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Everything posted by nuggit

  1. Don't worry too much ENO75, I have not used the compass in awhile, but a badly damaged or ruined compass will give inaccurate results compared to a pristine or worn compass. I also heard compasses were broken awhile ago, not sure if that is still the case, if someone can confirm here? Navigation in dayz takes a little while to get used to, even with a working compass. My first 3 hours playing, was trying to move away from Kamenka, Not wanting to run along the South coast I decided to head inland. After 2 hours trying to run inland, I came across a little town upon the coast. It looked familiar... it was the town I had left from 2 hours earlier :blush:
  2. nuggit

    Need help any appreciated

    Tv screens have undesirable input lag, unlike pc monitors, which you notice more with a mouse then a controller. Some remedy this to some degree by including a gaming mode which will reduce the input lag down to acceptable levels like the newer Sony's and Samsung's. I started with a Sony 46 inch and had a unacceptable amount of input lag. Even game mode did not help, and with the added hdmi connection, you get a washed out picture due to not having a full RGB output. This makes for a bad experience when gaming online. When I switched to a benq monitor, the difference was night and day, in game and on desktop. This is nothing to do with fps as has been stated already. Hope this helps Nuggit
  3. I had just built my first gaming rig, fresh to the world of online gaming and the digital world of steam ie; noob in every respect. DayZ had not been released but I had an inkling it would be soon, as I had stalked the forums, the hype was rife. 2 months later and Dayz was released to my delight. This was a harsh world, I needed to learn and I needed to learn fast. My noobiness was not helping my case I was in a small town I now know as Kamenka. I see a guy drinking from a pond. I creep up to him and squeak "hi" from behind a shed, I think I startled him. He introduced himself as Wade. We made small chit chat and after realizing I was very VERY new, he offered me a hand up, as he had a few hours in the mod. He seemed chill, so I agreed quite hesitantly. I have heard stories not to trust strangers. He advised me there was a military base nearby, and we should hit it up. So we run off to together in the sunset. We get to Balota shortly after. Seeing no souls around we ran through the tree line along the concrete wall opposite the hangars. As were running through the trees I hear "DON'T MOVE" It was coming from a fully geared guy with a long rifle pointing at me standing 5 meters from the airstrip. I think to myself, how the hell did he spot us. My noobiness and lack of spatial awareness was showing, I felt sweat build up instantly and my hands were shaking bad :blush: He demands us if we have any weapons. To which I replied "dude, I have a feckn wrench, you have a feckn gun pointed at me". Wade burst out laughing, i was not. Geared guy "Pick up all my shit I am about to drop, your friend will pick up the mosin, it's loaded". He then stripped naked on the spot. "NOW PICK IT UP" he yells in control. I walk over and stumble through his dropped inventory, whilst he started talking with Wade. I was panicking and struggling to equip anything and my hands would not stop shaking dammit. I finally get his whole attire on my avatar, when I look over and see Wade holding the newly picked up mosin. The now naked guy starts walking away from us and slowly turns around. "I wanna go out cool guys, you there with the mosin, shoot me in the dick"! Even though Wade was holding the mosin, and I was pretty geared, I still felt like he was in control of me. His jedi mind could read my nerves like an open book. Wade seemed fine, like he was unaffected from all this. "ooook o o ook ok dude, you rrr rready, i iiim going tttto count ttto ttthreee" I stutter. "ooooone.......ttttttwo.......tttthree.......The mosin rings loud and true. The guy just stands there looking at me, blood squirting everywhere from his undergarments. "Well this is awkward" and then just turns around and runs off into the sunset. Wade and I burst out hysterically, I was no longer scared but filled with amusement and wonder. "dude, this game is amazing" I exclaim. I turned to Wade when I hear another bang my screen goes black.
  4. I had to scroll through this whole thread to see if anyone answered this for you solodude, seems not. Steam's screenshot function automatically selects a compressed.jpeg version. You have to manually go in to steam/settings/in-game and tick the box that says 'save an uncompressed version'. You will then need to select the screenshot folder location just above, and select somewhere you want to save the newly uncompressed screenshots too.
  5. Irish, you rock those legs too well :D Thanks lok, I just spat jacks all over my screen :blush: :beans:
  6. nuggit

    Players disappear after 250m

    Hello there You mentioned you edited your settings and config...by any chance did you play with overall quality setting before manually changing anything? I would try defaulting to either default quality settings or very high and then manually change your in game object settings back to very high/high. This will change your dayz cfg back to its respectful default and should help rectify your problem. Best of luck Nuggit
  7. nuggit

    Big forum family photo

    I was a little dismayed missing out on last meet and greet. I wanted to take Irish's quiz... :D I am down if this is habbening
  8. nuggit


    Video Evidence: the goat lives https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qo_OMVlz8Vw&feature=youtu.be
  9. nuggit

    mouse broken in game....

