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Everything posted by Capercaillie

  1. Capercaillie

    Players going insane on too many player kills

    It's funny how your profile states you are 19 years old.....
  2. Capercaillie

    The hunter becomes the hunted (encounter)

    I know that feeling... ALWAYS, if you manage to get on someones trail and be ~100-200m away, ALWAYS, sneak up right behind them and THEN unleash hell. Empty a full magazine just to make sure. If you do it earlier, well OP can tell you what happens.. Anyways, nice story
  3. Capercaillie

    DayZ Stories

    This one goes out to Batari: Haven't played for over a week, so I log in. Was located somewhere NW of elektro, got my CZ550 ready. I scope in at the power station and see a horde of zombies eating some random dude. He just stays down, conscious, so he had his bones broken. Soon there is a message for a dead player, killed by the zombies. I start sneaking north, hoping to get a better view of the power station. as I hug the ground again and zoom in, I see a guy crawling towards the power station. He has an Alice-bag and he is armed with a pistol. He aggroes a zed, and escapes to the roof of the power station. He spots the loot pile I see too, seems to be an AK-47 with plenty of mags and some other stuff I can't recocnize from the distance. As he is looting the pile, I take aim and adjust the sights to 500m. My excuse will be that I have very little experience on shooting mechanics in ArmA2... As Bataris head is correctly aligned with my cz550 crosshair, I squeeze the trigger, and half a second later the server sadly announces "Batari was killed" Batari, you died as a medium distance target. I still have no regrets. I hope next time we meet, it will be face to face. That was my first murder "for nothing", I really did need some practice with what comes to the bullet/ballistic/weapon etc.. mechanics in ArmA. Ps. a few minutes later, I saw a character climbing the same ladder up again. It was batari, trying to get his gear. He sure tried
  4. Capercaillie

    Sugestion: Heart beats attracts zombies.

    your heart doesn't beat unless you are near a bandit...? Ok. Have you been to many situations, where you go near another player, so close you hear that "louder" heartbeat, and then just simply walked away? I mean, is the current amount of cooperation with bandits causing trouble?
  5. Capercaillie

    Choose gun or no gun on spawn

    OFF TOPIC POST: It shows that people can't mostly just adapt to the changes in this game (=play the game=survive) I thought that removing the guns would increase the average life-expectancy, after all, the makarov-wars at the beach were pretty common, and those 10 second lives sure pulled it down. It appears though, that people don't know how to prone, plan and be smart, they are so used to run&gun methods. Hence the 1 min decrease on average life expectancy
  6. Capercaillie

    Logical suggestion - Remove NVG?

    Great post man, great post. All I can say
  7. Capercaillie

    Bounty Hunters/Bounty System?

    well, so far it seems anyone could track a player with the "bandit tag"? This concept seems quite hard to imagine in day z since there are only survivors. There are actually no bandits. Any survivor will kill a fellow survivor if necessary for their own survival. Have yet to see a single player who would kill just for killing, not for loot. Back to the topic: lets look at the following line; now we assume there are 3 classes in the game: bandits-survivors-bountyhunters Here the weird part already is, since if everyone is ABLE to track a player who has a "bounty" on their head, there are no more bandits or survivors. There will just be opportunistic bounty-hunters == survivors. The concept would prolly stay the same as it is currently. shouldn't the bandit with bounty then have some kind of extra reward for killing ppl, since EVERYONE is after him, and knows where he is going? Making a few kills in self defence/just for them beanz would then practically mean you are dead meat really soon. I understand where you are going to with this suggestion, and it would be a good idea but in another game. IMO survival is enough objective for this game, so far atleast.
  8. Capercaillie

    Logical suggestion - Remove NVG?

