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Everything posted by nuggit

  1. nuggit

    From a Survivor's Journal - Day 1

    Excellent read dude, have some more :beans:
  2. nuggit

    Next DayZ Sale?

    Dayz was never 75% off. It went up to $35 when the sale started and came down to the old $30 pricing. Best bet would be to put on their wishlist and get notified when it comes down on sale.
  3. nuggit

    The Guide to Billboards

    That is some awesome work Tatanko. I have been wondering when we would see this! :thumbsup:
  4. nuggit

    Detained by =UN= and ZaP ! [Hardcore] [28:40]

    Excellent video Halfblood. As Blunce pointed out, that ending was just unreal! Its videos like these that captivate my attention and leave me wanting for me. Keep up the excellent videos and here, take all my beans :beans: :beans:
  5. nuggit

    Possible to setup controls like BF4?

    As others have stated here, it is all to do with ensuring all key binds for that particular key are unbound first and ensuring the correct binds are in place. It is mostly always down to user error and just presuming the game is broken with it's mechanics due to Alpha. I have seen many times, things that are clearly not broken & players that cannot or will not work it out, but rather just jump on "its broken" wagon, adamant it is not ones own error. The Arma series has been going for so long now there is a plethora of information out there which can be cross referenced for all BIS titles including Dayz SA. Google is your friend here! I have just jumped in game and tested on your behalf WIKDMoNKY. After unbinding all keys issued to the r-mouse (secondary mouse), I have had no issue assigning hold r-mouse to run forward. FYI settings in menu needed changing Options/Controls/Assignments Infantry weapons - optics & hold breath (unbind secondary mouse button) Interact - Back (unbind from secondary mouse button) Commanding - reveal target (unbind from secondary mouse button) That is 4 binds just on your r-mouse. By the sounds, you have not unbound all controls before enabling walk/run forward to r-mouse. You cannot just assign a secondary mouse click to run either, you need to assign hold secondary mouse button to ensure it works correctly. When binding, do not just click your r-button but rather hold it for a second or two. This also works for all BIS titles I have tested so far (A2/A3/TKOH/TOM). As St Jimmy also pointed out, make sure you do not have read only in your cfg's. This will not save your new binds if read-only. This should help out your problems :)
  6. nuggit

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Thanks for clarification guys :) I completely agree with this. Majority of screen shots are taken too far to the extreme and lose there authentic dayz feel. I think being subtle is key here and less is actually more.
  7. nuggit

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Hi schwaBam Tatanko usually doesn't use post processing, as stated a few posts above on top one of his pics :) Just raw in game shots, with no editing! By the sounds, Tatanko may soon be editing, if so I cannot wait to see what's in store :D By the looks of ChrisHD's screenies and taking a guess. He uses the in game post processing. I am unsure if it was edited further besides the nametag though
  8. nuggit

    Meat. what does it say when its get cooked.

    That mentality :o As for your please explain... Adding buddy on the end of something does not make it appear any more nicer, when a snide comment is made. If anything it is the complete opposite. A friendly point in the right direction is all that is needed, after all we are all new at some point in time. Snide comments really are not needed here. It always causes threads to derail and the valuable information harder to source. Its good you helped, but try being more courteous, it goes a long way for discussion. GaryWalnuts - no question should be ridiculed regardless of how silly it sounds to you or the next person. The only silly question is the one not getting asked. We all have lapses from time to time :D Also, where would be the fun, if I knew everything about this game? Some people enjoy getting lost and working things out for themselves and not reading every tid bit of info available. I would not have had half the fun if I did not discover things for myself tbh. I know OP was here asking for help, but it sounds like he is finding things on his own and got a little bit stuck and seeking help on the forums on this subject. A search probably would have sufficed but he is a new member, there not to all know. Besides dayz does not get any better when your thrust into the unknown and everything is unfamiliar. This is dayz at its finest. Pilgrim, I am jumping on later. I will make an effort to come up with an answer for you although I have struggled finding fryers in a long time :) I will keep you updated via a pm!
  9. Hi John To me, this looks like it is the current engine and not Arma 3. I have spent a number of hours in the A3 editor in Chernarus plus. The lighting looks quite different there compared to dayz. For your reference DayZ Arma 3 I find the time of day/night is very dependent on the way the lighting looks too. Dusk and dawn, always looks amazing compared to the middle of the day :D Hope this helps
  10. nuggit

    How to drink the hicks way

    I came across this on reddit & had to share :D http://youtu.be/IPELbWy6drY
  11. nuggit

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Thanks Odin! It was a great little spot to take a rest, have a nibble & re hydrate, considering my fellow companion flipped the v3s in the local water source :D
  12. nuggit

