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Richard III in Leicester

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Everything posted by Richard III in Leicester

  1. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/168692-no-fuel-vehicles-and-moby-dick/ All kinds of similar in this old thread - from nearly a year ago to the day! What are the chances.
  2. Yeah a good idea, was already suggested about a year ago. Hopefully it will be in the game eventually !
  3. Richard III in Leicester

    Amphibia S

    They run in a straight line straight towards you - headshot the mutha. At least they don't jink and dart around like in the ol mod days. Was always headshots for the one hit kill in the mod, should be in SA. It's too easy at the moment.
  4. Richard III in Leicester

    Silencers that dont attract zombies.

    I'm sure it will be like you say when it's sorted out, must still be in early dayz at the moment. In the next tweak they do you won't even be able to hear it yourself. Then after that they'll tweak some more and it might be about right - it's the DayZ rule of patches ;)
  5. Richard III in Leicester

    Silencers that dont attract zombies.

    Yes to that. 25m would prolly be about right, but this is dayz after all ;) you could hear a door shut on a landrover in the mod from about 200m hehehe
  6. Richard III in Leicester

    Anyone feel the .52 nerf to the V3S was too much?

    Are you sure it wasn't damaged in some way making it go so slow? Also did you try keys [q] [w] or [e] because in the mod they were the bindings for 3 different speeds, I think it's the same in SA isn't it? If none of that is true then yes that is very slow.
  7. Richard III in Leicester

    Silencers that dont attract zombies.

    Even the sound of an axe swinging and smacking against one of their fellow zeds heads can be heard by these muthas. A suppressed firearm should still aggro, cos it still makes some noise, but should have a smaller area of sound it gives off. Might be silent at over 50m ?
  8. Richard III in Leicester

    hydration issues

    Maybe he had a bit of a mad one on the old alcohol tincture the night before? Needs a fry up I bet, some beans & tactical bacon would do it.
  9. Richard III in Leicester

    Have you ever seen two heli crashes spoon?

    The pilots of those two aircraft got what they deserved! Hehe Spooning choppers !? I mean, whatever next. P.S you got enough pop on your hotbar there m8? Hehe bit of a sweet tooth? ;)
  10. Richard III in Leicester

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    I was just about to start typing "I'd have the 500w psu' then saw the reply above besides that, yes you'll run it well with that.
  11. Richard III in Leicester

    Dayz Service Down / DDoS Attack

    Maybe this thread might shed some light for you? http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/161740-dayz-standalone-ddos-attacks/ I think it has happened before but hopefully it should be back to normal in the next hour or two.... Tho that is a bit of a guess. DDOS attacks have happened to our service provider where I work. One of the occasions it was back up to normal speed after a few hours, another occasion it took days..
  12. Richard III in Leicester

    The beauty of DayZ (an experimental adventure)

    You got pictures of Chwismas tweees ! ! Good stuff that man
  13. Richard III in Leicester

    Dayz Service Down / DDoS Attack

    Lok your eloquence is a joy to behold ! :thumbsup:
  14. Richard III in Leicester

    Haven't seen or heard a Zombie in hours

    I sat scouting the airfield once when from across the other side of the base a cow ran out onto the runway with 4 or 5 zeds in hot persuit ! I do laugh everytime I see the zoms running after animals.
  15. Richard III in Leicester

    How do i find where i put my tent?

    I'm lucky to know the map off by heart after running/flying/driving around it for years from arma2 and dayz mod and now SA but you've got a good point, if you don't know the map so well and you can't place waypoints like we all used to do in all the Arma2 & mod days it will be more difficult to get a bearing. As was said above though, find somewhere off the beaten track but somewhere you go often and make your home there. In my experience the middle of the woods is never a good place to put down roots(what a pun!!), cos when people come to search for tents to loot that's the first place they go to look. Northern Woods, far NW or the Black forest or the Tulga area used to always find loads of tents in the mod. The most safe places usually were the ones right under everyone's noses. Right on the doorstep of a busy part of the map but where no one would think to look...... Anyway good luck to you !
  16. Richard III in Leicester

    Video Card Suggestions

    ebay a second hand 7850 I'd say or like above the 7750 would also be a good match.
  17. Richard III in Leicester

    The game DayZ is striving to be...

