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Everything posted by jayhamilton96

  1. 1 - There is a Day & Night cycle at GMT -2 2 - Yes crosshairs & nameplates. 3 - By bandit camps not sure if you mean NPC or the Bandit Trader, if any of those. Yes to both.
  2. Introducing our new Clan Warfare Epoch Server for clan and team based warfare, or if you wish independent. SERVER TRAILER VID >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOwEU0d8MT8&feature=youtu.be With many scripts and add-ons to maximize playing experience, server will be populated by our already formed clans Smokin' Aces, HaVoC, Armifera, apex, Ninja & The Unforgiven; which will mean usually a constant 15+ player populated server and at peak times (late evening) around 15-20+. All of which are rival clans, if you and your group would like the come tackle the world just log in and join the fight, or if you want to be independent and in the middle of all the warfare that's great too! Anybody who uses the server is allowed access to the server TeamSpeak where you can start up our own Clan Group Channels and passworded rooms. Our Server Content: Content: -Lift/Tow -AutoRefuel -Extra Loot -SupplyDropMissions -SafezoneTraders -AddedWeapons -NPCMilitaryBases -Bridge2Skalisty -SelfBloodBag -ClearRoads -TakeClothes -DebugMonitor -StreetLights -MilitaryBases -ClanUniqueSkins -CustomBuildings -VehicleStripping -AddedBarracks/Hospitals /Firestation/Supermarkets & more! Run by experienced DayZ/ArmA admins, our aim is to create a fun and fair environment. Also adding competitive competition for those who thrive under that. Server restarts every 3 hours! if you are wanting to play alone or bring your own clan into the server we welcome this immensely! Server TeamSpeak : clanwarfare.clants.net The server is open to anyone, Survivors - Groups - Clans - Bandits - Heros - Lone Wolves Cya in game! Thankyou
  3. jayhamilton96

    Dark Angels Community (setting up squads)

    Best of luck Owen.
  4. No no pal, sorry i didnt reply to your application. Accepted, everything is good. Cya in teamspeak, sorry for the confusion.
  5. Aha no problem buddy, welcome. Accepted