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Tatanko & Odin, you guys sure do take some amazing screens :) I will make sure to go through and get some of my dusk/night sessions captured. As odin has demonstrated, there is some truly amazing shots to be had! Here is a few screens from a play through yesterday
  13. While it's true TN panels are not as accurate in colours and contrast compared to their IPS counterparts. A quality TN panel that is calibrated correctly will outperform a IPS in other areas. Now it is just a matter of what we want in a monitor. I know that I care most about having a fluid experience, not a perfect colour experience. You can't beat a quality TN panel in the motion flow/ghosting department. There is a big difference in the fluidity of everything you do when you run at 120hz+ upwards. From running your mouse pointer over your screen to dragging windows to tracking players in game. It all helps with the feel. caveat; you do need to be running high fps in game to see the most benefit! I agonized over picking out monitors, whether to go TN 120/144hz or IPS 60hz. Once I had a go at 120/144hz. I just couldn't go back. That's me though. I was disappointed when I setup my benq's. The colours were ugly and washed out, the gamma curve was way off. Took me awhile to calibrate properly and use a corrected ICC profile. I then finished off with using blurbuster and tuning my strobes and crosstalk. the final result was quite amazing. Most people just complain about the asus & benq TN monitors due to lack of calibration and their older IPS looks better. I myself, would pick a high refresh quality TN over an IPS monitor for gaming, but the next person may just not care about that and prefer to have the truest colours. No monitor panel is better, there just more suited to different applications. I would never pick a monitor just because it is awesome over another without first finding what makes it awesome. It may turn out that the thing that made it awesome, was the one thing I don't care about :D
  14. Thanks dude. It is great having the extra peripheral vision. No more feeling like your restricted and creeping through houses is a pleasure in first person now :D
  15. Thanks dude, it definitely helps with the immersion.
  16. Sorry OP for offtopicness. The engine is quite flexible and accommodates any resolution you throw at it. With bezel compensation, I just had to edit cfg to get the correct aspect ratio.
  17. nuggit

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    A few more
  18. nuggit

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Just wanted to see if my pics worked, sorry about my status writing :) It worked :D
  19. nuggit

    Beards confirmed in Dayz SA

    Hey dude, this thread made me bite. I HAVE to shave everyday, due to work and my profession. I feckn HATE it, with a deep fiery passion. Due to shaving everyday, it causes the regrowth to come back with a vengeance. I shaved this morning and by this afternoon, the regrowth cycle has already begun and the hair is coming back. This causes a very uncomfortable feeling for me including prickly skin, irritation and sometimes a heard of pimples due to the skin being irritated constantly. Now, if allowed the room for growth, my beard would be out for the world to see and I would feel comfortable. Either way we look at it, we are both men with different outlooks & nothing changes that fact mate. On a side note, if this really were reality. Beards would be inevitable for men in this scenario. The Sun comes up and then goes down, the transition is already in motion and the hair is growing! There is no need to get all defensive because of a different way of life. We all need to learn to digest and accept other opinions as just opinions, not shoot everyone down because it is in disagreement with your way. On a side not whyherro, I enjoy a lot of your posts, please don't get me wrong as I want the same as you. I want this to be as realistic & true to life as possible... BUT... DeathTax also brought up a few good points. Sometimes we all have to realize that this is still a game that is an anti-game and with that comes compromises and limitations. I have come to terms with myself and know I have to be realistic with my expectations as to not set myself up to be disappointed. Take third and first person for example This will not change regardless of how much us hardcore elitists fight for it. Expectations have to be managed in all aspects of game-play. I honestly enjoy your view on things Whyherro and your excellent survival experiences but sometimes I feel like your stuck in a corner with your arms crossed just in disagreement, due to your experiences with real life and translating it to in-game. Believe you me, this does not resemble anywhere near the final product and think you will be surprised when things start to take shape. Have faith mate, and share your life experiences, but please do not shove your view on everyone. Open up and discuss things in a sensible manner, be open for healthy debates and different views. I just don't think we can translate life to dayz in the way you wish somehow. Remember, realism & authentic are two completely different things. Deans train of thoughts were always authenticity over reality. This is still the vision. Back on topic, I want beards and you should be able to maintain them with our newly added stone knife. Realism, No, however Authentic, yes :D
  20. nuggit

    Duped Gear

    Hi Irzero You will not get an answer here on how to dupe as the community frowns upon this. Any talk or links showing how to dupe etc will be removed from the mods. Whilst in Alpha it will be a continuous game of cat and mouse finding and then patching the loop holes. Just keep enjoying finding your own loot, and don't let your curiosity get the better of you :)
  21. Hi Pufface Just had a quick glance at your settings. Just a suggestion, disable v-sync :) There are plenty of helpful guides out there that will point you in the right direction. https://www.google.com.au/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=dayz+mod+fps+guide Best thing you can do is open afterburner and monitor loads on gpu and cpu whilst you fiddle with settings. Good luck mate p.s you posted in dayz sa section, not the mod. You might get more help over there :thumbsup: