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Statik (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Statik (DayZ)

  1. You'll be fine. Worry not.
  2. It's been utterly amazing. I was playing it last night, and I was reminiscing on the old days. Prime and I huddling around the fire (as seen above) in a futile attempt to find some sort of heli on Skalitsky (worst idea ever), shitting my pants when I found a vest pouch, spending half the night using roads to try to find out way throughout the map, attempting to stick together in the dense fog. I was extremely happy to find my Patrol pack, and nearly pissed my pants when I found my hunting knife (know my favorite tool in the game, along with matches). This is what DayZ used to be like. This is what DayZ is about. Server is still fairly fresh, and there's plenty to do, and no clan has some huge advantage (hell, I've been playing for 2 days, and still can't find a compass). This is what DayZ is about. Come join us.
  3. Statik (DayZ)

    Low FPS on DayZ+Epoch on Laptop

    Double post.
  4. Statik (DayZ)

    Low FPS on DayZ+Epoch on Laptop

    1) ArmA eats frames 2) DayZ Eats Frames more 3) If the frame eating combo of DayZ + Vanilla arma fucked, and had a baby, you would get the frame eating power of DayZ Epoch. 4) Your laptop is low(er) end 5) Unoptimized games devour lowered end machines, nevermind laptops. Be happy with 20-30fps.
  5. You fuckin copy cat. You'll pay for this.
  6. Statik (DayZ)

    With standalone approaching.... AIRPLANES

    There is no teaching people how to fly in the SA, you're a survivor, not a know it all. Nobody can jump in a plane with 0 experience and just fly around and land, it's ridiculous.And of planes were on two servers that would NOT work, as those servers would be swarmed and the vehicles would be griefed/hidden to all Jesus.
  7. Statik (DayZ)

    With standalone approaching.... AIRPLANES

    Flying a plane is NOTHING like driving a vehicle, you can't compare the two. I think air vehicles have no place in the SA.
  8. Statik (DayZ)

    Goodbye Dayz Mod 1140 hrs of Time Well Spent :)

    Random BF4 gameplay...? For the win..?
  9. Statik (DayZ)

    "Official" Site kit? Or bank of digital assets

    Nothing official, but we do have a screenshot thread containing a metric shit ton of screenies, and there is a bit of fan art out there too, some of it is fantastic as well.
  10. Statik (DayZ)

    exstensive list of suggestions for SA

    Things like seasons, bigger map, and character development are completely undo able at this stage. I also fail to see why we need things like condoms, weed, pink handcuffs, halo jumping, etc. And there has been extensive discussion on why we don't need things such as .50's, defecation system, and spray painting.
  11. Statik (DayZ)

    Need to know if this is a good computer?

    I'd say get the i7-4930x, 4 GTX Titans (quad-sli crossfire), and another 8GB of RAM. Oh, and a 1TB SSD. But really, you should be able to get an okay FPS (things like your keyboard, and optical drives won't affect your FPS.)
  12. Statik (DayZ)

    your near death moments

  13. Statik (DayZ)

    Quick update for 19 November 2013

    I'm reading this on November 18th. Fuck the system.
  14. I had a slight ping of hope that it was vanilla. is it epoch? Or like Balota Buddies factions server (pay for admin built bases, etc)
  15. Statik (DayZ)

    [SA] Clean HUD suggestions

    I agree. I hope the HUDs we've been seeing are just placeholders.
  16. Statik (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod - who still plays?

    Back in June 2012 a friend told me about it. The next day I watched devildoggamers first episode, shit my pants, bought it and have never looked back. Like Flux said, I've been playing other games lately, but I always fall back to DayZ.
  17. Statik (DayZ)

    your near death moments

    I called my Mom a name once.
  18. Statik (DayZ)

    Female Skins.

    Playing a certain version of a game just to play with a certain skin?
  19. Statik (DayZ)

    [SA]Trees with moss

    This is not completely accurate. It could be cool to have it on some trees, but moss in fact will grow all the way around a tree, on south side, etc, etc.
  20. Statik (DayZ)

    proper turning animations (sa)

    The animations will all be redone in SA.
  21. Statik (DayZ)

    Hetstaine in Standalone confirmed

    It's your lucky day. I live on a farm.
  22. Statik (DayZ)

    Hetstaine in Standalone confirmed

  23. Statik (DayZ)

    Anyone doing Overlays for dayz?

    What do you mean overlays? I presume you mean custom debug monitors?
  24. Statik (DayZ)

    minding the child

    If I got beans every time if killed someone in DayZ, I'd surpass Fraggle.