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Everything posted by nuggit

  1. A butterfly net... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0OJh8TrlvE
  2. nuggit

    How to die fast? Wanna kill me?

    Patience young one, next time have a plan and carry a splint. Suicide should not even cross your mind when facing this scenario. You should be thinking about a plan and how to mend your leg asap. You have to learn from your mistakes and do it better next time. Not take an easy way out just to "get back in the game".
  3. nuggit

    Why you don't handcuff armed people

    He should have made you drop your weapon first before attempting that! Good work.
  4. nuggit

    Why can't i FIST!

    How do you find the mod? I did not play the mod really, but I have watched a lot of videos. The stand alone is in alpha at the moment and does not have much in terms of persistence game play besides your character, no massive hordes of infected, and no base building yet unlike the mod. However updates are coming in regular intervals and is getting better by the week. You will have noticed a lot of people complaining about Dayz SA, how bare bones it is, and how many bugs there are. Kill On Sight is rampant as people believe there is nothing else to do. Please do not let this put you off! Many people complain there is nothing to do in SA besides kill on sight...These players will probably never make it to full release as dayz is always going to be a open world sandbox game. If you cannot let your imagination fly with this game and think of things to do you will become bored, quickly. Opt in for stand alone while it is cheaper, help with development and bug finding and if you are not happy. Play the mod until something gets added into SA which excites you. Just remember that the mod is supposed to be played like a game now, the stand alone is not. It is for us to help test the infrastructure, stability and overall help with the development of this project.
  5. nuggit

    Instant Death

    I have read a lot about people assuming hacks or what not when faced with an instant death and no sound. This has happened about 5 times to myself throughout my dayz hours. However playing last week with a mate, I found something interesting. My net was dropping in and out a little bit as I went to meet up with a friend. I had been waiting for awhile, when I got a steam message saying he was nearly there and could see me, so I went and climbed the deer stand to try and spot him. Another message received, saying he was beside me...I freaked, as I did not hear anyone climbing the ladder. I couldn't see anyone up on the deer stand, so I climbed down trying frantically to find my mate. Again he could see me move but I couldn't see nor hear him. This scenario happened for the next 10 or so minutes before we decided to call it quits. It was like my net dropped for a short time and should have been kicked but the server did not update this as my ping/desync stayed the same and wouldn't update over time. I received no thirst/hunger messages although I should have and I got no red messages in the corner. Before my friend left, he remarked "you are a sitting duck lol" I suddenly thought back about the times when I have been insta killed with no sound or anyone in sight. "click" That's right, we are in alpha :o
  6. nuggit

    Why can't i FIST!

    Yes, this section is for the Dayz stand alone! You cannot punch in the mod like you can in the stand alone.
  7. nuggit

    Why can't i FIST!

    Hi Woodsy, Welcome to DayZ! You can bring your fists up by pressing space bar. This is the default key to raise/lower fists and weapons when in hand. If you go into controls, you can have a poke around what does what and even rebind keys to your liking. Good luck and have fun mate
  8. nuggit

    Poisoning food with berrys and a syringe

    Brilliant! I like your suggestion, but I really like this bit.
  9. nuggit

    Random Zone Crash - Now is more frequent

    Since latest patch, dayz has crashed once for me while I was approaching NEAF. Never happened before, however I do use -winxp.
  10. Depends on server population I do believe. On a low pop server (10 and under) I can chew about 100mb or under in an hour, but on a full server the rate goes up significantly and chew as much as 500mb + within that hour. I might try this myself. Thanks!
  11. My internet is flaky at best and have the same problems as you OP. This is our problem and one that the devs cannot help with. System seems to be working and deterring the hoppers and ghosters. It is a start in the right direction OP. A few extra minutes won't kill anyone waiting and besides I need time to make a coffee anyway.
  12. This ^ No problems with new patch regarding framerate besides in Svetlojarsk. Crawled from 80+ right down to early teens. Might be to do with all the new loot there maybe?
  13. nuggit

    This game. And the people who play it

    Being friendly is a viable option, but Is it an easy way to play? Heck no. Giving people on the coast weapons that are loaded, expecting them to return the favour in kindness is not the smartest move and will send you back to the coast more times than not OP. Being friendly does not mean you have to be nice to absolutely everyone, especially on the coast. Slow down and be patient, watch fellow survivors actions. Go in with the advantage. You will gauge things a lot more accurately than running in gun ho.
  14. nuggit

    The Brand New Sks (Pictures)

    texture detail - very low removes grass from the default menu screen. Grass remains in game though.
  15. nuggit

    KoS or Share Beans?!?!?!

