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Posts posted by mat9813004

  1. How did I die last? Well suicide, in the sense that I took to much of a damn risk. (Damn isn't considered swearing is ti?)  I knew there was another player in the town below, (deep in the map of Chernarus), could hear eating, but was feeling lonely, so was running from the forest cover to the town, hoping to trade or gosh darn it make a friend. it was a tranquil peaceful scene, then suddenly heard a rifle shot. Fell down, a lot of gear ruined broken leg, bandaged, figured I was about to die, thought momentarily of writing a note good bye, got out rifle and waited in grass, not sure what direction shot came from, waited, saw figure running from town up towards me, rose and took a single shot, back down in cover, rose a second time, did not get second shot off. Unconscious. Over headphone guy says "Sorry buddy not fast enough.". Then you are dead.


    Switched off Day Z, played Dragon Age multiplayer, which is a nice team building exercise of cooperation, in the guise of "combat.".

    This game is nasty, the act of killing another player is inflicting significant misery.


    I will wait for another couple of months for "improvements" before I play this game again.

  2. Fine. This comes from the experience of introducing Day Z to a friend and he asking "So what's the end game to this?" and it is a valid point. A sandbox being used to tell a narrative is a valid idea but sure, moving on.

  3. I've been reading Justin Chronin's "The Passage" and I think it would be an awesome setting for a Day Z style game. The virals are fast moving and lethal and come out at night and dead players can spawn into virals. Searching through the day players would have to be careful of shaded areas and inside areas as these may contain virals.  Virals could move as swarms or independently. The players would have to find safe places at night or band together just to survive the night and not get overwhelmed. There could be a long term narrative where they have to form or find some kind of community or eliminate the source of the virals. The pressure on survival would reduce the tendency of KOS for player vs player. 


    The only downside to it would be that the setting is probably the intellectual property of Chronin. 

  4. Fair enough question. I feel that after a while  simply surviving as a loner becomes boring, in the context of the Day Z game, and there is a lack of a sense of something bigger happening over time. Some kind of long term narrative would provide people with an objective and sense of completion.


    Been reading Justin Chronin's "The Passage" recently. It describes people attempting to survive in a situation with a overwhelming threat and the different types of community that form over time. It would be cool to play a "Day Z" type game in the setting of "The Passage". Nights would be much more terrifying and players would have to build or find "hard boxes" and be weary of shadows...The diversity of "apocalypse survival" stories in various media probably means something.

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  5. It could be to assemble or repair an aircraft to get out of the locality or survive long enough and journey long enough to hold out for a kind of rescue. Form a community, or as the song goes, settle down in a tent with a still and a fishing pole. Or make the perilous voyage deep into the mists. etc.

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  6. Have you seen the movie "Delicatessen", post apocalyptic french movie, in it the most basic professions require SAS levels of militarization, ie postman, handyman and the butcher. Imagine a game where the players occupy mundane professions but given the circumstances they become increasingly absurd.

  7. Apparently there are Z hordes moving outside of the cities. This could pose somewhat of a challenge when in the forests. So long as its not like skyrim where every minute you are pretty much guaranteed at least one encounter.... People need safe places as well. Saw "The Mist", would like something massive or creepy deep in the maps that evokes awe, and not a huge zombie in a different colour scheme. But will take it as it comes...

  8. Graffiti walls would reflect human nature, the offensive messages would just be part of the environment, putting marks in sand could be useful for leaving tracks for teaem mates or warnings. Putting paper and pencils in a camp would be a way of communicating with people associated with the tent such as "Take what you need but please leave something behind" or even, "look behind you". Perhaps a compulsory "signing" of the characters message to indicate its origin.

    Its no more insulting that someone trolling over the radio.

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  9. Your solution is to punish the victim? Seriously? Are you simply trolling? The harm aspect is what makes banditry meaningful, every DayZ character has had to go through a survival experience and thus dying due to a bandit is a somewhat unpleasant experience, people who have survived for dayz, weeks with with their character get depressed. And bandits loove that.

    The game mechanic could possibly make banditry a more extreme source, based on humanity and access to community resources. Then again, if I see a bandit, I will shoot on sight now. If I see a player with normal gear I will try to hold off, but I have shot out of fear once.. Its part of the process

  10. <a id="cke_38" class="cke_off cke_button_bulletedlist" "="" href="javascript:void('Insert/Remove Bulleted List')" title="Insert/Remove Bulleted List" tabindex="-1" hidefocus="true" role="button" aria-labelledby="cke_38_label" onkeypress="return false;" onkeydown="return CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(67, event);" onfocus="return CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(68, event);" onclick="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(69, this); return false;" unselectable="on">

    It would be interesting if you could farm, and with all the other ideas out there, build a community. So what the game becomes is a first person real time simulation of sim city or civilization, with walkers. With bandits being the raiders at the periphery. Somewhat ambitious for this game though.

  11. What you need is a bigger backpack, an axe, a knife, matches, a compass and a map. Also water bottles. The get out of the coastal cities as quick as possible.

    The knife lets you gut animals, an axe lets you cut firewood and quietly takes down Z's, water bottles to get water from water sources. The map and compass will let you find your way around, without them you will get lost because the map is a big place.

    Just wait until you meet your first bandit or worse a hacker.....

  12. Evoking an "apocalypse now" experience would be awesome. Rivers tend to function as resources and transportation networks, moving up and down a river in a canoe, paddle boat or something larger would be potentially faster than walking and not require petrol. Also river may be good sources of particular resources and thus tents and player settlements may tend to be created in proximity to the river. It would be interesting to see the effects of a river on player behaviour. Anyone read "The Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad?

  13. Getting killed and loosing your collected gear is quite enough of a penalty. People who have high attrition play styles tend to be nearer the coast in the current Chernarus map, so psychologically, going near the coast with your long surviving character is more dangerous. Peoples behaviour and the resource allocation on the map does create particular issues in locations in the game that produce a personal narrative for the player.

  14. By the way, evoking "In rocket we trust" as a slogan is somewhat of a straw man fallacy, as this is the internet after all and you cannot please every one. So this misrepresentation will lead/ provoke eventually to personal attacks when someones personal vision of what DayZ should be is not satisfied.

  15. It would evoke the experience of a a classic 1975 movie "A boy and his dog". It would certainly differentiate DayZ from a lot of the "survivor" games that are coming out that are picking up the success of the experience of the DayZ mod. Fall out 3 certainly evoked the "A boy and his dog" experience, the whole nuclear bunker, wandering survivor story elements anyway. It would be kind of nice to have a pet in game that you can care about and feed that would serve useful purposes like guarding and tracking. One idea already proposed was that the dogs reactions let you know other players "humanity". It would be a little heart breaking to have domesticated a dog, leaving it to guard your tent and logging out, to later log back in to find the dog dead and your tent raided though.

  16. I crave variation in the appearance of the Z's, it could be location specfic. Also bikinis, like Dead island but without the repetition. The combat in Dead Island is quite visceral, something to be experienced. Went back to it months later to continue storyline and found had lost the rhythm of the combat, something I wasn't actual conscious of. Still an occasional seaside resort, city center bar or something would be interesting. I wonder if it would effect the behaviour of the players,.