    Talk about realism again, on a computer game forum.. "the game would be more realistic if xxx, yyy, zzz etc" Have you used many NVG's irl, so you know for sure how "rare" they are? How about military grade weapons, you have much experience, and know the ratio of weapons/NVG's in real life?
  9. Capercaillie

    Babies! (Well, society)

    I'd say, a nice reward for "having the baby" is to actually have twins: both the male character and female character now have a new skin, they will be carrying the baby in their arms, so no more 2-handed weapons. Also the baby will need food, care, warmth, shelter etc... Oh, and it randomly starts crying out loud. Lets not forget about the pregnant woman, they can be pretty demanding... I see how this adds "realism" to the game, yet another reason not to cheat on your right hand.
  10. Capercaillie


    Thread confirmed for 100% bullshit
  11. Capercaillie

    Bounty Hunters/Bounty System?

    Bandits do pretty much the same stuff as survivors, only difference is that when they encounter another player, they shoot instead of turning 540 degrees and walking away. What have you thought the "reward" system would be like, I mean what would you gain from killing bandits and who would give you that reward? And what if bandits, who most likely try to kill people they see, kill a bandit that has bounty on them? They get rewarded ofc..? seems like a very odd idea so far, (not judging you here), but I don't find it any fun being able to track other players in the map in a game like this.
  12. Capercaillie

    Bleeding Out-

    I lol'd so hard at this, +1 to your reply.. Also, op, you are the one here raging and shitposting. You are very negative towards people who give their opinion on your suggestions.
  13. Capercaillie

    Bleeding Out-

    Can I shoot you in the chest and we see how long it takes for it to dry up? +1
  14. Capercaillie


    yeh well we wouldn't necessarily "need" it but it would be a nice add-on for at least I would like to know how well I'm doing!
  15. Capercaillie

    "Non-combat" system for friendly identification

    Imho your idea has alot of potential! I'm sure it needs alot of enhancing' date=' but this could just be the right way to go. +1!! what...? "if you are not organized you can't survive" -You are wrong "There exist an ingame voice chat" -Direct communication is quite flawed at the moment (or that is how I've experienced) "you can still chat with them or use somthing like TS2, TS3, Ventrilo or Skype." -The "issue" we are discussing in 99% of these threads is NOT talking to your FRIENDS, the issue is communicating to STRANGERS (=people you DON'T know, who will not just randomly join your ventrilo server when they meet you) who WOULD possibly like to cooperate. The reason they will shoot-on-sight instead of cooperation is the massive lack of trust, and there is currently NO easy (well I guess it is never gonna be easy, but it could be easier) way to gain that trust.
  16. Capercaillie


  17. atleast I don't carry tin cans with me, and throwing a smoke, that would be wasting one getaway smoke imo. Second: you missed the point, if the intention is to find a cooperating player you are definitely not going to shoot (at) them, and tossing stuff at them would also probably scare them away.
  18. Capercaillie

    First Aid Kit

    "so it's cheap space wise but VERY expensive on materials" a really nice idea, and also that -^ shows this thing has potential!
  19. all of the above, when used to show that you are friendly, give the target the possibility to pull a clean shot against yourself except for direct of course, which doesn't (currently) properly work.. Think about it yourself, if you were alone in a situation where the question is about your life and you couldn't trust 90% of the people you see but you needed someone to cooperate with. What would you do, jump straight in front of a gun wielding stranger and salute him, sit down etc etc... Or would you rather perhaps whistle from your concealed position and see how he reacts? Of course, a working direct and no problemz, tho there will always be people without a mic. It is alot easier to just simply press one key to reveal your intentions, and after that type..
  20. I really see this as a nice idea. For those of you commenting against as "bandits would misuse it", well I don't think a bandit who rather whistles and reveals his location instead of squeezing the trigger is not a very good bandit.... And, bandits will "misuse" any system made to communicate, chats included. Thats just their thing, and I don't see a problem here. I do think that SOME kind of (larger scale) communication system is almost a must. Find a bettet counter-argument as this whistle system wouldn't (possibly) even be too hard to implement! It is definitely better than the salute animation, which is almost the same as holding a sign in front of your face "insert bullet here"
  21. Capercaillie

    justify your actions
