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About SaBzOne

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    On the Coast

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  1. SaBzOne

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Desktop Monitor resolution: 1920x1080 CPU: Intel Core i3 4330 Graphics card: Radeon HD 7870 RAM: 8 GB SSD? No On which settings and resolution i can probably run it ? (at least with 30 FPS)
  2. SaBzOne

    Need some help with new PC hardware

    Thanks for quick answer, that was really helpful. :)
  3. Hi, I want to buy a new PC and need some advice for the new hardware. Actually i'm playing Dayz on low settings with a terrible resolution for nearly 30-40 FPS. -.- My purse says, Radeon HD 7870, Intel Core i3 4330 and 8 GB RAM should it be. Thats around 400 coins including other stuff like Mainboard and so on. On which settings and resolution i can probably run it ?
  4. 12 Dayz. I'm with 3 other guys, one day i was alone. On the way with my pickup truck to the North East Airfield, i decided to make a break, cooking some meat in a forest. I was eating the first of it, a Hacker teleportet right behind me. I got no ammunation for my M4SD so i ran around my car and that motherfucker chasing me. I was trying to write : dont shoot ! pls, dont shoot, friendly !! In that moment, he shoot me. DEAD. I thought, i never play this game again. I got everything.. A Car, NVG, Rangefinder, GPS, Ghillie (2), M4SD, M9SD. I'm still playing, today i killed a guy with that stuff i lost. :) Hope the SA have better protection. I HATE cheaters and hackers.