    As others have said, friendly is more than actually just yelling "friendly" and attaining their trust. No one but yourself can prove if "friendlies" exist. Everyone should be perceived as dangerous until some level of trust is gained. Trust is not instant and your looking at this wrong if you have lost faith in dayz. Your interactions and actions are vital in helping a friendship grow. Any sort of friendship is built on trust and has to come from both parties. There will always be a vulnerability to this and without your A game and a solid plan, you will find yourself on the back foot or worse the dreaded black screen before your friendship took off. There is being friendly and aware, but there is also being friendly and stupid. Kos will still be here on release, so will the griefers and the pantsless axe murderers but so will the friendlies and heroes. Just don't expect friendlies to be running around advertising this.
  16. nuggit

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    This ^^ Some good valid responses.
  17. nuggit

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    Sorry I couldn't read the whole post/thread. Your opinion is purely your opinion. I play dayz because it is harsh, it is hard and is not a friendly and easy game. I play to survive. If I break my leg, or am bleeding out, there is no way I am offing myself because it is easier. I will crawl until my last breath. Again read my above sentence, please. The easier, quicker path seems to be the only viable option for a lot people. You only rob yourself from great experiences and will find in time it gets stale very quickly rinsing and repeating your same play style. Anything can happen when I try and survive, but waking up on the beach constantly because it is easier. No thanks I kindly decline.
  18. nuggit

    Food & Drink?

    hey wolfarus As others stated, head inland. Your chance to survive is increased tenfold. When bleeding, you can drop your shirt on the ground and then proceed to tear into rags. You can then use the rags to bandage yourself.
  19. nuggit

    Is there a benefit to surrendering gear?

    I think there is no right or wrong answer here. For me it depends on the situation I am facing, how the first 30 seconds went communicating and whether or not another player or group got the drop on me. Most times the stance, clothes, words and tone of voice helps me identify what I need to do in a situation. If unsure my gut-feeling is my indicator what to do. Sometimes there is a benefit, sometimes there isn't. Only you can make this call. My thoughts only
  20. nuggit

    Losers gonna lose....

    The intelligence from some people in this game amazes me. Beans to you sir. :beans:
  21. nuggit

    DayZ on mac ?

    Hi Massam As a few people stated, bootcamp would be the way to go. I ran a 2011 imac i5 with AMD intergrated gpu (6770m). I used this with the mod/daizy. After a bit of fiddling around with settings I was running it very smoothly. The newer ones have nvidia mgpu so you should be golden Don't listen to the apple bashers, It is viable option if that is already what you have
  22. Hoorah! This is a good thing and proves that Dean and co is going in the direction he envisioned. Maybe durability needs to be worked on, maybe not. I don't kos so I am unsure what affects have when the bullet hits the body. When I have survived a bullet to the body all my gear was not ruined. I think this applies? Remember balancing comes later, if there is a problem reassure it will be fixed later.
  23. Went there yesterday with my main hardcore character for the first time. Had decent gear, ample of drink and food. Climbed to the top of the ship to get a view when somehow it went invisible and I was now seen falling, falling, falling and ...your dead... :blush: Lovely, another bug to note down Next time ol big bertha, next time
  24. nuggit

    What sort of twisted black magic is this?!

    What is this dark magic indeed! I had the exact opposite to you.an hour ago on Aussie hardcore night server. 2 people playing, one being myself. I start getting a little careless as I run into Berezino standing up, no torch on. A loud crack passes my ears, then ...your dead.... made me laugh :) When you let your guard down thinking "surely I will be right", that black screen is inevitable sooner or later. You just never really know in game
  25. nuggit

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    We do not need this system, one simply wants it. There is a way to identify fellow players in-game as it stands You actually have to pay attention, play smart and most of all be patient if you want to identify/communicate whilst keeping your ass alive. Just no