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Everything posted by fuzzy_chimera

  1. fuzzy_chimera

    Gather around! Gather around children!

    I hate people who don't call out, I never have intention to kill anyone. trust is an issue I attempted to call out, without respect to return favor to my cries for neutrality they got what they deserved. on a side note, I will tell you my side. Krasnozramansk, the place of Origins for this fiasco. we are looking for food and a bush suit for me, when I heard a helicopter coming down to land in town, Pax races inside to get cover I noted that is was a trasport plane with no guns except on the rear, so i move closer once I confirm that neither of the occupiers have a gunner seat. at this point I was hollering at pax to move up. keeping line of sight on one another I go for a near by bush in the dark to scope out the situation. (pause) I hear one walk right in front of the bush where I am. I use direct chat and ask if friendly. (wait for it) typical no responce from these brown stains, so in due fashion I tell pax these guys are dead. I told him direction change visual apperence and weapon. to my suprise the Pilot shows back up to add loot to the helicopter, noticed he had some kind of strange headgear. I call out once again Friendly. again, nothing, so I let off a double burst of m16 (forgot I had it on burst instead of semi) he drops after a few seconds, must be some laggy euros or something. next thing I know that first guy I saw runs back through to see what happend. runs right past me. (shots to my right) pax shot him dead right in the street. I'm happy both the disrespectful dips got what they deserved. We move up to check the bodies and helicopter after we make sure the coast is clear, Raid the whole lot of things they had. (mind you this is an Origins server so the loot im about to explain is not in vanilla DayZ) pick axe, five big jerry cans, M4-A3 CCO SD with the front grip aswell as the SD. pax found some nice russian weapons on the other fellow can't remember the basics of it. so once this is done. Pax is saying we need to leave due to the fact that the close spawn point is only about 10 miles away, give or take 20mins. at this point im making my way back to the jeep (UAZ) happy as a pre schooler with crayons and a wall to write on. when I think to myself. these guys need to die again, (im still alittle steamed at the not getting a reply from my call out) so we decide to roll out to Seven. 2min-36 sec. we are in seven. notice that zombie and loot alike have spawned. so still in need of food, we go to raid the supermarket. to suprise some stuff to eat. we are there for a good 4mins then i hear my UAZ start up. to which point I unload into the driver side and tire 14 rounds of 45acp. survivor shrugs it off like nothing and speeds off, then the second guy tries to come up behind us to which without me even seeing him pax runs him down in full auto. (kinda funny it said he killed him at 3meters. At this point I'm losing my cool, with random no responders and people not being nice. I go full retard, shooting the last 3rounds at the UAZ with my 16a2. to which a patient zero strikes me and im down half blood, pax isn't fairing too well either both bleeding we jump in his Hatchback Chevy truck and speed after him. (even more pissed) I tell Pax to slam the Uaz and run it off the road. then proceed to use direct chat again, this time with less enthusiam. (YOU ARE GOING TO DIE MOFO) (NOBODY TAKES MY STUFF) Also during this chase, I was yelling murder over the direct chat mic. just for lol's The pursuit lasted 39 seconds, ending with him turning around I think cause he noticed us speeding to him faster than he was going, turning off he spins back around. to which I order Pax to drop as many rounds down range at him as he can to stop him from getting away. (he jumps out 8 shots) I see the UAZ turn left then full right straight into a wall. (large Dayz car explosion here) he pass out behind the wheel from being shot too much, then falls out on the ground weapon ready as he regains his bareing. too late. (one more shot rings out) Pax killed Jake81 distance 105 meters. no we proceed to loot what is left of them. Before he took off in my UAZ he took a few mags for my 16 out for the rifle he didn't have either way works for me. just about everything else was lost in the UAZ. (Blood bags-8 Morphine auto injectors-6 stanag mags-5 and a vast ammount of other supplies that really didn't matter to me. But if I can't have it nobody can. to the last point from there we started to leave. driving away from the murder of joy. sadly though as we where leaving pax missed Alex on his bike cause he didn't see him so we turn around I have pax leave the truck for the hill above the small gated house. I circle the house saying murder. the guy combat logs, so all in all good times. hopefully you can read my terrible wall of text with crap puntuation, miss spellings and other things. the rest of the time after that was pretty boring, we found a camo SUV to m4a1 holo with 203 and one with a SD. two M60's a crap load of mags for the AR line of rifles. and made our way to back to the main land from seven. only to continue the search for a ghille suit. The End. PS: when someone calls out be sure to say something back. I am forever a bandit on that server. (insert bugs bunny voice here)"SUp doc Gottsa Mouedoor."