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Everything posted by Deuzerre

  1. Deuzerre

    An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

    Well, it's not as if it could land wherever it wanted like a chopper.
  2. Deuzerre

    How to Fix Barbed Wire/TankTrap/Sandbag Problems

    The only problem is that it's buggy as hell to remove! If with a toolbox it was possible to remove it from anywhere along it (Cutting, basically) then it would be totally fine. Barbed wire exists to slow people down, not to stop them. Removing it is sort of a tough but not impossible business, that makes you vulnerable. Removing from anywhere and not on one of those buggy as hell poles would totally do the trick.
  3. Deuzerre

    An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

    Bump from bottom of a 50 long page. Too good to be forgotten. And i second the Ammo&Supplies drop service!
  4. When I read the title I had this idea: - When two people meet each other, in the "actions" menu, when pointing at someone, you can select "Identify Yourself". If both players do this action (in this life) they have the ID hovering when you aim at them at a "short" range (<20m). Basically, it would be a "I know you & you know me" feature. Useful for groups only, and to mark people that you met that weren't hostile. Of course, it would reset when you die. You're a new person.
  5. Deuzerre

    An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

    A shameless bump for the road?
  6. The best solution remains the "MMO STYLE" disconnect: When you click on disconnect, you have a timer that appears on screen (Let's say 30 seconds). When the countdown reaches zero, the player is disconnected where he is. In case of an ALT+F4, the character still exists in game for 30 seconds.
  7. Yep, guts needed not to kill on sight. If only 50% of the game's population thought like that, it would already be slightly better. The funny thing about backtabs is that I think they are fine: At least you interact with people.
  8. Deuzerre

    Vote in suggestion forum

    You can "vote" with the stars on top of the topic if you think the overall idea is great or rubbish. but yeah, +1.
  9. There are more advantages to killing people than any other ways of playing. You can team to kill people too. But that some people say there is no sense/point in asking for additional group mechanics is moronic and short sighted. There will never have a full "All happy, bunnies shit rainbows" server. There will always be a bit of both, solo and grouped players. The balance is in having both with their advantages; But saying NO to group mechanics... Huh.
  10. Deuzerre

    Massive Game Breaking Problem.

    So many douchebags calling it justice... Sad really. He explained a reason, and it's up to you to believe it or not. But wishing other people to have everything bugged? That' F'd up.
  11. Deuzerre

    Classes in DayZ (let the shitstorm commence)

    I'm not against professions that would give slight bonuses and maluses, but I'm against the way you would like to implement it.
  12. As stated above, Server hoppers make it kind of useless against players for anything other than grieving right now. What 'd suggest is that there is a tool that can be used to cut wire anywhere along it, not just the glitchy mess it is now. That way, it would do it's job: Slow down people. Shortening the length of it would also be nice. It's a bit too long, so sometimes goes through buildings. I've seen some good usage of it, in particular in a town where it blocked some roads while some guys were holding the office. No way to approach the area from cover. Working as intended in that respect, except when you add hoppers in the equation. Of course, zeds blocked/slowed down by it (Treated as inside a building for zeds?) would be great. There is room for improvement, but saying it ruins the game is nonsense. And you can jump over most of them.
  13. Deuzerre

    please read: matchbox spawnrate

    Just allow the use of empty soda cans as a way to start a fire if there is sun. Youtube it.
  14. Killing players has a too good advantages/disadvantages ratio compared to other ways of playing. That's the only thing I have against PK.
  15. The ideal would be to have radios that work as channels. Like "Short range radios" that are like an increased range local chat so you can say "Going in town X". And Long range radios that would be "Global channel". Right now, newbies just can't ask the vital original questions. How many people realised they needed someone else just to have a transfusion for example? Still in alpha, Side chat should have stayed.
  16. Deuzerre

    Wirefences/Tank Trap Suggestion

    Maybe making crawling under wires possible? It would be like a slow, steady approach. Anyway, the only real solution would be for it to be easier to undo with a toolbox.
  17. My most depressing death was in the first life, catching the aggro of all the zeds in town and while moving backwards while shooting, getting stuck in one of those outside toilets, zeds bashing me. Humiliating and depressing. Kind of like the T-Rex in the first Jurassic Park eating the guy on the loo.
  18. Currently, in game, if you meet an organised group, there is a good chance that they are on a VOIP (Teamspeak, skype, whatever...) program to oranise themselves. Imagine there are two groups. One is a Teamspeak made group, and the other is a in-game (roleplaying) group using the in-game voice system to talk between each other. Currently, if both sides have to fight each other, the teamspeak team will have a huge advantage in that it won't be overheard, while the "properly" playing guys will be heard by the other team. Unlike people that want to ban teamspeak and the like, I have been thinking the other way round: Would it be possible for voice chat used in third party programs to be automatically be transmitted in the local chat? I know, even with a system like this, people would still abuse it (I saw flamers saying "but if we're in the same room" and "I have two PCs, what prevents me from "cheating?" and other arguments.) and it could be OK, as it would sort of represent people communicating with sings or whatever. But overall, this would cause people to feel more connected to the game, as even speaking is connected to the game. In a word: "Immersion". This game is really different from most other games and I think that to feel it from inside, without Mumble etc... where people are "safe" to talk, would help a lot. Teamspeak guys would be able to chat with each other at long ranges to regroup, sure, but at least a pair of guys wouldn't be able to pull off a silent, coordinated ambush without whispering. I see quite a few videos on Youtube where a group of guys is laughing while approaching an area, and go unnoticed where in game, they should have been spotted. Their mood completely off from what they should be experiencing if they were really in the situation and using the in-game channels. EDIT: An other solution (less problematic) would be this one: This could be sort of a plugin.
  19. Deuzerre

    Bandits get red eyes!

    You mean the eyes are bloodshot, not glowing? If so, should be ok, somehow. Even though a bandit will kill you on sight, most of the time.
  20. Deuzerre

    Force Third party VOIP in game.

    This is actually quite interesting proposition. Will update the OP.
  21. What's the correct pronunciation of the mod's name? Is it supposed to be said the British way "Day-Zed" or the corrupted American (and maybe oceanic, don't know) way "Day-Zee"? I always called it Day Zee because it sounds like Daisy, and it makes me laugh. What is the official stance?
  22. Thanks all. So all guys who say Day Zed are wrong! Who would have thought that true English would be wrong one day?
  23. Deuzerre

    Zed behaviours

    So, I was thinking of how to change the AI (without any programming knowledge) for it to be a "logical" challenge. How this would work. The zeds patrol as usual when not detecting anything. "Neutral" stance. A Zed that hears something goes to "curious" stance: Moving to the last heard noise at their standard pace. If within a small (30-40?)m from a full noise bar, the zeds should go in "seeking" stance, where they move fast to the noise, but not running. Only when in sight of a target do the go in "hunting" mode as we know them. If they lose sight, they go back to "seeking" stance to the last known position. When in an open building, they move at seeking speed (so faster than currently) but keep their slow speed in small buildings. In short: Noise -> never rage but attracts them. Sight -> As we know them.
  24. Deuzerre

    FAL mags...

    That's the kind of reasons why I'd love to have magazines and ammo boxes separated. An empty clip can be refilled with an ammo box of the correct calibre. So basically you'd need to have magazines for each of your weapons, and an ammo boc of each needed calibre.