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Everything posted by jayhamilton96

  1. No problem what so ever, Accepted! Welcome Moose, cya on teamspeak!
  2. Welcome to, Frytek, Serova, Hankfleck217. Hop on TS @ Poke or message me and i will get you guys all involved. Thankyou for applying!
  3. Haha nice one, accepted. Cya on teamspeak!
  4. Sounds good, accepted. Jump on TS and poke me and i'll get you involved when everybody is on. Welcome:)
  5. Hey, im Hamilton. I recently split from a community which i am sad to be leaving. and now looking for new clan/group/community to play with. I am a experienced DayZ player and i know what im doing and can follow orders when required and be independent also. Ideally im looking for a clan that play different games aswell such as Minecraft, Payday2 + more. But i am definitely looking for some good game time on DayZ. Im a 18 year old lad from the UK, i mostly play DayZ Vanilla & Overwatch but havent tried many of the mods but i am willing to give them a go. Skype is: jayhamilton96 Thankyou edit: no longer searching for a group and decided to stay lone wolf, for now
  6. Sounds good, read my apply above your post for more info! Welcome - accepted
  7. Accepted buddy welcome to SA. See you in teamspeak soon just poke me when you're on and i'll introduce you and get you involved with the guys! That goes for all new players!
  8. Just a quick recap, the community is going very well. We now have over 10 active DayZ players we have found a home server, setup a epic camp. Also we have mini clan wars within the server against rival clans and its good fun. We still need members to join us! We have bambis and experienced players so still accepting both! Thankyou to all players who joined and looking forward to the potential new members joining us soon.. bump
  9. Accepted bro, jump on teamspeak and join in on the DayZ fun! You can run with our squad.
  10. jayhamilton96

    Looking for a Clan

    Check us out mate over @ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/146808-smokin-aces-brand-new-community-looking-for-members-and-staff/
  11. Accepted mate, jump in teamspeak with the lads @
  12. Both accepted, jump on teamspeak for some DayZ as soon as you can!
  13. Check us out dude, we welcome new players, experienced, we have a good mixture, we can all learn from each other. Will be good to have you along check us out @ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/146808-smokin-aces-brand-new-community-looking-for-members-and-staff/
  14. jayhamilton96

    Where are all of the proper clans?

    Check us out, active, friendly, mature and tactical group of DayZ players: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/146808-smokin-aces-brand-new-community-looking-for-members-and-staff/
  15. Check us out, we have many US members aswell as people from Great Britain and Ireland, we are all very active and tactital. We have many mature members over the age of 20 and one guy 44 years old he won't mind me saying :P we also have two guys under the age of 16, both very mature. Would be good to have you along Check out our thread @ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/146808-smokin-aces-brand-new-community-looking-for-members-and-staff/
  16. accepted, see you in TeamSpeak!