    Hi Guys, Have either of you two tried changing your dpi settings? Windows/ Start/ search: dpi - Make text and other items larger and smaller. Choose smaller (100% default) https://www.google.com.au/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=dayz%20sa%20mouse%20problem%20with%20cursor Hope this helps.
  10. misinformed new poster, is well, misinformed :D Welcome to the forums, this is a great community, if you know how to behave. Just a friendly tip, there is no need to start out on these forums having a big rant. There is constructive ways to get your points across without all the hate or sounding all self entitled. You will find it goes down easier with the community, not only that, there is some great discussions to be had without getting flamed and topics locked quickly. What is more sad, is the amount of players living in their own fantasy, where all opinions are stated as fact. Players are entitled to weekly updates that should contain more than clothes and various loots, bugs should be fixed with highest priority. The list goes on. Have you actually done some digging around and realised what all the new additions their working on means for the future of dayz? Renderer being separated from engine Navmesh New control/interaction system 64 bit servers, along side a few other big additions. These are no small updates and require a tonne of work. It takes time and may seem unjust to the needy and impatient but it paves the way forwards. It will be big, and it will change the way the alpha feels significantly. Until then I fear we will be hearing more outbursts about the unjust development :o
  11. nuggit

    Make mics a requirement.

    Hi Frost The only way to force a play style is to force it upon oneself, not others. Dayz as we all know it, is an open world sandbox. Nothing is forced upon the player except survive, and nor should it. I completely understand your point Frost, but there is a reason why its recommended and not required. I remember reading a thread here awhile back about a guy who couldn't talk in any online game. He had some jitter issues and genuinely could not talk on a mic. Yeah it might have sounded silly to you or the next guy and thought to yourself "seriously, you are playing an online game?" but... It was something he was seriously struggling to overcome and possibly could of been a serious condition he had battled with his whole life. Now imagine the amount of people across this vast world of ours with similar issues or without the funds or means. Dayz does not cater to a particular play style or person. It was never intended to, nor will it be. I just wish threads could contain more than just insults or snide remarks being thrown around, and the hate that follows! Too much narrow minded folk think that one way is the only way. I am as guilty as the next guy wanting it my way. As much as I would love to see Hardcore only servers and mics locked in game with no external voip programs. It is purely just wishful thinking. Deep down I know Rocket is not going down this path, as he has stated many times. It's just not going to happen unfortunately.
  12. nuggit


    That makes sense dude! Thanks :) I must clarify, I didn't mean it was bad in any way. I rather liked it too. It was just different to the sks, which is the only gun I have picked up since testing.
  13. nuggit


    I was prying around up north trying to find one last night as I had all the attachments, but no luck. I was skulking around Vybor when I came across a fellow survivor being chased by a hungry one... We sorted her out and then proceeded to have some small talk. To my delight, I got offered an akm! Turns out it was one of our very own forum goers! Hetstaine! Cheers dude :D After Het logged off (it was getting late), I ran around for a bit firing off shots at some hungry ones before I called it a night. I really like the feel of the akm, and it looks beast! 100% agree with you Daemonkid. The only thing I noticed, is the sway on the akm seemed to lag more than say, the sks. It could just be me, as I haven't played too much since they changed the mouse input/weapon sway. I also note, I have been actively not seeking out firearms on exp, as I wanted to test the features. So my experience is limited.
  14. nuggit

    Screen and "HUD" to wide and big

    Hey Awesome Pixel You may have changed either resolution or interface size. Try this In main menu go to Configure/Video Options/User Interface/ Choose size of liking. Hope that helps
  15. nuggit

    Best trolling video I've ever seen

    Good find, thanks for posting. Chugga chugga choo chooooooo Chugga chugga choo chooo
  16. nuggit

    Slightly puzzled!

