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Everything posted by Capercaillie

  1. Capercaillie

    Ban all Bandits!

    "this idea suuuuucks" Why? "your thread suuuuucks" Why? "i want my click back" If you feel that way, why were you retarded enough to click the "reply" button aswell? HURRDURRDERPADERPHEEEERRRRPITY DERP! It seems the community is just mostly shitposters, people with the mental age of 13, and overall "hurrduur look i am a master tr0llah wololol" Does someone really think it's funny to "troll" like this? Try to do something noteworthy, be it trolling or not, but THIS kind of shit is just plain pathetic..
  2. Capercaillie

    Ban all Bandits!

    I am very serious with my post. How do you know what Rocket thinks/does, unless you are Rocket yourself? Second, please give me something more than just a "NO" Why is that your opinion, are there some arguments behind it or is it just plain "NO" for the sake of "NO"? Actually, I'm starting to feel this "shout chat" thing would be the best system, or atleast better than side chat! I'm glad you could make something out of my OP! thanks for your opinion!
  3. Capercaillie

    Ban all Bandits!

    Well, perhaps if there was a possibility to hide the chat so that it wouldn't "annoy" your gameplay? I do kill because I have to. I cooperated a LOT with strangers back when we had side chat. I don't do that anymore, because I don't simply trust anyone! Some will still KOS ofc,it doesn't have a "cure" that will take it all away, and it shouldn't! But it will increase the cooperation, the teamwork and trust! I don't have a problem with the KOS, I'd just like to experience some more teamwork with other player I DON'T know!
  4. Capercaillie

    Ban all Bandits!

    You are right, I agree with all you are saying! I missed that one point, but still I find it is not a problem, nor does it need fixing. If people want to kill for fun, then so be it. They can play the game the way they like! Lack of ways to build trust is a problem IMO, and THAT needs fixing!
  5. Capercaillie

    Ban all Bandits!

    Hi Gregg! nowadays I always play with my friends: ventrilo, some cold beer and Day Z. GF seems to have some issues with it though.. It would still add something to the game if we were able to communicate with those other survivors we meet, instead of monitoring/killing them or watching them alt+f4 as they pop in front of us. about that "side channel: yeah because I can shout really loud" I take it as an argument about "realism", am I right? Can you also respawn after you die? I knew talking about these "end game" stuff would lead into derailing of the discussion. OFC it would be nice to have some extra things to do (eg. build your own base) but (considering it would require teamwork) it is still not going to be possible if the only legit solution when confronting another (unknown) player is kill kill kill.
  6. Capercaillie

    Ban all Bandits!

    Thank you for your immature and useless shitpost! I like the idea of the increased direct chat range, maybe that'd be a better option! Yeah, well I don't see how this relates to bringing back side chat or not? I totally understand your point of view, and I've had my experiences of these useless shitspeakers in global chats. But I found it little to not disturbing at all in Day Z, since there was a very small amount of it in side chat. Perhaps a possibility to "hide" the side chat if it becomes too annoying? Also the suggestion of increasing range of direct IS a good idea imo.
  7. Capercaillie

    Melee weapon durability and sharpening...

    Well, if you have a hatchet that has never been misused (hitting rocks etc..) it's really not necessary to sharpen it. Of course, it helps, but you can still easily chop wood even with a blunt hatchet. And I guess you're gonna have to kill A LOT of people/zombies to actually break your hatchet.
  8. Capercaillie

    some suggestions...

    browsing the forums on a mobile device, and couldn't see your text because it is bright yellow on a white background. Could you edit your post please, to be precise change the text color? :)
  9. Capercaillie


    if this was ever implemented, I'd probably feel I was watching some low-tier apocalyptic gore-porn film, not playing a zombie apocalypse survival game. Your idea is good, just maybe it doesn't fit the theme. Perhaps on some other game..?
  10. Capercaillie

    Balance of Power: Peaceable vs Bandits.

