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Everything posted by AlbinoDinoFTW

  1. HELLO EVERYONE! Today my server entitled: "Super Hostile Survival", will be officially launching. IP: ____________________________________________________________ The only rules are: 1. I hate hackers, and that is fact, they ruin the game (and also a rule apparently) 2. If you see a hacker, report him/her, he/she will taste a BAN 3. Don't be an asshat Sidechat IS allowed, and if you don't like the sidechat, just turn down your VON, it is in the Audio Settings. I'm pretty sure it doesn't effect your direct chat. ____________________________________________________________ OTHER STUFF: -Our admins play the game just like you -There are 500+ Vehicles -Addons -Debug Monitor -n00b friendly -The admins love you! :wub: (Thinking about you right now) ____________________________________________________________ :emptycan: YOUTUBE VIDEO (Preview of server) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_KGaF-jRag NOTE: Just me (Stevie) Blabbing about the server ____________________________________________________________ CREDITS: -AmberHelios, thank you for helping me! -Venzire, Steak and Potatoes, and anyone else who I forgot!
  2. AlbinoDinoFTW

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Uh, the "Save" option makes me want to cry, I forgot it exists and get things scattered all over from where I took them from.
  3. AlbinoDinoFTW

    Worst Squad Ever...

    Just saying dude, it is was more convenient and more quiet. I only talk to people I don't know in direct.
  4. Eyo! Come and play! or not... whatever. If you are one of the relaxed players we are looking for you, we hope for a sort of 'work together' mentality. If you like the 'work together' mentality, come and join! If you encounter an admin prepare to be blood bagged and pimped-out. Come play if you are cool, and stick around maybe! :beans: The owner is Stevie, and the Co-Owner is Camren. There is a hero base in progress, become a hero and be accepted in. We have some server plugins to be added, but we are taking our sweet time :wub:
  5. AlbinoDinoFTW

    Watch this. Now.

    everyone has seen it, corridor is awesome! :)
  6. After many issues with DayZ.st the server is finally back to normal. You can find the supreme survivalist server with this IP: Server IP
  7. HELLO EVERYONE! Today my server entitled: "Super Hostile Survival", will be officially launching. IP: ____________________________________________________________ The only rules are: 1. I hate hackers, and that is fact, the ruin the game (and also a rule apparently) 2. If you see a hacker, report him/her, he/she will taste a BAN 3. Don't be an ass-hat Sidechat IS allowed, and if you don't like the sidechat, just turn down your VON, it is in the Audio Settings. I'm pretty sure it doesn't effect your direct chat. ____________________________________________________________ OTHER STUFF: -Our admins play the game just like you -There are 100+ Vehicles -Debug Monitor -n00b friendly ____________________________________________________________ CREDITS: -AmberHelios, thank you for helping me! -Venzire (loading screen), Steak and Potatoes, and others I forgot THIS IS A REPOST, the server has been going off/on randomly recently. Everything is settled now, and the server is back to normal. If a forum mod is seeing this, please delete all of my previus posts about my server if possible. Thanks.
  8. AlbinoDinoFTW

    dayz wigging out in option menu

    I thought this had something to do with giving your characters wigs in the options menu. CURSE YOUR TITLE, AND DAMN IT TO HELL, BECAUSE WIGS AND DAYZ WOULD BE BADASS-ish.
  9. That is why they get attacked so much, it's because nobody likes them, count me in the 'nobody likes them' section also.
  10. This is the THIRD TIME THIS WEEK the Washinton D.C. servers have been down. Do NOT get a DayZ.st server... -They don't respond to their paying customers -They are constantly DDoS'd I think that is enough points, especially when you lose players due to them thinking the server went off forever, and all of the time and money you put into a server like that. I sincerely do not recommend going with DayZ.st unless you enjoy server downtime... WTF IS WRONG WITH THEM. SERIOUSLY.
  11. I will come on tommorrow, setting up some server stuff, and there are going to be way less vehicles in like 5 minutes or so.
  12. Have you ever been in a fight in DayZ? That is what comes to mind pretty much, especially when you do fight with idiot spammers, I know taco, he IS an idiot.
  13. i was waiting for this!
  14. Quote Come join me! I need da playaz!
  15. You put him in his place, he deserves that for spamming his damn microphone!
  16. I know, I am actually going to change the number to 150
  17. Repost due to DDoS last time, the server wasn't available at the time of the last post. If forum mods see this please delete my previous post about this.
  18. AlbinoDinoFTW

    Are they Zombies?

    NO, they are zombos.
  19. AlbinoDinoFTW

    Dayz cars and car parts

  20. AlbinoDinoFTW

    Why is my server description greyed out?

    What kind of server are you using? DayZ.st... etc...
  21. My DayZ server has been down for a couple of hours now, do you know from expierence or stories how much longer it will take to come back? Will it take days? Hours? Minutes? I just want to know because I have recently gotton some awesome stuff on my server, such as addons, and music, and splash screens, and even more. What is really making me mad is the fact that DayZ.st got DDos'd, and I just need somebody to give me an idea of how much longer I will have to wait.
  22. AlbinoDinoFTW


    *frame drop, and there isn't really anyway of making a smooth game, that's just how Arma is.