    Hey Mike Congratulations on your purchase and welcome to dayz! It is good to see a new player with a positive outlook, I am sure you will more than enjoy the game :) I won't go into too much detail, as I don't want to ruin your experience. Your first footsteps in Chernarus is quite overwhelming and special. Enjoy these moments when things are fresh, the land is new and the thirst for adventure is hungry. The coast is full of fresh spawns, and fellow survivors ready to grief. This is no place to hang around for too long, if you wish to survive. It is usually picked clean as you have found out. For a higher chance of survival and all the goodies you could wish for, including weapons, try heading inland. You could take shelter in a house, barn or even hole up in a garage if you wanted to. Unfortunately the mechanics for base building/reinforcement is not in yet so you cannot hold it down unless you want to put up a fight. Travel by foot only atm. Don't get lulled into this Mike there is more than one way to play. It is all up to your imagination and creativity. Good luck on your travels. Have some beans for the road and stay safe! :beans:
  17. nuggit

    Reading books?

    My new dayz friends were confused, asked what I was doing, when I proceeded to pick one up. I replied it was for when I wanted to make a fire. I think I confused them even more.
  18. nuggit

    DayZ lagging with good computer? HELP!

    Hi Whincup, Settings for a reference would be a good idea. It is a little hard to pinpoint what setting is making your frame rate drop so hard. I would say it is down too settings not being configured optimally for your system When looking down a scope, I find anti-aliasing and object detail up too high drops my frame rate dramatically. I would suggest using fraps or afterburner to monitor your fps whilst trying out different settings, we all have different software/hardware. Unfortunately there is no magic bullet and is down to trial and error on your part. The settings in the arma series can leave a lot of folk quite baffled, even more so when lower settings don't always equal performance gain as ninja-meh pointed out. Keep in mind performance in game is not ideal at the moment but will get better as development progresses. Dropping coin on new hardware is least productive at this stage, especially if it's just for a game in pre-alpha stage. Hope you net some more fps :)
  19. nuggit

    Question relating Blood regen.

    Hi Figarus You have to have your hydrated and energized status both in light green. There is some fantastic videos from Merino, which outlines all the effects and levels needed to understand the healthy/regen concept. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/159251-merinos-in-depth-video-guides-feb-11th-updated-to-034115106-new-status-indicators-rebalancing-of-hunger-thirst-stomach-blood-and-health-reg/ Just a FYI. When you get to "stuffed" just be careful to continue eating and drinking, as if you keep going with this notifier. You will find yourself doubling over and losing all your stomach contents and having to fill your stomach from scratch. Good luck mate
  20. nuggit

    Benefit of the doubt for gear wipes?

    Inception summed this up perfectly. The thing I have noticed Crowbar, is that this is a unique alpha. Their practises are different. We paid half price for a full game, in a pre-alpha status. It is upon ourselves whether we decide to test the pre-alpha while it is in pre-alpha or play the game or just wait for release. Those that "play the game" are having trouble due to frustration with bugs and everything that goes with it. In due time these problems will be ironed out :) I have never tried an alpha/beta before, but I do understand the direction the devs have gone with. It is only in the benefit of the game, the community and the devs. Maybe this particular alpha is not for you? I do feel your pain though Crowbar, since the latest patch I have died more unfairly than any other :(
  21. nuggit


    Hi Killer Welcome to dayz :) It is a shame you didn't take more time getting used to the mechanics. While it is buggy, a lot of fun can be had! This community can be quite helpful when a calm approach is taken. As a first post, you have dug yourself a big hole :( Pre-Alpha is not for everyone. Hope to see you around when the game is released :)
  22. nuggit

    Logged in, stuff's gone

    Thanks Inception, I appreciate the beans. I will savour them for tomorrow :)
  23. nuggit

    Logged in, stuff's gone

    Regardless of age, gender and credentials. We are participating in a pre-alpha, as testers. No one here on these forums are above the rest of the us. We are a community after all and everyone is equal! There is some valid points in this thread, and if one chooses not to take that advice that is fine. There really is no need to get antsy about it and belittle others because of prior experience, or lack of. You will find, the dayz dev team are not your typical run of the mill developers. They operate differently. Dean has said this from the very start. Not everyone has to like it :)
  24. nuggit

    If you steal again my bacon..

    Awesome! It does make for a funny screenie! I have encountered the invisi-body bug when server is lagging and changing shirts etc, but not this. Classic
  25. nuggit

    I HATE playing 3rd person servers.

    Not sure if aimed at me? ^^ Like I said Pacific, I prefer Hard Core but do not have a problem adapting to third person when my group requires :)