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Everything posted by nuggit

  1. nuggit

    Why getting killed is a good thing...kinda

    I think you misinterpreted Dash! I got where Deebz was coming from, as he was agreeing with me, which in turn was agreeing with you :) Your thread was not about complaining and how to stop kos, but rather how to help. Beans for that mate. There has been a mass intake of kos threads recently, especially from newcomers with ideas to stop kos. It is futile, It can't stop and it won't stop. No one can control another's decision but ones own. It is up to us, as the player to work around this and get better. If not, you are going to have to learn the hard way!
  2. nuggit

    My 1st time in Dayz

    Aviza, I meant to add. That was a great read, I hope you enjoy your stay :) Here have some :beans: for your journey mate.
  3. nuggit

    My 1st time in Dayz

    Grimey, I think you mean If you want to stick around these forums, you are going to have to grow a thicker skin and learn how to handle banter, or simply ignore the trolls :) The dayz community is a passionate one at the least. It clearly shows throughout every thread and post. Just because threads get derailed and some people want to jump at the first chance they have, does not mean that everyone will become a cynical ass hat. There is some excellent examples of this, in this very forum. Mr Grimey, I award your post a 5/10, then minus 6 points :P
  4. nuggit

    Why getting killed is a good thing...kinda

    Hi Dash After that first line, I didn't need to read, but I wanted to! Excellent points :beans: The best medicine in this game is to reflect on the past, and the mistakes made. We all live and learn in dayz, and if you choose not to, life in dayz becomes miserable very quickly. Enforcer, there is always a choice in dayz, even when it appears there is none. If your not in line of sight, you cannot be killed on sight! The mistake would be getting in line of fire, which could have been prevented if a different route was taken or a proper scout out was given. Just my 2 cents
  5. Be nice Deebz! No need to make fun of Koba, he is clearly new to this and is none the wiser as to how the Arma series runs. If everyone in this community makes fun of the newcomers, they are going to have a hard time and more than likely, not participate and learn. Even when information is at all our fingertips, a nudge in the right direction is all that is needed. It benefits not just to the op, but to the community as well.
  6. I can only imagines this discussions my precioussss
  7. All sounds are placeholders atm. This will change and ramp up as we progress throughout the development process. There is a lot more involved with sound design than most people give credit for or actually know. There is all sorts of special voodoo magic that happens in a studio. Put 2 people in a room, 1 a seasoned audio engineer and the other an aspiring audio engineer. Exact same tools, exact same samples, raw or not. See if you can hear the difference. It is easy to buy into sound samples and collections and call it your own after a few tweaks. As anything these days, everything is accessible at our fingertips and "easy" to create something. Heck an audio studio can be had for next to nothing these days. Now creating raw sound from scratch and editing them up, to a believable larger than life sound, that fits with exactly everything else. Now that is a work of art.
  8. nuggit

    New peices to the puzzle?

    Stable stale? It is up to the player to make their own fun :) Last I checked, stable was for having a "stable" version up and experimental was for testing purposes Unsure as to what you mean by experimental is hard to connect to. Servers are plenty and connection stays the same. I frequent experimental a lot and I have bad bad internet. The only hassle I can see would be downloading and re-downloading of stable when you finish playing exp. There is a work around for this... Make a folder and call it dayz backup or something, in that folder create another 2. Label one as stable and the other as experimental. Copy the stable dayz folder and the dayz app-manifest (221100) into the newly created stable folder. Now download the experimental and do the same, this time putting it in the newly created experimental folder. Exit steam before you change from stable/experimental, then just swap the folders and app-manifest around when you feel like playing either. With a ssd, I can be out of stable and into experimental within 2-3 minutes as the transfer speed is instant. Some people might find this as extra work, but for the bad net users, I find this works wonders. Once you do this, there is no need to go into dayz steam options and opt in and out of experimental as the app manifest does this. It might take a little "long" if you have a standard hdd with low transfer speeds though.
  9. nuggit

    Doors - anyone home?

    I close all doors myself. Every single one I come across, It bides time and is my safety net! I find myself evaluating the situation more thoroughly, and play more cautiously. Nothing beats the panic emotion when the door across the street is freshly opened. I nearly pee myself every time!
  10. nuggit

    Food cooking, soon here ! (picture)

    I have become quite partial to my cold beans and spaghetti now. Maybe, just maybe, I may treat myself to a warm dinner if the special occasion ever arises. :D
  11. Koba, dayz was and is never being optimised for "laptops". There will come a time when the devs do some optimising in general, for all users. We are still in very early alpha, so I wouldn't expect it for awhile yet. Dean did mention, they will be starting with Nvidia optimisation, then will move on to the AMD optimisation. I firmly believe there is quite some room for optimisation, regardless of the system you play on. We will all benefit to some degree, just some users might see more benefits than others. Just don't expect to maintain a 60+ steady fps on a laptop with maxed settings. :)
  12. nuggit

    Very curious about choice of gender.

