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Everything posted by Xero66

  1. Xero66

    Real Dayz locations xD

    So yeah guys...my job includes much driving...and because i play to much DayZ many real life locations remember me of locations in Chernarus xD So one day i got bored and dicided to make a stop at the street and just take some shots :D Do you have real life DayZ locations? Share em :P Heres mine: I wonder if i find a M24 on this deer stand... No M24 on the Deer stand, so lets check this Barn for a CZ550 atleast... After respawning at Otmel i made my way up to Rogs Castle... Damn i got lost without a compass...but wait...is this...Green Mountain...? So much for my boredness xD Sorry for the shitty quality...didnt have my real cam on me...
  2. Xero66

    Real Dayz locations xD

    Wow didnt know something like that existed! Now i feel bad about my photos xD And i didnt know Chernarus was so close to me :D
  3. Xero66

    Real Dayz locations xD

    The pictures where shot in Saxony/Germany...to be exact: Near Döbeln/Oschatz/Liebschützberg
  4. Xero66

    Death on us1126 noob to fully loaded

    No beans for you.
  5. Xero66

    Aspiring killer needs advice!

    AbandonedCartoon is right, its not in question IF you lose your gear, but when/how/where to lose it...Thats why i say i dont care that i die and lose everything, as long as it was a firefight that gave me the shakes ^^ And in my opinion the cheating problem istnt that bad. I saw a few cheaters, yes, and i got killed by the first pair of them(Helicopter flying when they were out of game ftw)...but in the overall playing time it wasnt that much....or im just lucky.
  6. This video so much reminds me of this...
  7. They are blue for me too... Maybe a graphics "bug" though. Because when i play with my mates i sometimes see 1 wear black clothes, the other ones sees himself as blue (jeans, and a bright west)...its kinda confusing...
  8. Xero66

    Humanity level -59 000...

    You, Sir, are a devil!
  9. Xero66

    Mercenary Signs-Ups are Now Open

    I would work for you, good Sir. But i have my rules. I would only do assasinations/manhunting or other tasks were i dont get in direct contact with people who could betray me. And i refuse to get paid with items, indeed, i refuse to meet anyone ever/to give away my position - i dont even wanna know your position. Just give me a task and ill give my best to do it. I only want some nice and challenging tasks leading to a good reputation. Sure i might fail, but then you havent lost anything. If a team is needed for a special task i might be able to bring 2 more guys i trust with me. I would be able to do the job on EU servers only. Ping to the US wont be too good... Tell me if interested.
  10. Xero66

    Humanity Is Back?

    Find a cow on a field and protect it from beeing slaughtered by hungry bandits, its the fastest way!
  11. You translated Zombie as "Matschbirnen", intredesting (yes, thats written wrong on purpose). But nvm...good look in forming your group, if you by any chance happen to want a little squad fight in the future just send me a message. Im german too by the way, but well english speaking forum....manners ;)
  12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritz_Haarmann I think hes the guy :D
  13. Xero66

    Noob with a Ghillie Suit

    Bear Grylls would say: "Its a shame to waste good pee in a survivor situation." And hes right, so put on the Ghillieboy and spray away...if you know what i mean.
  14. Xero66

    The best sniper rifle in the game?

    Someone knows what hes talking about! Finally :) Also i gotta say Random51 is right about the M24, very good and accurate sniper rifle(just the small mag and ROF concerned me a bit) - was my favourite before i could grab onto a AS50 ^^
  15. Xero66

    The best sniper rifle in the game?

    Well, Arma2 wants to be very realistic...BUT he is still wrong. AM Rifles ARE effective. <--proof. Just look what that 50cal can do to 3 guys behind a wall...on a mile distance...
  16. Xero66

    The best sniper rifle in the game?

