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About Monstercorp

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. 1] Nickname: Dogman, For the moment. 2] Region(Country): Sweden 3] Are you willing to be active: Eum, yes. I am lookin for a team ehh? 4] Do you have Teamspeak 3 Including a Michrophone: Yes 5] Steam name: Faceup9 6] How long have you been playing DayZ: oof... euum, almost since release? 7] How many Clans have you been In: Had a clan of (Friends) and we were abouuuut, 7-10 playing at our prime. 8] Previous experience: Previous experience over what? Of this game? Im pretty damn experienced. 9] How many bandits have you killed: Can't even count. 10] Are you willing to help other players: Clearly depends wether I believe they are a threat to me or not. With more people to rely on by my side I'm sure it'll be easier. But (maybe) for now.
  2. Monstercorp

    Our Community: BrainsOfBritain.co.uk

    Excuse me. English isnt my first language :c Here is an actual link on youtube to show you that this is possible: e will find another server due to this one having admins like you.
  3. Monstercorp

    Our Community: BrainsOfBritain.co.uk

    Honestly LoK. Im just having fun. This is pure entertainment for me to argue with someone like this. But ill shut up now. See ya!
  4. Monstercorp

    Our Community: BrainsOfBritain.co.uk

    The lack of knowledge is because we have experienced it before on our fucking server... omg can you just PLEASE STOP DROP THESE DUMB COMMENTS. SAY SOMETHING THAT ACTUALLY MAKES SENSE.
  5. Monstercorp

    Our Community: BrainsOfBritain.co.uk

    Seriously.. Can you come up with an arguement that actually makes sense. If we "ACTUALLY" were hackers. Dont you think we would be banned at this point? Just stop posting. You dont have anything to come up with other than your childish epeen comments. Everything is going to be alright with you (one day) I mean.. do you even understand what we're saying to you? Do you think hackers would go this far and post on the forums? Please answer this: How dumb are you from a scale 1-10 ? I beg you to answer this question as honest as you can.
  6. Monstercorp

    Our Community: BrainsOfBritain.co.uk

    Yeah this doesn't even make sense. You get to call people that are the same age as you a kid? You're just getting more and more stupid after every comment you drop sir. Holy S*IT LOL... The fact that you are an admin just makes you even more dumb that you already look at this point. This is entertainment right here son.. right here.
  7. Monstercorp

    Our Community: BrainsOfBritain.co.uk

    But you chose to go this far and cant even respect the fact that we're telling the truth. But im going to go take this to a whole other level of childishness and look out for posts that you make and just tell everyone the truth about it. We played legit but you cant seem to understand anything. I mean, Nowdays in dayZ there is ANY kinds of hack that you cant expect. But this is just outrageous that you went this far and cant actually for once listen.
  8. Monstercorp

    Our Community: BrainsOfBritain.co.uk

    "Nice try kids" Are you serious right now? We didn't freaking join with no NVGS or M9SD. The hacker took control over us and handed us the gear. I mean, if you are that dumb to say "There are no such hack" then you are either just really really stupid or I dont know what else you can be other than a stupid kid whos trying way to hard right now. I mean, if you cant handle this like a serious person then so be it.
  9. Monstercorp

    Our Community: BrainsOfBritain.co.uk

    Well.. i have had my share of shit on this server.. Its freaking awful. The admins wont listen to us and 3 of our friends got banned due to some hacker coming to us and taking control over our characters therefor we were all hackers apparently and got banned because a friend of ours tried to explain what happened but yeah.. I wouldnt recommend this server to anyone due to the hostile admins. Thanks and goodbye.
  10. Monstercorp

    Our Community: BrainsOfBritain.co.uk

    hehe(: Well. We are going to be by ourselves and not sit with 60 people at teh same time is pretty unreal and annoying for everyone. :b I mean.. sure you can sit 60 people on TS if ur not playing serious.
  11. Monstercorp

    Our Community: BrainsOfBritain.co.uk

    hmm fair enough, well.. teamspeak is something we wont use (: We role wif goold old skype!
  12. Monstercorp

    Our Community: BrainsOfBritain.co.uk

    Yeah I heard about the bounty thing.. how often will this bounty thing occur? Must say im not a fan of that. Im still looking for some recruits to our squad. Got some people on the server just testing out.
  13. Heyhey, we are 4 Swedish dudes looking for 2 more players to join our squad. We aren't an experienced team or anything. We are experienced with the game itself. Most of us are solo players but we want to try something new and start up a squad. Hit me up on Skype for more talking Skype: Faceup9
  14. Monstercorp

    Our Community: BrainsOfBritain.co.uk

    Well, we want the most populated one with the clans on.