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About arrowxd

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Macclesfield, Cheshire
  • Interests
    Been a DayZ player since back in the Alpha when there was only 15 servers :) Good times, still playing, im a true fan of DayZ and cant wait for standalone! I enjoy Computers, filmmaking, Computer Graphics, Building and upgrading computers. Also enjoy music, Slayer, Pantera. Bring Me the Horizon, Daft Punk, Black keys. If you see me on servers my ingame name is and will always be Arrow, had that username since counter strike xD

Profile Fields

  • Bio
    Just an average gamer, DayZ is my favourite game, And crash bandicoot xD
  1. arrowxd

    My DayZ Series. This is my story.

    Yeah its cool and all, but nothing really entertaining to be honest. The video was smooth but the aspect ratio was off. If i could give some advice to you i say this. Record like on a server with at least 30+ people, go to some cities and get geared you might meet a friend along the way or shoot some people, head north .etc And edit out all the boring parts and there was a lot of boring parts in your vids and even then not alot of action even for the length of the videos, edit out all the shit parts
  2. arrowxd

    Introduce yourselves

    Arrow Here! Love meeting people in dayz as it makes it more enjoyable, friendly when i want to be, bandit when i want to be
  3. Please would like to try it out looks sweet!
  4. arrowxd

    DayZ & Other Livestreams

    http://www.twitch.tv/arrowthekneecap http://www.twitch.tv/arrowthekneecap http://www.twitch.tv/arrowthekneecap Streaming games including DayZ DayZERO and some fun games 720p!
  5. arrowxd

    DayZ & Other Livestreams

    http://www.twitch.tv/arrowthekneecap http://www.twitch.tv/arrowthekneecap http://www.twitch.tv/arrowthekneecap Streaming Games, DayZ. Bf3 Trouble In Terrorist Town!
  6. arrowxd

    DayZ & Other Livestreams

    Im going to be livestreaming dayzero today! Please check out my livestream as i will stream later on www.twitch.tv/arrowthekneecap
  7. arrowxd

    Bored In DayZ!

    Gonna try some of these! Thanks :thumbsup:
  8. arrowxd

    Bored In DayZ!

    Uhh, that downtime in DayZ career, Im pretty bored and i know i am, im stuck in a loop which ive been in before which consists of this, go to elektro, get loot, stay in elektro, do nothing, complain about the engine and how bad the fps is, get more bored and then leave the server and never play again. Its pretty sad i know. Im really bored and its strange since there is so many things to do in DayZ (This is vanilla DayZ). But, even on origins its the same, get loot get bored, Even on Breaking Point, Get loot get bored. Its a vicious cycle that questions me if im going to enjoy standalone (when its released) Anyone got any ideas that can help me to stop getting so bored? Anything literally. Map? Mod? PlayStyle? Roleplay? Looking for some ideas! (And ive played many mods, still trying to find the right one or map)
  9. arrowxd

    When all else fails, How to fix FPS problems.

    Also, 60fps in this game is pretty good. Its hard to get as ive seen most people like frankie and jackfrags get 60 on their builds and they are gaming beasts so i wouldnt worry about that fps. its good
  10. arrowxd

    When all else fails, How to fix FPS problems.

    Dude that is ok-ish fps, i get around the same but with a less capable build. Because your GPU is ok try putting settings on high-very high. 25-30 fps in cities for me, 30-40 outside. If i was you it take that fps and run to the hills with it. Thats the best fps you'll get. But its not really laggy though. If its stopping you from playing then complain but 30fps in cities does not stop you from playing at all. 30fps is a playable frame rate. Dont be picky as ArmA is very.very badly optimised
  11. arrowxd

    DayZ & Other Livestreams

    Apolloz is doing a fun casual breaking point livestream, no lag good fps! http://www.twitch.tv/apolloz
  12. Im not saying that its true as i do not have an amd processor, i heard it, though it could help
  13. Yeah i agree, zombies scare me again like they used to in the old DayZ, back when i first spawned in for the first time!