quite the difference between a post apocalyptic situation, and mid-evil times.
  6. Statik (DayZ)

    Amputations in Dayz

    I dont think spraying disinfectant on an open wound will help more than hinder. In a real apocalypse, recovering from an amputation is practically impossible. And like suggested above, "bandits" would just cut off both arms, and tell you to have a nice day.
  7. Statik (DayZ)

    Rain makeing you bleed

    Acid rain.
  8. Statik (DayZ)

    Reloading Estimation Instead of Exact Number

    I like how ACE tell you "the magazine feels full, light, medium, etc"
  9. Statik (DayZ)

    stun grenades/flashbangs

    Flashbang a have more that just magnesium. They also have VERY LITTLE, and exact amounts of contents. Filling a can with magnesium and sticking a fuse in it would be similar to sticking a gas covered rag into a crate of dynamite and calling it a hand grenade,
  10. Statik (DayZ)

    stun grenades/flashbangs

    Your local PD/SWAT style team should have flash bangs, as far as I'm concerned at least. Granted, this has been suggested a multitude of times. I like it. I just don't like seeing it 10 times over
  11. Can you see your HUD/access your gear in the dark?
  12. Statik (DayZ)

    How long before we get another map?

  13. Statik (DayZ)

    Making the Machete more of a "Machete"

    In the mod it's a 2 hand sword. In the standalone, it's a butter knife. Go figure.
  14. Statik (DayZ)


    Yeah, like an actual cleaning, or a compressed air can to the external vents. It's happened to me, where the fans get fucked, and stop working on GPUs. etc, then it just shits the bed.
  15. Statik (DayZ)

    Railway pump cart

    I don't know if you've ever used one, but getting it up to 50km/h is not very likely, nor remotely safe.
  16. Statik (DayZ)


    Did you clean your PC out? Are all the fans working on your CPU/GPU? Do you have any external case fans? What are your temps?
  17. Statik (DayZ)

    Should my AMD FX6350 be running at 78* Celsius

    Goodness, how cold do you keep your house?
  18. Statik (DayZ)

    our map isnt "small" its not "balanced"

    Well in reality, larger town/cities would be closer to the coast, as that's a more logical location. However, the simple addition of more lootspawns/attractions in the center map and NE will draw the player population across those location, so instead of having players along the coast, and NWAF, you have players along the coast, center map, and NEAF.
  19. Statik (DayZ)

    Toxic fumes surrounding military bases?

    Well, there isn't really a realistic way to implement this.
  20. I had played Operation Flashpoint way back when, and I'd also played ArmA 2 before. I then purchased ArmA 2 back when I heard about DayZ in the end of May/beginning of June of 2012. I've probably put over 1500 hours into ArmA 2, and DayZ mod since then, so I've had my fair share of time playing the mod in the past few years. I gave the A3 version a shot around its initial release, but it was just too buggy for me, and the A2 version was leaps and bounds ahead, so I never really put any time into the ArmA 3 version.
  21. Statik (DayZ)

    our map isnt "small" its not "balanced"

    It's the player distribution. Major towns, are all along the coast, which hold the highest concentration of players, then the other highest concentration is the NWAF. Middle map, northern map, eastern, and North Eastern map hold little value to your typical players, as there is a very low concentration of loot, meaning the players are not evenly distributed across the map, making it seem smaller than it actually is.
  22. Statik (DayZ)

    Toxic fumes surrounding military bases?

    You keep changing on us. First you said a gas that surrounds military structures/locations, now you're talking about the infection spore itself, and how it surrounds zombies? No gas, or airborn spore, will stick in a designated shape when placed in an open area. So whether it's some "experiment gone wrong" or whether it's emitted by flies, it will settle into the earth and into the ecosystem. You should also make a decision of what you want it to be, saying it could be a chemical weapon, or the virus strand itself, are on opposite ends of the spectrum, and will play out in very different ways, as your character is immune to the zombie virus.
  23. Statik (DayZ)

    Need to Contact the team.

    We have RAZ0R locked in a small shed with nothing bug a rug, computer, and infinite supply of cottage cheese. You're never getting to him.