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17 Neutral


About JackieBoy

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. JackieBoy

    Vetrenarian offices

    Good idea. Just to much depth in my eyes. Some medications of humans can be reduced for animals and children.
  2. JackieBoy

    Punish death

    Russian has a point. But its not a horrible idea in that sense.
  3. JackieBoy

    Yay or Nay

  4. JackieBoy

    Rolling up your sleeves

    Kind of stupid in my opinion
  5. JackieBoy

    Cars explode too easy

    Already made post. Dont double up sunny boy
  6. JackieBoy


    dayz commander.
  7. JackieBoy

    Join The Wolf Pack

    Somebody likes Hangover
  8. I hate to say it, but a lot of the dayz community is under 16. But few are mature that ARE over 16. I know a few people who are under 16 and are some of the maturest bunch ive ever seen. Give the youngins a chance dude.
  9. JackieBoy

    Hacker on DE 871

    Sadly most of us can do nothing. I also highly doubt that the admin just happens to be looking at this post. Besides when checks the logs he will see it. Just needs time young one. Just needs time.
  10. Hi guys My name is Alec! I need some guys 1 or 2 to come and play origins with me. I can help you build your house. And maybe even a garage. It would really be awesome if you had teamspeak, skype, or sometype of communication kind of thing. IF you have skype my name will be in a sec. IF you have teamspeak there will be an ip. IF you steam (obviously) Comment here and my name will be here in a sec. Thanks for reading guys teamspeak: redux.teamspeak3.com skype: alecsmeltzer steam: hubbabubba110
  11. JackieBoy

    Dayz Origins Team

    Hi guys My name is Alec! I need some guys 1 or 2 to come and play origins with me. I can help you build your house. And maybe even a garage. It would really be awesome if you had teamspeak, skype, or sometype of communication kind of thing. IF you have skype my name will be in a sec. IF you have teamspeak there will be an ip. IF you steam (obviously) Comment here and my name will be here in a sec. Thanks for reading guys teamspeak: redux.teamspeak3.com skype: alecsmeltzer steam: hubbabubba110