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Everything posted by nuggit

  1. nuggit

    help with framerate?! (specs included)

    ^^ Good points Carlj^^ I actually came from the apple side! The little dayz I played (mod) ran quite smoothly at 720p. I invested my time heavily into reading up on gaming rigs as I only deal with audio production, hence the apple! After some time I put together a list and did some more research. I finally succumbed into ordering my parts from a local wholesaler, where I decided to build my pc myself. I had the intent on building this for dayz, as I don't really play games. After 6 months or so with my new rig, it definitely would have been wasted if I chose to only play dayz and that's it (luckily I use it for everything now besides audio recording). As performance gain is marginal at best of times, like you stated. I just don't drop hard in major cities now and fps is more "consistent". The arma engines can be quite funny at the best of times. My thoughts would be if you are looking at playing games more and more on a laptop, and majority of them are under performing. It might be time for an upgrade? If most games still play fine, and you want to squeeze more fps just for dayz. Just wait for the optimisation to come. However, It is not my business to tell anyone here in the community to upgrade, just spouting my thoughts.
  2. nuggit

    Go North!....or west.

    I have found this to be the case more times than not. 90% of loot runs with me finding all the "boom stick" spots to be picked clean, but the food is always in abundance. Now for experimental, that is a different story...
  3. ^^ Above 2 answers for the win!
  4. nuggit

    New AAR

    Hi Xenology You can re-bind the steam screenshot key to whatever you desire :)
  5. nuggit

    New hobby: working for others

    Mugur, your english is fine! I understand where you are coming from :)
  6. Physically stuck in water? I am pretty sure in all my hours in game, my body has never got stuck once in water. I get a lot of desync, shoddy internet and find myself stuck in walls etc a lot! Now there was no mention in op thread about being physically stuck. He just mentions that he is stuck in the water and would rather die. My thoughts are, that op has fallen/jumped in the water and swam a way out, now finding it hard to navigate back in land as he can only see ocean. Or op cannot find somewhere to climb back up on land and thus being "stuck" in the water. I don't know for sure, just a thought.
  7. nuggit

    New hobby: working for others

    Mugur, the wandering trader. I like it!
  8. nuggit

    New hobby: working for others

    This is fantastic! Gotta admire your work Mugur. Here have some beans :beans: you deserve them after all your running around! Good luck on your endeavours mate :thumbsup: - :)
  9. nuggit

    Finding group members in-game?

    It is a great tool indeed! On a side note and some rambling from me, I want to add. "You only get lost in dayz once, no 3rd party map should be considered" - I 110% agree with this. Yes you will struggle for hours upon hours but this is were you become acquainted with Chernarus. You will find the little landmarks you remember clearly for next time, you go out and explore and become more adept at finding your next footing more confidently. It is gruelling and very unfriendly, nothing like no game before. No dot on the map, no arrow showing you were to go, nada, ziltch, nothing! Hell, you have to go find pieces of a map before you can even start pinpointing where you are! Everyone should embrace this when first starting out. Just my 2 Cents :)
  10. Swim to the nearest land. Make a dash for the nearest town, you should be dry once you get there. Go loot a couple of houses, find some food and beverages. Go find a quiet spot and enjoy your meal :) Whilst enjoying your meal, you should sit back and have a think on your suicide thoughts! I thought it would be quicker than trying to starve....un-install game only to re-install...Find some enjoyment in playing the game...
  11. nuggit

    help with framerate?! (specs included)

    ^^Good info above^^ I just helped out a guy in game. It turns out he came from console and is playing dayz on a lappy at a fps of 15ish. (not bad for a lappy, but not good for pc standards) I went through some steps with him, but to no luck. His fps couldn't rise no matter the tweaks. The only thing that helped him was by turning google off in background and not using steam in game functions. Most things looked like a blob to him and he was struggling to see 500m in the distance when I was pointing things out. This is going to be hard to play for him with things like this, however he is enjoying this game thoroughly and seems his console has gotten a rest!
  12. nuggit

    Finding group members in-game?

    No Problem Lordhuggington No need to "sign" up, just go to www.izurvive.com. In the top of the page there is a username. Put in your name you want, then go across to the box that says Groups. (no need for email confirmation or anything) This is where you create a group name and password. Once created, share the details with your friends. Now you can all log in with the group/pwd and start dotting down your locations and points of interest. I hope this helps!
  13. nuggit

    Finding group members in-game?

