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About geryon

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    Bean King

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  1. geryon

    US 434 Cheater Report

    We can start by you PM'ng your GUID and IP. I'll take a look at the ban then.
  2. geryon

    DayZ Mod

    FYI for server owners the battleye filters have been updated again. This latest update removes the annoying addweaponcargo and addmagazinecargo kicks from empty string i.e. #0 "" 0:0
  3. Yes the fog last night was unusual. The server's weather dynamics are pure vanilla so you happened to experience a rare occurrence. I'm glad the experience was positive for you. :-)
  4. Yes a big yes. Time and time again as you play it's almost always becomes them vs us. My bandit is my hero because he/she is a valued/respected fighter. To my enemies that bandit is the scum of the earth. No global morality is in play here. What is good and evil is determined by how the action impacts their group or enemies.
  5. Oh that kind of haze. All over Chernarus is a lot of haze. ;)
  6. I personally like the fog. Many parts of Chernarus is a sniper's wet dream and makes a lot of the assault rifles limited in their usefulness. Fogs brings back more engagements within 300 meters and lessens the OPness of sniper rifles.
  7. http://www.reddit.com/r/DayZmod/comments/35miai/early_look_at_dayzmod_186/ Take a look and if you guys are interested please log in and try it out. The more feedback the developers get the better the mod becomes. Mod download and test server https://github.com/DayZMod/DayZ/issues/440server is up Cheers, Geryon
  8. geryon

    DayZ Mod 1.8.5

    As Razor indicated the link to the latest BE Filters, these should solve your kicks.
  9. geryon

    US 434 Cheater Report

    It's a false positive usually coming up when a player's location is resulting in packet loss between the server. I've unbanned you.
  10. geryon

    DayZ Mod 1.8.5

    #Remove wire if the owner has died. DELETEFROM Object_DATAUSING Object_DATA, Character_DATAWHERE Object_DATA.Classname = 'Wire_cat1'AND Object_DATA.CharacterID = Character_DATA.CharacterIDAND Character_DATA.Alive = 0 The DML statement is missing a semicolon at the end.
  11. geryon

    DayZ Mod 1.8.5

    Filters get updated after the release. I think Razor is offline but I messaged him on skype as to how he wants the changes updated.
  12. geryon

    Return of the Hive

    Will we have a certificate or IP based whitelist to the hive? I'd like to avoid the mom and pop 24 hour servers to the hive that are used as private farms and ghosting transit points.
  13. Sad that you've decided to shutdown. However it was a real long run for you. You've been a great help for us on US 434 and I'll always be thankful for it. I hope you get the bug again and decide to host the mod or the next big thing. Cheers, Geryon
  14. Okay so there's two test servers? I spent 2 hours on Don't have all the stuff yet to build fences. Should I stay on there or go to the Musty server?
  15. The allow damage being set to false as in no damage allowed is commented out with the //. That means damage is allowed.