    I'm sure you are frustrated by bandits and all, and I'm confident you put alot time and effort on your post. Anyways, here are a few things you should give a look http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1522-please-read-before-posting/ Especially read the part about "using the search function" Your suggestion has been around for a while, in various forms (Need to drink whiskey after too many murders, player goes insane after too many murders etc etc..) Your suggestion is nothing new, and you are trying to solve a problem that does not exist (banditry). I too would like to see some more cooperation in this game, but as long as it is nearly impossible to build trust on a fellow survivor, I will rather put a bullet in the fellow survivors head (the more distance between us when i take the shot the better), than take the risk of dying because some trigger-happy guy with makarov.
  11. Capercaillie

    Simple Solution to Banditry

    One of my favorite things, is when some moron doesn't understand what I'm really saying, and then comes calling me an idiot simply because he couldn't figure out what he just read! By reading the earlier posts he would have realized that the sentence "This game is definitely dying" was SARCASM, as someone else claimed "this game is dying out because of bandits" or something alike. So I tossed in the statistic to prove that it is NOT dying. Well, I understand it is hard to tell sarcasm, especially if the first thing that pops in ones mind is calling the other an idiot instead of reading the post again and thinking what this guy is really talking about. Seriously, I read through my earlier post you quoted, and to me it appears that either you read only a small part of it and went full retard with shit talk, or else you actually are a little mentally challenged.
  12. Capercaillie

    Simple Solution to Banditry

    Yes, I agree with that, sorry but your "I cannot argue with you because you were inb4 me apparantly" confused me as I thought you were disagreeing, and said so coz you couldn't think of an argument. I'm apparently not the only one spitting out shit sentences here you know... But yeah, SIDE CHAT ftw!
  13. Capercaillie

    Simple Solution to Banditry

    The problem with these threads is that they start looking for the solution in the wrong place. Banditry is not a problem, lack of trust is. Why? There is no real way to communicate with fellow players to gain that trust. I trust my 1911 more than I trust the direct chat, and when it comes down to the situation where you and me stare in each others in the eye, I'm not gonna start typing "I'm friendly, don't shoot". Your brains will be decorating the wall before you know it. Ways of showing you are friendly include -direct chat at an unknown range, with the possibility it doesn't even work. (someone catches you typing = "insert bullet here") -lowering your weapon which makes you practically say "insert bullet here" -making the salute, which also makes you lose control of your character --> "insert bullet here" None of these things make you want to cooperate, because they will most likely end up getting yourself shot. Side chat allows people to COMMUNICATE with each other before they encounter. OFC there would be bandits who lure ppl into traps, but hey, if you forget about being careful, well you know what happens.. It just is 100% your own fault when you die...
  14. Capercaillie

    Simple Solution to Banditry

    You just couldn't come up with a reasonable counter argument, that's why. The reason I inb4'd "direct chat", well I mentioned WHY I did it. Besides, last time i checked with a friend (a week ago?) Direct didn't work. The reason I inb4'd "realism" Well, it is plain stupid to use realism as an argument in a forum about a GAME. just don't.. IMO Side chat = good (with some language/spam restrictions yes) please, say something reasonable to counter, not this "I won't with you because you instantly derpa derp hurr durr".
  15. Capercaillie

    Simple Solution to Banditry

    This is one of the most retarded arguments I've seen here. Side chat is for STRANGERS TALKING TO STRANGERS ofc there are ventrilos, teamspeaks etc.. and I use them aswell. But how the HELL am I supposed to use MY teamspeak server to communicate with that RANDOM STRANGER I hear shooting in Berenzino? Am I gonna yell to my friends in TS: "Who is in Berenzino, friend or foe?" They gonna tell me the answer? Or is the random guy magically supposed to join my teamspeak server, considering he doesn't know I'm in berenzino too and he doesn't know me and he doesn't know I got a teamspeak, just exactly HOW is he supposed to join my teamspeak and tell me what is he up to, if he is friendly or if he is hostile? Here is what side chat is for: Chatting to people you DON'T know, and who AREN'T on your teamspeak! inb4 "there is direct hurr durr" Which one is your call, you are in the stairs in berenzino, hear someone coming up 1) You start to type: "You there in stairs, stop!" and hope that the message gets through. or 2) Take aim and wait to see someones face to blow off. Yeah, thought so. If you pick number one, you will probably die. This is where side chat helps. You can make CONTACT with that guy, minutes before he is in the stairs right below you. You can start talking to him when he is still 500 meters away, and make up your mind if you trust this guy or not!! not when he has you on his sights.. inb4 "not realistic"
  16. Capercaillie