    Whatever floats the players boats I guess. I prefer to play as a male avatar, as I try and play how I would, given the scenario. I play hardcore so staring at an arse is no problem for me! I can just see it though... "oh yeah, look at that arse, aint she purty!" The dreaded black screen of death appears "shite, should have been paying attention"
  13. Hi LC I upgraded my drivers as soon as it came out. I have not had any crashes since being on the latest driver. Dean & Brian have mentioned in the dev-tracker about this problem. Rest assured that the problem is being looked into, and a solution coming asap. FYI LC - http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/179642-reddit-rocket2guns-on-warning-for-nvidia-users-geforce-33523-driver-might-be-making-dayz-crash/ Good luck mate
  14. nuggit


    Out of curiosity Fuzz, were you opted into the steam beta?
  15. nuggit


    Ah no worries! Glad you got it sorted mate :) Now back to playing, sir.
  16. nuggit

    Target Practice

    Hi Chunsa I am glad you are enjoying the game! It is something special and rewards patience. There is no rules set in stone within dayz, as we all know, rules are just that. A guideline, they are meant to be broken. We are in the apocalypse after all :D Try imposing your own "guidelines" to oneself. You will soon find what your comfortable with and what you are not. The most important things is have fun!
  17. nuggit

    How to record high quality videos

    I currently use Nvidia shadowplay, but it is a bit picky with dayz and the settings I use. If I have my hdr on normal (16 I think) dayz will just crash upon start up. I am also not 110% happy with the quality from it either when I compare against the likes of dxtory. The good thing about shadowplay is the file size, it is quite compact when compared to fraps or tory. I used pinnacle to edit some stuff awhile back, it din't play nice with some codecs I was using. I ended up using tory and movie maker with minimal edits for the quality I liked. Also the lagarith codec for dxtory is pretty good for compressing your captured videos and retaining good quality and smaller file size.
  18. nuggit


    Hi Fuzzychicken Try opening steam, r-clicking dayz in your library. From there click on the update header at the top of properties box. The first option is automatic update, make sure this is ticked. Also the current stable version is 0.35.1155188. The current experimental version is 0.42.116002. Once you do this, try exiting out of steam and then re-open. If there is an update it should grab it. If any of this fails, try opting in to the experimental build and opting back. This should fix that :) Unsure about the experimental build and how to go about it, Try reading up here. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/177199-experimental-branch-testing-how-to/ Good luck mate!
  19. nuggit

    WTF my character needs to poop! Help please!

    Hi Ratter It seems you were trolled! Server message at start seems to be your culprit.
  20. nuggit

    Best people ever!

    Shhhh, were not supposed to be discussing exploits in these forums. Snap! I was thinking that.
  21. nuggit

    First post & first encounter

    Welcome to DayZ!
  22. nuggit

    New Notebooks for DayZ

    Hey Armaden There is a lot of threads as of late, asking the same thing as you! I recommend doing some research and checking out this http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154395-can-i-run-dayz-retail-post-here/#entry1545538 Most dedicated gaming rigs are struggling maintaining 60+fps. There will be compromises, and it won't be pretty Good luck mate
  23. nuggit

    New to computer gaming

    I did just this! I don't feel like you need to practise in another fps game though, the controls in this game are different to most fps. I spent months upon months researching, reading and talking to people. I had no experience before with pc's or online gaming prior to this. I never even participated in forums! Building pc's is not complicated either, once you know what does what. The self satisfaction and experience from it all is quite rewarding. The bonus comes from the extra cash left over :) Thebrez, take note what deebz said. Some valuable information to be had there. Also welcome to DayZ!
  24. nuggit

    Is Dayz SA multi-thread?

    Hi Irish since you haven't had much luck here, I thought I would try and lend my hand! Lately I have been monitoring my cpu/gpu/ram usage throughout my dayz playtime. Usage - GPU - 98%, most of the time CPU 1 - 50-90% usage CPU 2 - 25-60% usage CPU 3 - 10-20% usage CPU 4 - 10-20% usage So it does use all your cpu, just not efficiently all the time. I have found though, it does depend on in game individual settings to determine whether you use more cpu/gpu usage and how much load is put on. I am unsure whether there would be a significant gain from jumping to a quad from a duo! I have my doubts, I would think clock speed would yield greater benefits than more cpu's. This I cannot confirm personally, Sorry Irish. Hope that helps though :)
  25. nuggit

    New AAR

    No worries Xeno :) Look forward to reading you stories and pictures. -Odin Lowe - Nice stuff there, It was refreshing to read. Pictures were good and your points were easy to digest. Would love to see more threads like this actually. It beats the long winded posts and hard to read wall of texts! Beans to you Mr Lowe, I just freshly scavenged these so enjoy! :beans: :beans: