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Everything posted by Gaidoon

  1. Gaidoon

    Add a sexual anxiety meter

    Open season :D
  2. Gaidoon

    Add a sexual anxiety meter

    Revived for Lols
  3. Gaidoon

    Bye Servers, Welcome THE SERVER!

    This will make Cod seem like a picnic
  4. Make your fan fiction here. http://www.fanfiction.net/
  5. Gaidoon

    Add a sexual anxiety meter

    I would love this idea except the homosexual part. Who knows if we want to make this game real enough perhaps we can add a porno to.
  6. Gaidoon

    Add a sexual anxiety meter

    I think they should put sex in to make the game more realistic i mean that is the goal at the moment right who cares what non customers think.
  7. Gaidoon

    New Playable Race

    A3 would be the best choice though it's not really that hard in practice the only hard part is acting like a normal Zom and stalking survivors.
  8. A. Heavy Mist Sounds good B. Return Bandit skin (as an optional skin) I don't like the skin maybe if it's optional but then everyone will shoot you on sight. C. Zombies with Survivor skins No but i think maybe crazed AI survivors that want to kill you would be nice or possibly an infected individual with a zombie skin who hasn't quite succumbed to the effects yet. D. Empty Whiskey bottles I would go with this. E. Camp Fire stories Sounds nice if your sure no one will put a bullet in your head the second you turn.
  9. Gaidoon

    GPS tag/tracker

    They already have GPS in game.
  10. Perhaps If if took more people to accomplish a task like set a tent. BTW can you guy's go post on my thread this issue needs some attention http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=10080
  11. Your story seems kinda lengthy why didn't they just storm in and gun you down?
  12. Gaidoon

    Hacker on Dallas 38

    Hm i found a hacker on a Dallas server yesterday this may be him. He won't die.
  13. What probably happened was he shot you but the action was delayed and you died a min or two later it's happened to me before.
  14. Gaidoon

    Stuck in debug forest.

    happened to me once