    With the current Alt-F4 issues, AS50. No more thought needed. Accurate, powerful(1 shot), "silent", not that much recoil, good firerate. Without Alt-F4 and at ranges up to 400m probably DMR. Especially when you have to kill several targets fast. But if i had to choose, id take the AS50.
  17. After "Fail Bandits" and "No Fail Bandits Anymore" follows now: "Never kill an unarmed survivor!" The entire story happened on ES5 this evening. So i got shot out of nowhere in Elektro firestation...only lost a Ghillie that i was lucky to find first near the Church...other stuff like Leeroy-Enfield doesnt count :D So i respawned at Kamenka, pissed that i had a long run before me(another mate was near Stary, 2nd mate in Cherno also fresh spawned). So running to Kamenka i saw a Ghillie guy sitting under a bridge, and as it turned out it was 3 or 4 guys, all full geared. I said in voicechat that im unarmed, friendly(no other choice haha) and if they could help me out for the start (even i have honor, wouldnt have killed em later). Only response was a few M9SD shots into me. This could not be tolerated! I MUST have my revenge! Even I dont just shoot unarmed guys who are NO threat! (atleast not when i clearly see that they are unarmed and communicating). I swore i would have my revenge, and i told my mates i would go there again later when i had some decent stuff, and i would chew bubblegum while i kick ass, or the other way around! So well, respawned in Prigorodgy, got some basic stuff, went up to stary, got more basic stuff (CZ, luckily a coyote pack also, M1911...). Met up with my mate in Stary and he shortly logged of near Pustoshka after we were looking for Ghillies all around. So the other mate from Cherno is a very fresh player, he died of Zeds, then died of Zeds again...he cant even really navigate on the map. He doesnt know anything. So he respawned in Kamenka in the meantime while i was still up north. I saw my chance and told him to go and look for these guys. A good while later, he didnt even know where he was (in the western-woods as it came out later) and he found a big camp! He stole a Ghilly, an M4A1SD, GPS and then he heard a Car/Truck whatever...thats when he got away a short distance and logged off(no, no combat logging). He gave me the coordinated of the camp and i was on my way, REVENGE was coming. Time to kill some Bandits (i love that, as it is more of a challenge and so damn thrilling). I went down south. When i was looking on the map i was near the Camp now, but suddenly "PHEW, FUCK, PHEW, CLOSE THE MAP, PHEW, OMG M107, PHEW, FUCKING NEAR, PHEW, Wait...is he shooting somewhere else or is he just aiming damn bad?" Badass as i am i remembered a streamer video (was it Sacriel?! Kudos bro!) where a similar situation happened, i got my M1911 (trusty thing, nearly no plastic, but cold and deadly steel) out and put the stupid CZ away...(i mean, what can i hit in a damn wood in short distance with the thing?). I ran towards the shots, and then there he was, Ghillie, M107, PHEW PHEW PHEWing at me...the recoil must have had him aiming at the sky by now. Adrenaline filling my veins, i shot an entire clip into his direction, hitting nothing but trees i think. He got up, ran away, i followed, puring more and more shots into his direction. Behind a tree he also pulled out his M1911, but when we faced each other, i was pulling the trigger just a bit faster. He fell instantly (well, he stood in a tree, dead, damn bugs...). I was shaking now, 6 shots left in my Colt as i put 1 of my last clip into his head just to make sure. My friend still wasnt able to log back in (the serverlogin was pretty slow, probably because it wasnt located in germany...but latency was ok). But when he was, he gave me a spare ghillie which led to loosing my Coyote pack (damn bug again :( ). So we now really had to go to their camp. -BTW Good sportsmanship by you A13|Aitor (i think it was you, or Danishot...because one i studied, other one was killed elsewhere so i might mistake you for him) because you didnt Alt-F4. I respect that, and i guess you werent the one killing me sooner with such an honorable behaviour! So now in the camp i started to loot, also found a new Coyote Pack :) Then suddenly: "PHEW, not again!, PHEW, Mate get into cover - its coming from the south!, PHEW, ill go and get him like the other one!". Running up into the direction i missed him...couldnt spot him, damn Ghillie. So i decided to run back to the tents and wait for another shot, pretty sure it would miss again (you guys know the M107 is zeroed on 500m, yes? So shooting a 200m target with that is a bad idea, or have you got parkinsons disease? :D). Then another shot rang out, east, i grabbed my trusty M1911 again and ran towards him. I spotted him, about 100m away at max...dont panic bro, you shoot to fast, you wont hit anything :P So about 20m away i got behind a tree, looking through my iron sights and walked to the right, i saw him laying down, shot 3 times and he vanished. Alt+F4...guess you were A13|DieSeel, right? As you were the only one left. Shame on you, you should have died like a man (Like your mate!). Dont shame your Clan! This is the apocalypse, not "I am a ghost, i can vanish as i please...", only MUNDO goes where MUNDO pleases! You guys know Mundo, right? So yeah, i also think you might be the coward who shot me, so im pretty delighted to have owned you. In the following minutes me and my mate geared up (really ALL stuff you wanna have, everything! I wonder how you got all this with the lack of skill...wont make any assumptions here...) and we got out of there and called it a day. The loot was sweet. The adrenaline rush was even better. But the very best was having my bitter sweet revenge. I wont give away the position of your Tents, as i might wanna come back in some time and have a nice chat with you, or a good gunfight. So please dont move, you have my word noone else will get to know the position from me. Maybe i can train you some PvP tactics :P So gn8 guys, had to write that as im so pumped up right now :D Edit: AS always, i forgot to Fraps :( Everything started so fast i couldnt think about the stupid F9 key :( )
  18. It is fully understandable that you wont believe my luck/skill (a good bunch of both as i wouldnt have been able to pull this off if they were good players in the first place) without evidence. So the following Screens i took just now wont prove the action (that i didnt alter at all, just wrote it a bit more entertaining to read for you), but maybe you can believe my story just a bit with that... I screened my Gear/Backpack + The tentsite (where the tents lay destroyed :/ to bad...). Server is ES5, you should be able to see A13 members there sometimes if you want to look yourself. My murder count/Bandits killed is 0 though, dont know why but i guess its because of this Ghilliesuit bug that resets your stats or sth. Tentsite: http://imageshack.us...81014515874.jpg Gear/Backpack 1: Gear/Backpack 2: http://imageshack.us...81014531137.jpg (for the RF/NVG/GPS proof...) I think i cant provide more evidence, but i assure you i am not a liar, i dont need to make up storys to push my ego... Couldnt get IMG Tag to work :/
  19. All the popular spots, espacially the "counter sniping" spots...so Dobryy, Stary hills (all of them because they all have some good view on certain areas)...be creative to find an own one :P Found a good spot with a mate, never ever met another survivor there and the sight is just incredible...but its not that of a populated area though :/ But cool to hang out and have a nice chat while looking at the surroundings^^
  20. Xero66

