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Everything posted by vanden1989

  1. vanden1989

    DayZ Memes

    Happens to me. EVERY.FUCKING.TIME.
  2. vanden1989


    I escaped to the wilderness not too long ago. You need to run South-East. If you dont have a compass,check your watch (if you don't have a watch,sorry you're screwed). If it's AM then the SUN is at the east and if it's PM the sun is at the west. After this,imagine a compass and imagine that you're at the center of the compass and looking to the east. If you turn left,you're heading south. If you turn right,you're heading north. Make your calculation to South East and just keep running at that direction. It's probably going to be a long run,so be patient.
  3. vanden1989

    Loading screen error

    I've getting this error 8 sucessive times. When I log into a server,it loads normally until the Loading black screen,which just freeze. I can't press Escape to abort so I need to Ctrl.Alt.Del. It's extremely frustating,cause I take a really long time to run the game,find a server with my game version,with a good ping a connection and not full,just to freeze at the loading screen. Is there any way to fix this? Bump Someone help me
  4. vanden1989

    Why do -you- kill?

    I started killing players after this. I was heading to elektro. Got north of it to get a good view,and I saw with my Binoculars two guys entering the firestation. I headed there and when I was going to enter,one of them came out and I quickly typed at the chat FRIENDLY. He said he's friendly and that maybe I should team up with his mate. He entered the firestation and then I did. When I entered,he said at the chat: Sorry. They killed me and looted my stuff. I got pissed and asked why he told he was friendly if he wasn't. He told me that he prefers to kill players on sight than let the others get the first shot.
  5. vanden1989

    Loading screen

    I've getting this error since yesterday and didn't got into a server since yesterday. When I log into a server,it loads normally until the Loading black screen,which just freeze. I can't press Escape to abort so I need to Ctrl.Alt.Del. It's extremely frustating,cause I take a really long time to run the game,find a server with my game version,with a good ping a connection and not full,just to freeze at the loading screen. Is there any way to fix this?
  6. vanden1989

    Loading screen

    When I press reinstall battleye,it doesn't do anything.
  7. vanden1989

    Wilderness (1.7.1) - how I escaped

    I can't enter the canada server Im stuck at loading screen someone help me!
  8. vanden1989

    Bug - I'm Stucked in Wilderness

    I got stuck at Loading screen in the canada server... FUCK! Im so fucking desperate to try to get in this server,but I keep getting stuck on Loading screen...
  9. vanden1989

    In the great plains beyond!

    It's called Debug Wilderness. I'm stuck in this place too and you're probably screwed as much as I am...
  10. vanden1989

    Spawning in Infinite, Desolate Wilderness

    Do you really mean that I can't play anymore? Even if I kill myself?
  11. I was at Zelenogorsk and I started heading northeast. I got into a forest then I was in a weird place,with some grounds more high than others. I found a lot of animals in the way,which I gut some. I kept running,but it was just endless. No matter how much I run,I can't get out . I aborted then connected again to see if I can find where I am,and in the game it said I was at the Wilderness. What does it mean and how can I get out? I don't want to lose everything I got in this week.
  12. vanden1989

    Spawning in Infinite, Desolate Wilderness

    I was going to the NW Airfield too,then got stuck at Wilderness... I need to run at what direction? East?
  13. Stuck at the debug Wilderness... Name: vanden Player ID:16442694 I run 1.7 without beta,by the way... (will get beta soon) I really want to keep my stuff,because I was with enough ammo to survive for a long time. Please someone teleport me to any area besides debug ones obviously.
  14. vanden1989

    [] Crouch Volume

    In my opinion 1.7 Zeds were balanced,they weren't too hard nor too easy to sneak by. But it seems this patch they're super zeds.
  15. vanden1989

    Control Help :)?

    Press G to open your Gear and then right-click on the bandage. Then click in Bandage Myself.
  16. I find it highly frustrating to run a game,find a good server with good ping and connection and that's not almost full,just to freeze at this screen. I literally tried 8 sucessive times just to keep getting this error. Please help me and don't ignore this thread,I want to play DayZ again.
  17. They need to fix all of those problems and keep zombies like they were at least in 1.7.
  18. Where I can find new handguns? Makarov is too shitty,i'm looking for handgun spawns at Elektro and Cherno,can someone tell me where can I find them?
  19. vanden1989

    Texas 16

  20. Not too much of a sin,but I just killed my first player in an ambush yesterday. Felt great. Took him out and got his ALICE pack,his Lee Enfield with four clips,some Makarov ammo and supplies (food,soda,etc). I was at the school in Elektro. I entered by the back door,because the street of the main door is too damn open,and every zombie and player can see you easily. When I got to the main door to see if there were any zombies,found the guy walking silently by the street. Shot some rounds and made a tactical reload,but by the time I looked again he escaped. Searched for loot at school,found some supplies,I drank some soda because I was thristy,then headed to a building close to it to look for ammo or weapons. I easily found the same guy,laying prone,waiting for me to come back. Shot a bullet at his head and laughed. He raged at the chat.