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About CallMehTOMMEH

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    On the Coast

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    United Kingdom

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    ::::::::::PC SPECIFICATIONS::::::::::::::::::::

    BENQ X2420T 120HZ (MONITOR)

    INTEL QUAD CORE i7 2600K @ 3.8GHZ (CPU)
    OCZ 700W (PSU)

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  1. Hello survivors. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas wherever you are in the world! First and foremost, I am a diehard DayZ fan. I loved the mod, Arma games in general and of course Standalone, but I cannot escape the feeling that the rushed 1.0 release has been wholly damaging to DayZ's reputation. PC game reviewers with huge followings, large streamers like Shroud, all covering the release have shown off how just how little there is in the game. The version as it is, without proper persistence, all the weapons, and base features we needed for a full release, have reiterated the message that DayZ is doomed to being perpetually unfinished. I really really want this game to do well, however this hurried 1.0 release has done the complete contrary. Towards the end of the video, I give five reasons for how the devs could repair the damage done by the internet's scalding opinions- hopefully, before it's too late.
  2. Hey @Raptor97 and @Parazight Thanks for the kind words guys. Kinda needed a morale boost after getting roasted by Reddit...was a bit surprised by the overly negative reception really. Just an opinion, and just a game, but hey, I tried heh. Fallout, GTA, all these huge open world games take TIME to develop. I genuinely enjoyed my time playing the stress tests, they have a long way to go, but the important thing is the devs are making the right decisions now. Also I agree with the influx of 'DayZ is dead' videos...real shame, because it's usually misinformed opinion and made for mass views. For the record, none of my videos are monetised, the purpose of editing ALL of this was to simply spread a message. Thanks again for the words of support! o7.
  3. My five top reasons for DayZ's return and revival to the PC gaming market, thanks to the landmark 0.63 update!
  4. CallMehTOMMEH

    DayZ 0.63 Cinematic Overview of the Map changes to Chernarus

    @Buakaw Thanks for watching man, I'd like that too. Underwater scenery like we have in Arma 3 would be sweet too. :-) @liquidcactus Hey man, thank you! :D And I'm not 100% sure on the Tisy radiation yet. I do have a feeling it won't be coming with 0.63 though :(
  5. Hey guys, I wrote extensively about this in the description of my video, but I basically made this as a sort of hype-without-showing-unfinished-gameplay video. A lot of people have already uploaded stress test/offline mode gunplay and animations, but I felt I'd rather take advantage of the spectator camera in the more illicit modded singleplayer version that was recently released. With that being said, there are map spoilers and areas that are potentially under heavy work in progress, so keep that in mind if you watch! -Tommeh
  6. CallMehTOMMEH


    I'm new to the forums, but I signed up because, 1- I am a big fan of the mod and 2- I had something I needed to vent. So after about 2 months of abstaining from playing DayZ, I decided to hit up the same server I saw PsiSyndicate playing on. Normally, it takes me a while to work my way up, but this time, I got lucky. Spawned near the northen airfield, met a friendly guy called "Kickass" and after making our ways up to the airfield, I find a CZ550 and he finds a pump action shotgun. By this time, I know I have gained his full trust, because it is a well known prinicple, if one player has a better weapon than the other, they will kill for it. After looting the airfield, I notice a gycrocopter, and we agree to fix it. Another guy joins us, he helps repair the helicopter, but shortly looses connection. Me and Kickass take off, with me as the pilot, proud of our accomplishments. We set off for a fuel station. After about 15 minutes, we decided to land in Sabina on a industrial building for fuel. Kickass gets out, while I guard the chopper. He calls "I found 2 large jerry cans and 3 normal ones" I hear footsteps but I presume they belong to my new found friend. Seconds later, a hero appears (called Min) from the top of a ladder calling friendly. I point my gun at him with apprehension and tell him to drop his Makarov pistol. He obides and helps Kickass with refuelling the helicopter. We take off, and set about finding other vehicles and better loot to prepare ourselves for Salvation City. After landing at various industrial sites, we find enough materials to fully repair and refuel another chopper. I can't remember the name of the city, but it has a huge football stadium in the middle of it. Inside it, was a Huey. Confident the stadium could only be accessed from the air, me and Kickass disembarked, turning the engine off, when Min announced "i'm going afk for 7-10 minutes guys, dont kill me pls :P" Me and Kickass approved, and set about fixing the helicopter. Half way through attaching a Main Rotor Assembly, AK-74 rounds crack past my and Kickass's heads. A barrage of bullets rain down on Kickass who later died, once I indentified the firing position, I made a ran for it. The idiot gunman was stupidly still in tunnel vision, shooting Kickass's corpse. I start up the gyrocopter, yawing left as I gained rotor pitch. With just me and Min alone in the chopper, I was at 50% blood, bleeding out. I panic, and seek refuge to land at a nearby open football pitch. But just my luck, an M14 AIM rifle opens up and lights me up like a Christmas tree, damaging my engine and instrument avionics. I see no 'player-free' zones apart from a nearby volcano. I raise collective and land the helicopter at a 45 degrees face. Min gets out almost in sync with me, as I turn away to bandage, I scream over direct chat, fear in my voice, "We just got shot up badly in the football stadium man!! I need blood bagging!!!" I turn to him, he turns to me, says nothing. Then out of nowhere, he fires a single slug round at my torso with brutality and a cold sadistic nature. I pass into an unconscious state, where he finishes me off, I catch a last glimpse of him jumping in the helicopter. And here I am. Left for dead. CallMehTOMMEH was killed by Min by weapon: M1014 Remington, range: 3 metres. I found this intriguing. Because as Dean "Rocket" Hall said, DayZ had always been intended as a experiment for humanity. Where player interaction and choices impacted on a large heirachy of people. People work in unsual ways. Of course, DayZ is nothing like what is used to be, with PvP style bandits occupying most of the player base, there used to be genuine interactions, sympathies, cold-blooded kills, acts of compassion, acts of brutality. I find it disheartening to think how humanity would reclaim itself in the midst of a Zombie Apocalypse with greed being the most dominating force amongst humans. Personally, I really am fascinated by this, and after not playing DayZ for such a long period of time, it was a real wake-up call to experience something like this. Shit happens. I know, but I really believe DayZ has done a fantastic job of demonstrating what kind of mentality people poesses, even in the real world. Greed? Companionship? Hatred? Trigger-happy? Sympathy? Do you think DayZ standalone will offer this kind of player interaction? Screenshot I took of the Gyrocopter landed at an industrial site, Kickass is the ghillie guy to the right: http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8124/8661223676_52401166e4_b.jpg