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Everything posted by Sinaz20

  1. No no no-- Vanilla. I have to side with SSP. Bandits are legit, albeit assholes. I'd rather not sink below them to escape fate and consequences via exploit. I just want to EAT all my valuable loot and imagine me giving the bandit a shit eating grin full of beans as I die with a plastic spoon in my hand. "wheres... my... *cough urk cough*... beans... now... bitch!"
  2. Up til, I've been doing ok in the dark. I learned to adapt to the darkened tones with the flares and chemlights just fine. Now, I'm learning to adapt with the start kit flashlight, and it's like I've been smacked back to noobsville. The issues: 1. Flashlights do not generate any ambient light at all, just that stark spot light cone. 2. Survivor cannot jog and keep a flashlight pointed in front of him like any mildly coordinated human being :P 3. Survivor cannot multitask with a flashlight and any weapon. Now, I know that it's an engine limitation thing-- flashlight or secondary in inventory, and flashlight or primary equipped... but how the hell are we supposed to fight like that? Ok, ok-- and granted, I know that ideally evasion is key, but if I happen to agro a zombie at night or need to shoot one or two to acquire some food and cola-- I'd like to figure out how to tackle this situation without resorting to rolling over and dying. As it is now, I have to either creep everywhere at night, or sort of acquire then sprint, acquire then sprint. I'm kinda ok with that, though, I'd really like my survivor to shine his flashlight out front ALWAYS like I do when I jog at night... but ok. What I can't figure out is how to adapt to the fact that to go from flashlight to primary I have to mouse wheel and wait for an animation-- during which time my view goes to complete black, and who knows where the zombies have gone. I'm sort of firing off one round to illuminate the scene, then using my keenest of keenness to memorize where the Zed are and fire off kill shots. It's like playing pin the tail on the donkey. So, barring play on inverse time servers anybody have some good insight into adapting to the new night play when things ARE really effing black and all you've got is a flashlight and maybe a rifle and you end up having to defend yourself? TL;DR: trying to work out some strategies to fighting at night when you lack point light sources (chems and flares) and you've agro'd shortly after a fresh spawn.
  3. Simple suggestion: Give the flashlight a very weak point light source in addition to it's spotlight cone-- on the magnitude of a yellowish chemlight. This would go a long way in being able to keep some situational awareness around you despite the aiming of the flashlight, and most importantly, help mitigate the fact that our survivor is too inept to jog and aim a flashlight where he's going at the same time. It would also help to simulate a bit of ambient light from diffuse reflection.
  4. Sinaz20

    Beans 'n Bandages

    It was desperation that helped me realize who was currently hoarding all the beans and cola in
  5. Sinaz20

    Bring Back Starter Weapon Petition

    I've been spawning with a starter weapon... It's just always hidden in some random barn.
  6. Sinaz20

    What to do once you have all your stuff

    Bait and kill bandits.
  7. Sinaz20

    Beans 'n Bandages

    Agro some zombies, funnel them into a building, kill, loot... lots of beans and soda. I've been living off zombie beans and cola.
  8. Sinaz20

    impossible to find anything?!

    Winchesters are my new best friend-- they are pretty common and come with about 45 rounds on a typical spawn. Find that, and you can hunt zombies at range. Keep your wits about you, one shot, one kill, and you'll be swimming in beans and soda again. Now you really have to conserve-- eat and drink only when necessary. Working my way back up to finding a full compliment of gear, but with the hotfix, the game is manageable again. Good luck!
  9. Hotfix has returned the game to a manageable state-- evading zombies is much more predictable. Been able to loot and survive... barely... but at least I can resume hunting zombies (which is actually a good source for food and water now, provided you have the ammo for it.) I feel like I can once again settle into the game and pay attention for bugs/issues.
  10. I don't understand... the server was daytime(? assuming), then after a server restart, it was nighttime... and that's why you don't play nighttime servers... because daytime servers eventually become them? What are we complaining about?
  11. Sinaz20

    My argument for less damaging, less accurate guns

    I'm a loner' date=' Dottie... a [i']rebel.
  12. Sounds good... I'll grab some popcorn and watch you try to enforce it. Also, what if zed comes to worship? Do you simply have to abandon the church since you can't shoot in or toward? I like standing at the altar with an Enfeild, and blessing every zed that walks through the doors... by "bless" I mean shoot. ... I just don't understand how you think you can entreat career griefers to abide by such an honor system... did we just induct a bunch of new people into the internet?
  13. Sinaz20

    What's the point in trying?