    Simple Solution to Banditry

    Don't blame that "walking across a field to town" part on luck, it's just pure stupidity, and it will be 100% your own fault if you get shot in the face doing that. I murder (almost) everyone in my sights. Sometimes for the loot, but ALWAYS for a reason, and that reason is not "lulz derp derrrp herp because it is funny derp". The reason is: In 99% of the situations, it will be me or it will be you. I'd rather live, than die and let you live. Oh, and about that bs "killing unarmed players". I have yet to see a player who will never pick up a weapon when they find one, and when they realize "hey, now I got the makarov, maybe I should try my chances on getting the AK from that guy who just let me go away, he can't be far, and if I die, so what it's just a damn makarov.." And besides, how could I know, maybe that "unarmed" player is just a trap, maybe he is just a single part of a group, scouting ahead looking innocent. I'm not gonna take the chance. If you take the chance, at some point you will realize, "damn, I was so stupid" Learn from your mistakes. "A man should not be measured by the times he has fallen down, but by the times he has got up again." Yeah well, true dat, but a man who always trips on the same fucking branch is just plain stupid.
  17. Capercaillie

    Simple Solution to Banditry

    Alive characters: 489,886 Bandits alive: 87,707 I see we have a massive bandit problem, 17,9% of the players currently alive are bandits. If you can't understand what this means, here it is in a simple way: In Day Z, in a group of 100 players there are ~18 bandits and 82 survivors. Now if these 82 survivors can't handle these 18 bandits, maybe the survivors should consider looking in the mirror and thinking "what is it that I do wrong?". Or maybe, you should just simply change to another game that is more forgiving to players who actually can't or don't want to adapt. Maybe Day Z really isn't for you. Oh, and this game is DEFINITELY dying out as the following statistic proves ------------------------------------ Players in last 24h: 146,506 ------------------------------------ Pretty nice for an alpha/beta stage game. Too bad it is obviously dying out because of the mindless banditry... You know the simple little phrase repeated all around the internet gaming communities: "l2p" I guess you know what it means too. I mean, it is an old and perhaps TOO widely used phrase, but I think there IS something reasonable behind it.
  18. Capercaillie

    How to end Ganking, and support Honor [ v ]

    since "realism" is constantly used as an argument (in real life there are consequences for killing another person) I would like to hear from you WHAT are the consequences if there was a zombie apocalypse, there was no civilization, no laws, no countries, no protection, only YOU and your will to survive. Just tell me, if you killed someone in a world like that with no one in a 10km radius, what would be the consequences?
  19. Capercaillie

    Simple Solution to Banditry

    "adds realism" oh yeah, ofc, because every murder irl wears a red cap so they are easy to recocnize! Congratz on making another solution to a problem that does not exist (banditry) about cooperation: all the game needs to add cooperation is a communication system, for example bring back the side chat. I remember numerous times cooperating with others after chatting through side channel.. Inb4 not realistic
  20. Capercaillie

    Regenerating blood

    IMO, if there is a blood regen added to the game, they should remove the instant blood gain you get from eating canned goods/meat...
  21. Capercaillie

    Official response regarding loot cycling

    Just one question: Doesn't server hopping despawn all the loot?
  22. Capercaillie

    How long does rain last in game?

    Well, from my experience not too long, probably from 2 to 10 minutes? Get your character inside a building, your temperature won't drop too much that way. Also, it's (should be?) easier to avoid zombies while its raining (less noise, less visibility) so go loot a few good spots!
  23. Capercaillie

    Players going insane on too many player kills

    You probably missed the point "Been in the military my self, didn't bother me to much. Active recon spotter" Read that and you might understand why I pointed out that age thing.
  24. Capercaillie

    Players going insane on too many player kills

    There IS a question, and the question IS "are they a threat to me?" If you don't ask yourself this question, you are a failbandit who will die soon because of greed. If you die to a failbandit who didn't ask themselves this question, you should probably learn to play the game instead of crying about the massive problem of dying in the post-apocalyptic world of Day Z. Few tips you might try, and might even find helpful, though time consuming to the normal run&gun style you are used to: - Every once in a while, STOP for a second. Hug the ground, and roll the camera around. Be aware of your surroundings. - Always before going in ANYWHERE for the loot, SCOUT your surroundings! Always know what's behind you, and what is on the hills you see on the horizon. - It is better to loot only 1 spot and get no aggro, than loot 3 and be forced to kill 3 zombies. Experienced bandits are not stupid: those zeds always run for a reason.. -Laying prone for a few minutes, making an actual PLAN on how to loot your next target and looking at what's going on in the town are not hazardous things for your health. What is hazardous, and pulls down the average life expectancy is being STUPID! Follow these tips and you might see an increase in your average lifetime. But ofc, if the "laying around for a few minutes" is too much for your patience level to handle, then MAYBE you should change to another game instead of the massive QQ in the forums.