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About nickstarship

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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    A good heart gone cold. Have gained titles like "_____ the admin killer","_____ the bambi hunter","_____ the horrible driver"

    RwD Is now currently recruiting, your in luck lonely survivors! Teamspeak Ip: atl01.mainvoice.net:7154
  1. nickstarship

    [RwD] Clan Recruit

    *Server is Up and running*! Please contact me through personal message (Giving players permission) in order to find out details about how to play and join Teamspeak IP atl01.mainvoice.net:7154 atl01.mainvoice.net:7154 atl01.mainvoice.net:7154 atl01.mainvoice.net:7154
  2. nickstarship

    [RwD] Clan Recruit

    We continue to further our recruitment with recruiting new members to our clan
  3. nickstarship

    [RwD] Clan Recruit

    We love to see New blood and are still recruiting.
  4. nickstarship

    [RwD] Clan Recruit

    Bumpidy Bump Bump. As of Now we are rank 92 of all servers and thank the support of the DayZ community for getting us to this point. Please continue to join our teamspeak with your requests to join.
  5. nickstarship

    [RwD] Clan Recruit

    Update: Our Epoch Server is doing quite well! So well that we even Max out server population sometimes. We are still accepting players who are interested in joining. We are accepting groups into our community and I can not stress enough that it is not just for Epoch but for the future for heading into DayZ Standalone! With the Epoch update, we hope to add custom Traders and New AI around the map! Please be patient DayZ Epoch Server:
  6. nickstarship

    [RwD] Clan Recruit

  7. nickstarship

    [RwD] Clan Recruit

    Good News! We now Have a DayZ Epoch server!!!! New to DayZ Epoch? No problem! Our members will try to explain it to you with all our useful tips and tricks! DayZ Epoch Server:
  8. nickstarship

    [RwD] Clan Recruit

    We are now targeting members with In game Recording/Photo Experience for website footage and members with skills using BIS tools to model make/texture etc. Also people with Arma2 OA mission experience and Map Making knowledge are wanted. Bring your friends along as well for instant promotion to have access to our Clan Emblem and Titles for "In game" for arma2 OA /DayZ.
  9. nickstarship

    [RwD] Clan Recruit

    We love to see people with different types of skills joining the clan/community! Have a certain skill like Coding or Computer building experience? Awesome! RwD has certain key members that have various skills in C++ and Xml. Just need somewhere to hangout after a long day of work? Fine why not! RwD is a great place to hang out and chill with all sorts of people. Well what are you waiting for!
  10. nickstarship

    [RwD] Clan Recruit

    It is about that time guys! Recruiting is coming to a close. We have gained our goal of 40+ total members. Sadly we have some members in far parts of the world that need people to communicate with when they are on. I am hoping to see more Australian and English members over the next couple of Dayz. I am expecting to see several auditions within the next 1-2 hours and will be waiting eagerly for fun exciting new voices to come on our team-speak and embrace our ways. I would also love to see some more West Coast members as well.
  11. nickstarship

    Looking For A Friendly Clan To Play With (READ)

    Try us out http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/141282-rwd-clan-recruit/
  12. nickstarship

    looking for a team for dayz.

    Try us out http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/141282-rwd-clan-recruit/
  13. nickstarship

    [RwD] Clan Recruit

    We now offer 2 Different clan symbols that will appear on almost all of the Vehicles. This is for members who have been through the recruitment faze. a The symbols consist of a white Demon Skull with RwD under it in Camo Green or a Ninja Zombie head with 2 katana swords with RwD under it.
  14. nickstarship

    Looking For A Group/Clan To Play With!

    If you are still looking, Try us out http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/141282-rwd-clan-recruit/
  15. nickstarship

    Looking for Group/Clan (I'm 17 and new to Day z)

    Try us out http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/141282-rwd-clan-recruit/