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Bumble - RMG MEDIC!

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Everything posted by Bumble - RMG MEDIC!

  1. Bumble - RMG MEDIC!

    Day Z etiquette

    Don't point your gun at people, especially your friends. Misfires can happen and friendly fire is always on. Always stop the bleeding first then administer further aid. Any stranger you meet in game will likely just try to kill you. It's fun to throw smokes and flares at unaware survivors! :D Find some good folks to game with and your overall game-play experience will improve, though lone wolf style is fun too. If you're ever need medical aid, fill out a quick RMA form and help will be on the way!
  2. Bumble - RMG MEDIC!

    How do I get a nvg

    Fastest way is to join a good team. I'm sitting on half a dozen nvgs spread out across a few servers, and that's just my personal stash. :D
  3. Bumble - RMG MEDIC!

    Putting the Good Stuff in OUR Hands

    I'll chime in here with some of my stats. I've played medic for maybe 20+ survivors, and only ever encountered one questionable guy. This one guy kept requesting tier one items, then got butthurt when I called him out for being a dummy. Turns out he was just some dumb guy messing with me, never shot me though! Everyone else has been very polite and thankful. Some even give me tips, others want to tag along and be part of something. Zombies and bandits make this game fun and challenging, but mature gaming is what makes Day Z such a success. Bumble RatedMGaming.com
  4. Bumble - RMG MEDIC!

    Atlanta 72 Down for good?

    Atl72 lets me in, but it's laggy as all hell as of this post. http://arma2.swec.se/server/data/252883
  5. Bumble - RMG MEDIC!

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Crispyglock, GhostStalker, was a pleasure to meet you. Can't believe you guys actually lived with blood at 200/185. They usually tag me in the head first shot. :x Anyone else in need of medical aid is welcome to fill out an easy form and the eyes at RMG will see it. We are lucky number 13 on the whitelist!
  6. Bumble - RMG MEDIC!

    Could use some morphine by Berezino./ Polana

    ABRAHAM!!! seen any crossbow bolts recently? ;) I know this topic is a few weeks old, but if you ever need any help in the future, please don't hesitate to contact the guys at RatedMGaming.com! We're into teamplay and running medic missions. Check us out! Oh and BTW, don't ever follow anyone named Eugene anywhere, especially if he has a mullet. Just trust me. :D <3 TWD
  7. Bumble - RMG MEDIC!

    Abusive admins FR62

    Can proof be found in the server's logs? How exactly does one prove things like this have occurred? Anybody got a link to the thread where they talk about that?
  8. Bumble - RMG MEDIC!

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I've run across the telltale heartbeat on a patient a few times now, and always administered medical care regardless. I questioned even my own actions until I realized that maybe my actions will show them that the game can be played without being a dick. Also, because Rocket and them are still messing around, the heartbeat could just mean you are looking at a good guy who's put down a lot of bad guys.
  9. Bumble - RMG MEDIC!

    Ghillie Suits

    Never been dropped from the sky, but one time I wore a ghillie suit and somehow from aborting to the lobby and coming back my body was duplicated just slightly off the ground, and I was able to access my own duplicated backpack. I went from 3 antibiotics to 6. :D
  10. Bumble - RMG MEDIC!

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    So I've rescued a good handful of folks at this point and I've come across an issue for which I would like some advise. What do you medics do when you get to the patient and you hear the telltale heartbeat? I've half a mind to tell them to start their own medic group on their bandit campfire. But then again I think that if I show player to player kindness by patching up the bandit in a gilly-suit, maybe a seed of change will be planted. I just hope the soil is fertile.
  11. Bumble - RMG MEDIC!

    Number and Function Keys

    This game is jam packed with button binds, and some buttons having multiple functions. So please explain to me why we cannot use 1-0 or F1 and so forth. Seems like pretty valuable real estate on the keyboard, so it doesn't make sense that pressing those keys actually makes it so you are stuck in some irrelevant menu. What gives?
  12. Bumble - RMG MEDIC!


    For trustworthy aid, please go to http://ratedmgaming.enjin.com/helpme register and fill out the RMA form. Our praise has been sung is the main medical aid thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=4581
  13. Bumble - RMG MEDIC!

    Is it possible to trust?

    YES. It is possible to trust. However you must understand the bigger picture and know that most players will just kill you, usually on sight but sometimes behind your back after you team up. Trust is something that is not easy to earn but super easy to lose. Good luck and have fun out there.
  14. Bumble - RMG MEDIC!