    Yes, you need to turn your head more. Situational awareness is key. Sometimes you gotta hunker down, catch your breath, and listen for movement.
  14. Sinaz20

    Alternative Response to Banditry

    100 meters away is about the length of a football field. 200 meters away is still well within the effective range of most assault rifles. So basically, they'd spawn within kill range. I think you need to rethink this.
  15. YES ...I'll try not to confuse it with my real heartbeat. :P
  16. ...and' date=' if [i']after latest beta patch...?
  17. Can you actually spawn without flares? I've never spawned without road flares... However' date=' hypothetically, spawning in that kind of crippling darkness with no source of light... again, I'll reiterate that I do not find this to be "fun"... but all you can do is creep and scan, creep and scan. Put on those headphones and orient sound effects. I did this for a long time the first time I encountered the new black in DayZ, and it wasn't until I was killed by that flare-happy gunman that I learned to stop worrying and love the flare. It has been par for the course, that I would make due with gamma adjustment, and not really worry too much about flares and chemlights. Now, they become a priority at night and part of the challenge.... part of the [i']game.
  18. Very good illustration. Thread needs more copies of this illustration, in a row. EDIT: It's creeping left. And yet, the zeroing is still 300 meters from the rifle!
  19. Sinaz20

    Advanced Navigation without Tools

    This was an interesting read, but I think, ultimately not very practical if you don't already know the layout of Chernarus. Navigating without tools or a map is probably going to be a rather fruitless exercise unless you are looking for generalized locations. You should learn the idiosyncrasies of geography. If you need a city, follow draws (the gouges in mountain slopes) down and you will typically come to roads. Roads connect cities. If you find a fire-road, follow it down-hill and it will connect with major road. Powerlines traverse terrain directly, following them will connect you to cities. Mountain peaks typically house ancient castles and radio relay towers, which are good common landmarks to orient by. If you need directionality: From high ground, you can see the horizon and locate inland (mountains) from coast (straight ocean horizon.) You can deduce north by observing shadows. The closer to noon, the more the shadows point off axis, but they point west-ish in the morning, and east-ish in the evening. Or, just look at the sun, and inverse these instructions... it's in the east during morning, west in the evening. You can use the watch trick without a watch if you can estimate the time of day-- http://www.learn-orienteering.org/old/nocompass1.html You just have to imagine the watch... which isn't too hard to do. At night, you can spot the north star (not sure if it is actually visible in Arma II) normally, being that Chernarus (fictionally) is in the northern hemisphere, you spot the big dipper, then follow the two stars that make up the end of the cup about five spans "upwards" from the big dipper, and that is roughly north. That's all I can think of right now. there are a lot of other good ways to navigate, but they require some form of tool... like a watch.
  20. Very good illustration.
  21. Sinaz20

    Zombies pwn me

    First, you have to work on not aggroing them. Reduce your profile and sound. Watch your visibility and sound icons- if you're too close, go prone (but don't engage zombies while prone.) Second, you'll fair better taking refuge indoors, as the zombies reduce speed to walking indoors. Third, understand the power of your weapon and how to use it. With Makarovs, you can typically get away with a double tap to center mass-- very low risk. If the zombies are lumbering or crawling, you can risk a headshot, which is a one shot kill. Most high caliber weapons and rifles will kill a zombie in one hit to center mass. Fourth, if you must fight them in the open, you can run away from them and do a wide loop until you can make a quick 90 degree turn to acquire them, get a site picture, and shoot. If you need a little more jockeying by that point, backpedaling will serve you well. They typically chase after you and stop to attack, allowing you to distance yourself, but they make up for it in bursts of speed. Happy hunting. PS: To what Thygrr advised, if you have aggroed a bunch of zombies and can get inside, yeah-- prioritize small caliber weapons so that you avoid attracting more of them. PPS: Aim with iron sites, as third person cross hair is hardly every accurate when the zombies get too close due to the camera offset. (If you're playing in 3rd person, that is.)