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Everything posted by VtotheJ

  1. if he did have that much ammo your correct he had very little room for anything that will help keep him alive in a bad situation... but he learned his lesson that next time when all he has is sniping equip not to move his spot and check a hot loot spawn with a fuckin mosin. :)
  2. I have a great situation where my girl is in law school and when shes doing work or just chillin i always take advantage and play dayz. She now understand the concept of dayz and how to play it but she wont try it .. for the girls responding here how do i make the transition to have her play the game now and not sit there and watch me anymore?? isnt this game more fun to play anyways than watch? #HELP!
  3. always protect yours in dayz.
  4. this post is pointless. because you posted this i am search for you tonight just to chop you up with my machete.
  5. VtotheJ

    The new logout system is bad. Very, very bad.

    To the OP if you see this... Its a damn alpha and HAS TONS OF WARNINGS BEFORE YOU JOIN A SERVER !!! Chill the fuck out and remember the first rule of Day-Z. NEVER EVER, get attached to your gear. And dont log out close to towns anymore, all the devs are saying to not do that right now so just listen and dont try and take things into your own hands until they fix the issue. RELAX ITS AN ALPHA !!!
  6. VtotheJ

    If you like dying, come to BEREZINO.

    Can you please tell me the server you play in... my team will love to meet you guys being a holes to random people... hate players like you that identify as being good and then do stuff like that.
  7. VtotheJ

    Painting The Mosin

    no as long as you have paint in the can it will paint it black or green doesnt matter about the percentages left in the can.
  8. VtotheJ

    M4 Handguard

    This is the correct way... its a glitch that they have yet to fix but you can only swap them... meaning if you are colelcting stuff for an M4 that you dont have yet and you find one on an m4 you can not remove it... Its been like that for a while now and they havent fixed it yet. guess its not priority .
  9. VtotheJ

    Ballistic Vest Spawn

    i found one not knowing it was that rare and gave it to my teammate... i just have bad luck wearing black things in this game, i always get gunned down by a pack of bandits.
  10. VtotheJ

    Painting The Mosin

    I am always on and playing dayz.. add me on steam: Sly201 and whenever you want to play we can... ill introduce you to my german teammates they are very knowledgable about the game and we love helping people like yourself or your friends... we protect in massive groups... so just let me know when your ready and good luck to you...
  11. VtotheJ

    Painting The Mosin

    you can paint the m4 but its different. you have to spray paint the parts seperately than the body of the gun. I had an all green M4 except the scopr and bipod can not be painted green... m4 does not have the camo feature and i dont think it will as in the mod they had reg m4s and camo m4s which makes me think they will do the same but prob cant spray paint them camo yet.
  12. VtotheJ

    Choose your Logout Locations Wisely

    Server rental rates right now are ridiculous. not even worth it if you pay yourself and you dont have a clan or sponsor. How bout this one, dont server hop or combat log and you'd never have to worry about the timeout
  13. VtotheJ

    Painting The Mosin

    @DaMaakus... you should think about joining my team and playing with my friends... 3 americans and 3 germans. message me if interested.. good luck
  14. VtotheJ

    Painting The Mosin

    They fixed that glitch... so spray paint away... The mosin with the camo paint and fully loaded looks like a bad ass gun and is very powerful (compared to m4 and sks) s
  15. Hello All, I know i seem to not be the most credible on this forums cause of my lack of posts but i have been playing the mod for about 2 years and of course been playing the standalone since it has come out. After downloading the update yesterday i came across a burlap sack with my two friends. I put it on my head to see what would happen, my screen went completely black. I did not freak out as a lot of you guys have been doing so. I asked my friends to see if they could take it off and nothing, i then launched my inventory and was able to right click on the burlap sack and my char was able to remove it from my head. I know i have been reading a lot about these crazy ways of getting it off but yesterday it just took a right click in order to remove it, this was the first and only time i tried it so i dont know if this just glitched for me or if this is how to remove it from now on. I just feel bad cause i see a lot of you experiementing when these new updates come out and we all get screwed with our good gear characters. I am always down to play and if anyone wants to link up with my team PM ME... thanks and hope this helpeed a little.
  16. VtotheJ

    Regarding Burlap Sack on head

    well with the new stuff to prevent combat logging hopefully my team and I can do it... we have tried for the past couple days and everyone keeps logging off once we corner them. But that has been our goal to handcuff someone, put the bag on their head, and make them walk with us somewhere to show other people in the server we have a hostage !!!
  17. VtotheJ

    Painting The Mosin

    wow this is very interesteding and i havent seen this happen with myself or my team.... I spray painted my mosin yesterday the exact way you did it and it worked fine (found SKS so i ditched it lol) ... have you tried another server or running from the spot your in? sounds like a weird glitch... i had a camo mosin yesterday as well as we tested it on my team members M4. everything was green on the M4 except the scope and bipod.. hope someone can help but i would try a diff server
  18. VtotheJ

    my first oh s#@t moment

    been playing the mod for years and the SA for as long as its been out... no matter which one i play my hair still stands up on my arms when im startled esp if im traveling alone without the team.
  19. VtotheJ

    Questions Greyscreen

    Hey CJFLINT, i know a lot of people have posted external links... here is one more that is written and published by a credible website... read this and you will never be cofused again by what your character is doing or the colors present on your screen. hope this link helps: http://dayzdb.com/guide/59-how-to-get-the-healinghealthy-status
  20. VtotheJ

    my first oh s#@t moment

    he is just messing with you... hahaha :D
  21. VtotheJ

    Regarding Burlap Sack on head

    Yeah i believe this was in the update yesterday but I have seen many people still on these forums freaking out. I know its very obvious to try what i just explained but i figured since it didnt work before people were not able to take it off. The right click now works !!!!
  22. VtotheJ

    Choose your Logout Locations Wisely

    Yeah this is going to happen now with the new update to prevent combat loggers and server hoppers ... you need to log out in a safe area and give ample time from your last item you picked up... you can think your logging out in the woods but the game will put you in the middle of a town if you log out right after looting... We are all learning the hard way but finally they put something in to stop combat logging.
  23. VtotheJ

    my first oh s#@t moment

    Doesn't matter any more cause of the update... no more combat loggers :D .... To the OP, you would make the developers smile right now cause thats what they want you to feel, feel like its real life and jump!!!! If you need help get accustomed to the game and want a team to help you out just message me i love helping new bambis!!! Cheers mate!
  24. VtotheJ

    bullet ricochet?

    I tested this this weekend. My friend shot a mosin round at me on the ground and it ricocheted off the ground and hit me... i lost blood but do not know exactly how much, i did need a saline bag afterwards and i had full health before the shot... It def does work but i dont know whats the exact damage it takes away though.
  25. my friends and i incorporate something into our tactics when playing dayz that might help you sleep at night... KoS, just think about how pissed you would be if she killed you just for being nice... I ask and give warning shots as well but geared up chars get no love cause i care too much about my character and him not dying... hope this helps a little