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Everything posted by jayhamilton96

  1. apex Gaming DayZ Epoch Base Building/Clan Warfare Clan. apex Gaming have been around for 2 months and we've expanded rapidly even into getting our own server along other clans which we all play on and fight to become the #1 clan on the server. We are currently recruiting and on the look for some fresh faces to join us and help us in the fight to fortify our base and become the dominate force in the server. The server has many scripts and add-ons to maximize teamwork and team based warfare. Making it more enjoyable to play in a team or a group then a regular server. The competition is high and we look to make that even better. We are friendly, multi national group with many members from the US and a few from the UK, we are a tight nip bunch and always open to new faces to join us. We currently dont have many requirements but it is essential that you speak English and you have a microphone and headset, we have no age requirements but just ask for mature level headed people. If you seek anymore information simply add me on Skype and i'll give you all the information you need regarding the clan, server and teamspeak. Skype: jayhamilton96 You can find our more about our server HERE We look forward to seeing your responses.
  2. In what way did you help me apart from accusing me and being disrespectful 24/7.
  3. Ok so i have my mission and server pbo's which worked a dream with, i cannot seem to get my scripts working on the new patch and have no idea where to start when making my mission compatible with the new patch. I have -Autorefuel-Debug Monitor-Take Clothes-Street Lights-Self Bloodbag-Vehicle Stripping-Clear Roads-Custom Map-Safezone Traders-Custom Starting Loadout-Custom Map Markers-NPC Military Bases-Bridge to Skalisty-Added Towns If anybody could help me make all my scripts work and make it compatible with the new patch i will be more then happy to pay/donate! If anyone can help message me on skype. Skype: jayhamilton96
  4. Appreciate it gwraspe, hope to see you in ts soon.
  5. You did not leave Viney, you got banned. You were all power hungry and i acted as i should. The server was fine before you came and its fine now, we still get around 30-40 people per day without fail. The fact that running a server is hard and you cannot please everyone was not good enough for you. You always thought you were above everybody else and everyone was sick of it, plus the fact half of your members became seriously disrespectful towards me and others. Don't know why you cant drop it and move on and look elsewhere. You still feel its necessary to come back and try shoot us down seeing as you feel sorry for yourself. Slate my server all you want, your opinion is not relevant. Im mature enough person to just ignore it and not slate back, pathetic viney, even your own members used to complain to me about your leadership. Post elsewhere your not welcome here anymore. Join the server and see for yourself.
  6. Darker you donut, these are with us promote your server else where, our epoch server is the place you wanan be #1