    Introduce yourselves

    Hi everyone! Nice to ~meet you. I am thoroughly enjoying this mod so much I doubt I'll ever play Arma2. The learning curve on Day Z is so extreme and the play styles so limitless. Almost every player in game is out to kill you and fewer still want to team up with strangers. After having a broke leg for hours and posting on the forums and getting saved by Brian @ RMG, I've teamed up with him and also become a roving medic, dying frequently but saving others is so fun! -bumble http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197966520808
  15. Beginners start ignorant to the game's mechanics and glitches, and in learning how to play lies all the fun. Taking the pistol away should help the lone newcomers to understand that the zombies are to be played with and out smarted. The gameplay is ultimately PvP and zombies are just the silver lining. The challenging learning curve and freedom of play style in the open world is what lures me. We all figure out tricks to make it easier and more fun, some taking that to the extreme: http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=21711&page=2
  16. Bumble - RMG MEDIC!

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Brian @ RMG and I have started to form a roving medic squad. He rescued me and we have since helped save DarkFnh and mashiara. If you want to be rescued, you better be online on Steam, Skype and this forum. Post as much info as possible. Don't expect rescue in a major city, crawl out. Drop your weapons, no funny stuff. Stay put and don't look in our packs. We will fire upon you. Please also give credit after the save. Thanks Dr. Wasteland MD and pzrapnbeast for starting this good karma generator. I look forward to running a mission with you guys one day. -bumble aka hugs http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197966520808
  17. Bumble - RMG MEDIC!

    Goal: Escape from Chernarus

    Maybe instead of "winning", whatever event with prereqs could trigger other events on the map to occur and given enough time, reoccur. Events like triggering the release of multiple large roving zombie packs which must all be cleared. Or perhaps a battleship will pull up off coast and NPC SEAL teams could establish a beachhead with military hospital, advanced loot drops etc.
  18. Agreed. This 1 hit = broken leg is BS, especially with zombies being the speed hacking, wall hacking, noclippers that they are. Is morphine found in only 3 spots on the entire map? I've been stuck in Zeleno for over a day checking the same grocery store on every server and found zero morphine injects. I like the suggestions so far for putting this back into balance. What if only the crawlers' and hoppers' attacks could break legs if you are standing? Zeds should also disarm you occasionally too. break an arm bone instead. zombies need a move where they grab you, and you have to melee them or they bite you until you do so.
  19. Bumble - RMG MEDIC!

    Beyond Banditry. F*ck'em. I win.

    Wow, you guys are awesome and I wish there were more Day Z survivors like you. Man, if you had picked ME up in that jeep, you would have had a friend for life. WTF kind of mentally deficient sadist would do otherwise?! FFS. These banditos need to get a real ass whooping. I was sniped in a rural field just north of the noob coast for no reason, while completely unarmed. I could tell who ever it was that shot me was a total loser cuz it took him a dozen shots to kill me. Lesson learned: don't run around in fields with no close by cover. Tell me where to go, and I will eventually meet up with you and help you with some serious pay back missions.
  20. Bumble - RMG MEDIC!

    Need new friend, and fast!

    Hello to all you survivors out there! I'm sorta new to the game and in dire need of a friend. Maybe you are too? And I'm not looking for just any friend. I need someone willing to trek over to Zeleno with a morphine injector. For this act of kindness, you will have earned my trust (for the most part) and I will then seek to earn yours. I'm currently seeking medic support on Dr. Wasteland MD's thread, but I will happily cancel that request if a friendly shows up first. Thank you, Huggy the Bumbler http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197966520808
  21. Bumble - RMG MEDIC!

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    WTH, your leg fixed itself? I wish mine would hurry up and do that. not sure why i need morphine now anyway as i've crawled so far for so long it's stupid. I need that morphine inject in Zeleno if possible. Can offer a tent for compensation. Please PM, asap. Steam search isn't helping. edit: Brian @ RMG saved the day for me! He made the long trek to me and thankfully brought a spare morphine injector because we aggro'd some zed and sure enough, one hit broken leg again, his turn and I quickly returned the favor. Zombies already do enough damage can knock you out and make you bleed out, AND they get to magically break your leg when they swat at you with their arms wide? IMBA and OP IMHO Bri and I are gathering more supplies and then likely heading back South to save some more survivors.