    If your new group of friends and yourself are having trouble navigating your way around, and locating each other. I would head over to Izurvive website. (app for phone or website for pc) That is if you want an out-of-game-map-help. However, you can put in your name in and then join/create a group. This allows you to put markers down on the map with friends who you play with/joined the group. This is an easy way to have location points, and where to meet. :) Otherwise as others have stated. Getting to know the map, locations, town names and landmarks will help tenfold in your situation. Good luck and best wishes on your travels :thumbsup:
  14. nuggit

    The Campaign for Iron Sight Zoom

    bump. Gews, you have some good insight here :beans:
  15. sigh...another one! I won't agree! I go against the grain, I deter my boredom by finding things to do for myself. This is a sandbox game after all Once you stop using your imagination, you can become bored very quickly and resort to the "common" play style stated in these very repeated threads. DayZ has no golden rule, how to play or how to survive. We make our own
  16. nuggit

    Sad reality of how people play dayz

    Had I listened to all the other threads like yours, I would be finding life in dayz very unstimulated. At times it "can" be boring, but this is a game where you have to take it upon yourself to "make" fun, if you can't do that. You can't have fun. This game isn't just about fun for me either, it is about emotions, and the struggle within ones self to make hard choices. Do I help this survivor, do I shoot him, do I try talking? Every decision I make, there is an internal struggle whether or not it is in my best interest. I don't decide anything lightly in dayz, and yes it has gotten me killed many times over. But I try and learn every play through - I don't suicide - I don't kos 99.9% of the time - nor do I combat Log or Server Hop - take same route/loot spots - I don't spend 99% camping in woods when playing in hardcore, Just pre-cautious However, I still have an enormous amount of fun. This is why I enjoy playing this open ended sandbox game. No one can change my play style no matter how much some people don't like it. Like I mention in majority of my posts, OP it is merely your speculation, personal opinions and experiences that have allowed your outlook on this game. Not every run through has to end the same, nor the playstyle!
  17. nuggit

    Oculus Rift and DayZ

    Counting down the days till they release the consumer version :D My free track I made works good but this...Just the thoughts makes my insides go all funny! It is going to be a hell of a lot easier to judge distance etc as "you are there in the game" Not sure when that is, if it is Q4 this year...? I don't care I can wait.
  18. nuggit

    Need some help with settings

    Hey Facetentacles, I posted in a similar topic earlier, I will repeat what I said there. Unfortunately there is no magic setting as we all have different hardware/rigs. The best advice is to go through this thread - http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154330-possible-fps-enhancer/ Grab msi afterburner or fraps so you can monitor your fps first hand. Tweak away :) Object detail and the in game rendering settings have the largest impact on fps, for me anyway. Good Luck!
  19. nuggit

    Why co-operate if you're gonna get shot anyways?

    Classic kos, you always make me lol :beans:
  20. nuggit

    Dealing with zombies unarmed?

    ^ A couple extra points added, good stuff. Although I do believe that sprinting with fists up is nerfed from the last patch.
  21. nuggit

    This is why we should use ArmA III's Engine.

    Agreed Strongtent, It has been real fun scavenging whilst watching the sun rise. Playing on the experimental as of late, server restarts in the wee hours of the morning or late in the afternoon. I have taken some really nice screenshots with the rise and fall of the sun! It actually looks quite impressive and I find myself just trying to find some nice spots to sit down and take it all in.
  22. nuggit

    This is why we should use ArmA III's Engine.

    Bet on Robo :D However only when the game is complete, we can't compare apples to oranges. I think you will be a little surprised what the end game will resemble compared to now. Better start stockpiling mate, I am going to be hungry by then and beans will be hard to come by then ;) I will make sure to stockpile a small cache just in case. In good faith I will spare you a can now :beans:
  23. nuggit

    This is why we should use ArmA III's Engine.

    Robo; Thanks for replying, let me further add Again, I state; It was purely your opinion and no truth about it. One mans trash is another mans treasure. My understanding is, the Arma series have always had a big presence online. Not the mmo type but none the less still online. With the new architecture for sa we have the foundation set, and will not reap the benefits until later in development. We are in alpha, major bugs are to be expected otherwise we would not be in alpha. Things will get fixed in due time. Have you followed anything about this game and its development? You cannot say that it will not be fixed and that is the way it is. You are basing your reply to mere speculation and nothing more. Let me know of your thoughts in 2016 when we have a fleshed out game mate. I am glad, me too :D p.s. sorry for derailing thread
  24. nuggit

    This is why we should use ArmA III's Engine.

    ^ Robophant... Dayz would not be dayz if it were not for the Arma engine. To the point "utterly crap" is a personal opinion and a pretty bland comment with no reasoning behind your thoughts. All engines come with the good and the bad.
  25. nuggit

    Wrong to shoot a Bambi?

    Rhodes summed this up perfectly. I dislike the play style, nor do I condone it, as it is a sandbox game. People like you op are the ones that make me go around and have a purpose. It is always a good feeling when you give someone else that glimmer of hope that all mankind is not evil.