    None of these are new ideas I'm afraid. An' I have to agree with above that 2, 3 and 4 won't happen - except through human players doing that if they so wish to and can get it organised in some way on their server. Though even then, I'm almost certain there will not ever ever be a 'safe zone' of any kind. That entirely defies the point of survival in DayZ. Trading can already happen, obviously, but it needs to keep its current level of risk. Double crossing can always happen and that's part of it isn't it? I don't think DayZ will ever have any kind of UI or locked in trade system where the game holds your hand until the trade is done and dusted. More zombs and wandering hoards are already on the DayZ roadmap. I'm not trying intentionally to piss on your ideas... The game is heading down the path where survival is a lot more difficult and so will push the gameplay hopefully into less of the team-deathmatch; but killing on sight will always be a part of the game, as it should be. We've all done it, some kills I'm proud of some not lol. Part of what makes DayZ intense is that you are never safe and could always be in the centre of someone's crosshair.. Gotta keep yourself hid ;)
  18. Richard III in Leicester

    Do I suck or....?

    It can be done now with kindling. Kindling & a rag or page of paper to make the 'fire kit' then put more kindling into it as fuel. The axe can chop trees to make fuel as well but it can be done with just kindling.
  19. Richard III in Leicester

    Do I suck or....?

    What becker said. All good info. Try to be stealthy as well, I know some zombies have spidey senses and xray vision and will aggro no matter what but there are also ones that can be stealthed. Crouching and walking can get you through a town unnoticed sometimes.
  20. Richard III in Leicester

    U DO DIS DAYZ? (Pic)

    DayZ giveth, DayZ taketh it away.
  21. Richard III in Leicester

    Help please

    Hello both, welcome to DayZ. You can change your name on the main intro screen before you select server or anything. Just click your name as it appears in the bottom right of the screen & type what you want. Easiest way to get your bearings as a beginner is to find a road and follow it to a town and find a roadsign or a roadsign at a crossroads whichever comes first. That might help you. But it takes a fair while to get to know the map! If you wanna put a screenshot up I might be able to tell you where you are! lol
  22. Richard III in Leicester

    Permadeath? This is permadeath!

    Standalone I have been trying to stick to playing like that, seeing as there's less been less for me to seek for (camps, cars, helicopters, clan wars etc) I've had that mindset myself since day 1 of hardcore. I never died in hardcore until the wipe. Then I died about 4 times in a few days on stable 0.49 & the temperature & persistence system made hyperthermia only a matter of time. Haven't been on stable for about a month, but been playing experimental. Haven't died yet. As a lone wolf I reckon having a perma death outlook is the only way to keep the game exciting. Of course if (when) I do die I will play again, but maybe there would need to be a mourning period, with tears and also face palming.. ;) Read some other posts, servers with a week long cooldown after death, where you can play during cooldown but you have to be a zed sounds right up my street !! I'd love that. Everyone would have chosed to be on that server to experience the game like that, so should be a better example of a true horror survival attempt...
  23. Richard III in Leicester

    New Spawns ruining PVP!

    Isn't that the row of houses right between Elektro & Cherno, under the cliff face? Not really middle of nowhere but I know what you meant, the axe madman made you jump out of your skin all the same hehe. Only thing I'd say to learn from that is the left alt key can be your best friend in DayZ. Hold it down and keep your head on a swivel at all times, could have seen that guy coming a mile off.
  24. Richard III in Leicester

    So are rocket launchers going to be added soon?

    I'd say have them in, very very rare and only to be found on their respective Nato or Russian heli crash sites depending on the stereotypical national identity they'd belong to. With the persistence in the game, would rocket damaged buildings stay damaged after server restart? I'd like that. Could maybe have them rebuildable to some degree also, with a team of players armed with trowels and wheel barrows full of concrete ;) Solnichny factory is/was a cement works wasn't it? Possibilities !