    Chernarus Tactical Force [CTF] ~RECRUITING~

    Im sorry, i read "Chernarus Tentacle Force" and thought its a Hentai-Clan, now it turns out i was wrong, thats what you get when standing up early in the morning :( Still good luck to you guys!
  21. Well, i think your arguments vanish in the situation when 3-4 came up to me directly at the street after i spotted them under the bridge^^ (Even IF i killed one, they easily could have taken back their loot...especially because it was near Kamenka spawn...) But its fine the way you play, just be careful with the possibly following revenge :P (Dont assume that i would never kill an unarmed guy, for example if i shot someone and an unarmed guy comes to plunder my prey, id also shoot him....but not without a good cause as its just a wasted bullet otherwise :P)
  22. Yes i think one was named Melbo as my mate told me. Its good that the Server is much PvP, i like that :) As long as im not the one always dieing :P
  23. After living a long long (atleast for dayz :P) time on DE1 mainly, and got pissed off because of the short fog range, i switched to DE4 with a mate. Long story short: 2 of the OCUK guys owned us hard, i should have thought about thermo-scope...:/ Well, as we are no disconnect whores (had plenty of time till we finally died, about 10min or so :P) we lost M4A3, 2x RF, AS50, NVG, Coyote pack...pretty much everything you can want. Why i post this here? To say thanks for the lesson, and for the kind behaviour on my mate when you picked him up at the coast an hour later and let him have a brand new M14 because we didnt disconnect :D Good fight guys, even though im a bit depressed that i couldnt even fire back once because of no vision :(
  24. Xero66

    DayZ Memes

    Well, not really a Meme, but still true. Start by looking at some of the community. Dunno whats wrong, used the picture tags, it also previews in the post-editor...but not in my post :(
  25. Xero66

    Killall on DE5 last night

    Just study body and you know who you killed. Also i dont know if its a good thing, just check out the Cheat reporting section. My not be true for everyone, but im sure a few of spear exploit the game all the time, if not even hacking.