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Everything posted by reapers239

  1. reapers239

    Not Sure Where to Go

    bambi signal sent.
  2. reapers239

    [Suggestion] implement the Arma 3 Stance system

    sorry but no. it been explained why
  3. reapers239

    Sniper Rifles

    heck yeah .22 was by Vietcongs to handicap a platoon it will kill, but till brake some joints even more
  4. reapers239

    Sniper Rifles

    good lord "mate" they did a math on real zombie pandemic and the results were grim, go look how long it takes for cdc or other global health agencies to identify and begin to counter whatever sickness it is. Not knowing what the heck a zombie virus is they will not send in high end war weapons, the most you gonna get is an apc or a hunmvee with a 18 bravo on the hood. Man either your have no logic or something cause you comment about gunning civis is nonsence why? cause there will be no time for it period
  5. reapers239

    Sniper Rifles

    is not fiction any weapon or ammo used in war that is used in civilian related mission are warned to be used due to collateral damage, i had to read the damn geneva laws and debrief commanders for missions in iraq
  6. reapers239

    Sniper Rifles

    i was talking about .50 cal since is the most powerful and most unique and rare. yes it could apply to all weapons but is more likely to find m4s and aks ammo in military centers then .50 that was my point. im not against snipers in the game i just see the need of .50 since im not trying to shoot through an armored car
  7. reapers239

    Sniper Rifles

    Honestly looking at how things goes, the military would be UN o national guard type units and going by the books of desease control a .50 cal wouldnt be in the picture while the governments tried to treat the populace by the time they realized what the infection is the real combat units will come in too late if not overan already in their home bases. The size of the bases to me here are nothing more then National guard type bases. My point is .50cal or other high powered sniper wouldnt be with forces because of Geneva convention laws, specially .50 cal which would explode a bunch of civilians with one bullet if fired on. (mostly for .50 cal)
  8. reapers239

    Sniper Rifles

    maintenance goes from just cleaning it or changing parts, but regardless of maintenance the ammo would very very rare and few so you would be carrying a dead weight regardless. Any one can carry 50kg on their back, specially if are items that use alot like food water and meds which drops the weight
  9. reapers239

    Sniper Rifles

    M16 and M4 might be made in US however they are the nikes of rifles they are sold everywhere almost, NATO/UN has alot of them, if theres a pandemic they are the ones in first with the aid from whatever unit or branch attached to the mission. and about recoil M16 and M4s have no kick whatsoever, .50 cal in some models even have a spring on the barrel to lessen the kick, I know you mentioned that this is a game, however a simulator one. if this was a fighter simulator i wouldn't add a laser cannon on my f22 raptor or an X-wing to face a SU-27, why because a simulator wants to draw you the player as close as possible to the real thing, thus no elite power sniper rifle in dayz SA, Mosin is pretty powerful according to history.
  10. reapers239

    Sniper Rifles

    OK OP how about some insight from a former army soldier. First .50 cal even withing armed branches are not many sure there might 2.000 or more but thats not the point, not every soldier ARE Qualified to operate one, heck just for m16 is a pain. M4 is variant of the m16 made shorter for close quarters extra info there. So if only a few are able to use it .50 in army or whatever in globe pandamic like Dayz it will be all spread out or lost, and i doubt any one will be willing to carry a heavy rifle on the run from hordes. 50 are only used for specific missions also since they are expensive and any bright mind will pick a lighter one to kill zombies or travel........is that enough?
  11. reapers239

    Bleeding (Over Powered)

    Yeah there is too much blood or bleeding for zombie game! honestly is fine heck i went on a fist fight with one zombie i won only to pass out 3 secs later. Heck yeah walking dead style bra........Zombie and damage by them has to be 1 chalange 2 should be other survivers, which will be become number one.
  12. reapers239

    please remove the barracks at balota

    removed nothing, there are others military post that are not NW or NE, you just need to go explore, i did that today, started with two cans of food some rags i made from shirts, found a first aid kit and had water, ran to stary then NW found some gear. Then i remember seeing this mark on the map since i was good on gear, what hell right, lets explore. Found, and i went to check Zelen for market and found something better, Still heading south of Zelen i found yet another military post. So there are alot of other areas but ppl are lazy or afraid to dieng and loosing gear, i eventually died from falling of a hospital by accident. Yes there alot of M4s going around, but i think they are doing so that to test, and i am pretty sure they will make itscarce. When that is done then ppl will come crying that m4s are too scarce......my new motto is going to be "noobs, perfect zombie bait"
  13. reapers239

    This game will only be a niche .....

    OP is perfect zombie bait lets meet in cherno
  14. reapers239

    are tents in the alpha yet?

    would be cool if they added the feature of locking the tent with a pad lock or something similar. it would be temp base since you could cut it open if had a blade type item....
  15. reapers239


    i just had my steam update my game and now im geting "bad version server rejected conection" and i see ppl playing, no clue in what to do
  16. reapers239

    Patch 113860

    Dang Rocket your like a hamster on coffee, lol get your sleep man!
  17. lol don´t listen to this guy, is worth it even if we dont have much of the features the mod had( vehicles, tents and what not) but the clothing and basic survival was is there and pretty cool. Yes is in alpha but remember that your helping the devs with whatever bug you encounter, i honestly just ran into some minor bugs and they have been fixing things rather quickly
  18. reapers239

    blood type is pretty stupid

    cant we blood bag our own blood? that would be cool
  19. for an alpha thats a good sign in way......
  20. reapers239

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    so me and my buddy got on to play some and all servers are full, there where one or two that had zero ppl yet i couldnt get on them. so whats going on?
  21. reapers239

    Invisible Zombies

    while i do not get hit, i do hear zombies around me after some time it stops.
  22. http://24thmeureview.blogspot.com.br/ just a heads up for those looking for a real clan, and a fun one at that, they destroyed glg server with their whining and crying. this is not a troll post the reasons are stated in the blog.
  23. ok i will tell you how this server worked, a fresh spawn had a starting load out, so they were dangerous, there were added building in bolota, and north east. and no we did sit camping killing bambies....and the starting load was nothing over kill, but they could get in a fight right away if they wanted.
  24. it wasnt over powered, we had rmod going, but nothing extreme point being of my post is cause they bashed on us and we cant even reply. because of their crying the server got shot down, the server was intended for clan survival pvp. without excessive vehicles, also rmod was being used mainly for clan skins.....
  25. http://24thmeureview.blogspot.com.br/ the reasons are in the link, this is not a troll post just heads for those really looking for a fun group, this is not one of those.