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Everything posted by mrlaxx

  1. Although I do believe there are hax floating about, I have yet to run into a hacker myself luckily. Every game has hackers, I just wonder how much it's worth it losing 30$ because your dumbass decided to hack. I know Dean won't let anyone get away with this, it ruined DayZ mod for a huge part, this won't happen to DayZ SA.
  2. Arma2/DayZ is a weird engine, if you go lowest settings you actually stress your CPU more in some cases. I find myself having the same or slightly better fps with some options set to high. I wish it'd run better too, I'm too focused on the framerate than the actual game, because you can feel it getting choppy depending where you are, if I could reach 30+ at any time that'd be perfect. :/ But as how I understand the engine, it does a lot of calculating under the hood.. I wonder if an option to turn down certain animations (grass moving with the wind for example) would increase fps, I know this is not a possibility with the engine but maybe it can be done somehow. There's probably a lot of calculating needlessly going on, because it is a game that uses a simulator engine ofc.
  3. Performance tweaks will be done but I think they'll be very minimal. It's the Arma2 engine that is heavily lacking, it's old and just plain bad. I ran the same card as you do though with same result, I've upgraded to a R9 270x today and my fps went up by 10, I now run 30ish fps in smaller towns, 50-80 in the open.. haven't tested in Cherno yet :/ This were on high settings, except Object Details because that stuff just tears your fps apart.. altho I like to have it on high because else you can't see throught windows and stuff from a distance, potentially missing out on a survivor..
  4. mrlaxx

    Your FPS ?

    8GB DDR2 Radeon HD 7750 Q9550 4x2.83ghz 1920x1080 Low-Med, 20fps in cities, 40ish in wilderness, getting a new GPU tomorrow.. not sure how much that would help though.
  5. mrlaxx

    DayZ Hacks already happening

    I think Rocket summed up all we need to know and this topic should be closed. Raising more awareness about hacks floating around will cause little kids to grab them (and most likely getting their accounts compromised in one way or another). Just my opinion.
  6. mrlaxx

    SaturDayZ night

    Uploaded this video literally a hour before DayZ came out lol.. taking a piss at WarZ :P Enjoying the game a lot right now, too bad my pc kinda sucks and I struggle with framerate and what not, getting a new system soon though. :D
  7. mrlaxx

    SaturDayZ night

    Haha man, I've got the same sort of attitude going, except that when I bought WarZ (yes, I actually did the day it came out because I was hyped about it), the same day I contacted their support team asking for a refund because the game clearly was a ripoff and unplayable due to hackers and stuff. I got a response from a guy named Patrick who simply said "fuck off, you don't get your money back". I haven't logged in since then but wouldn't be surprised if my account got banned or wiped or something lol. The game promised features that were not there, the game was unplayable at that time due to many reasons. It should have never gone live on steam.
  8. mrlaxx

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Intel Q9550 - 4x2.8ghz 8GB RAM DDR2 Radeon HD7750 I know it runs DayZ, although I don't seem to get out of the 20-30 fps range, would it be possible to squeeze more FPS out of my system? In the woods I get 30-50fps, but in towns and stuff it's dropping to 20 and below. Haven't even been in Cherno yet, this fps count was in Stary. :P
  9. I got hit by a train. The Hype train.
  11. I've been trying everything to boost up my fps which imo should atleast be a stable 30+ frames, my specs are Q9950 4x 2.8ghz (not overclocked because my MBO doesn't support it) Radeon HD 7750 1GB DDR5 8GB RAM My main issue is I start out with about 40~ frames outside of cities, but it drops down to 20~ after about 10 minutes, I know my system should have more juice than this.. I run in high performance mode 24/7 with TuneUp Utilities if anyone is familiar with it (great program) and I've tried about any tweak I could find for DayZ, at the moment I even run the entire thing on ramdisk (arma2 and @dayz) with no performance gain, I know the game is badly optimized but I've seen far worse systems do a lot better. I doubt anyone will be able to help me out but just giving it a shot. ^_^ I do play in 1920*1080 because that is my monitors native resolution, everything else looks blurry and not right.