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Everything posted by vanden1989

  1. Haven't tested the DMR. All the snipers I ever used on DayZ were the M24 (found a dead guy with it) and the AS50 (from the guy I killed) and I can assure you the AS50 is incredibly good. I mudered,like,10 people in Cherno (yes,I'm a bandit) with one-shot-kill each and didn't miss any shots.
  2. vanden1989

    Maximize Frame Rate On DayZ and Arma2 - Low Frames Fix

    This fixed my FPS issue with Arma 2: I did NOT make this video,all credits go to the guy who made it. Everyone,if the method on this thread did not work,be sure to check out the video above.
  3. Obviously. I was thinking the same thing cause of the ghillie suit.
  4. vanden1989

    Curious Question

    Found only one of them,and it didn't have anything. Bad luck indeed.
  5. vanden1989

    Cannot Find Weapons

    The bind key for third person is TOGGLE VIEW. Look it in your controls and bind it and voilá. You can thank me later.
  6. vanden1989

    Arma 1.62 released

    Then everyone is a noob. Including you.
  7. vanden1989

    Arma 1.62 released

    LOL. There isn't anything better than 4 nerds sucking each others ***** (censurated) Maybe I will come,if I die in the NW Airfield.
  8. vanden1989

    Arma update nerfed revolver?

    Right now the Revolver is better... Far more accurate,more powerful and the difference between the noise of these guns are not so different.
  9. vanden1989

    Arma 1.62 released

    Wow,this has been a nice conversation between you two. Having sex already? If I recall we should've been talking about 1.62.
  10. vanden1989

    Pending Update: Build

    If he made this thread only to talk about the new update,then why did he let the thread open so everyone can give their opinions? If he only wants to do HIS shit on DayZ,then he would've never asked our opinions as testers. You missed something. ELECTRO/Tchernogorsk/ELEKTRO Also,Berezino as a spawnpoint?
  11. vanden1989

    [VIDEO] Shooting unarmed people has consequences

    That was just fucking epic dude. You just fucked both of them in their asses.
  12. vanden1989

    Maximize Frame Rate On DayZ and Arma2 - Low Frames Fix

    Sorry but this didn't work. Instead I used another metod that also helped me out.
  13. vanden1989

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    None of them said it was ruining DayZ.
  14. vanden1989

    First bandit kill.

    Five minutes ago I was looting Cherno,and hearing a lot of shots. AK and Makarov shots. I decided to loot the market,and at the storage of the market I lay down cause I was hearing a lot of footsteps. Then I saw an AK guy enter at the other side of the market's storage. me and him kept waiting for each other to come like idiots. Then I saw "friendly" at the chat and I told friendly and I said that he should show himself right now. What appeared in front of me was an unarmed player,which entered the market by the front door. Me and him kept chatting and I told him there was a guy with an AK. I told to the AK guy that im friendly and that he should show himself. He didn't. The new player ran over to him and acted like a distraction (believe me,it was just convenient,me and him didn't plan anything),chatting to him about loot. I was just waiting. When the AK guy finnaly got out,I shot him in the chest and then in his head. After killing him,I realized the new player got a crossbow. I was afraid he could betray me,so I killed him with some shots in his back with my Winchester. He said in the chat "ah you fool..." I looted their bodies and took a Czech backpack in the supermarket,and when I went back to the storage I saw another unarmed player looting the AK guy (trying to get his AK). Shot him in the head before he could do anything. After that I went to Balota.
  15. vanden1989

    Pending Update: Build

    Alan,do ElectronicDesire... Tá ficando famoso em rapá? Sabe dizer se vai ter vídeo de DayZ essa semana?
  16. vanden1989

    Pending Update: Build

    Finally someone who isn't afraid of telling the truth to the creator of the game.
  17. How? I have an AMD graphics card.
  18. vanden1989

    How can I get better graphics at DayZ?

    I have a AMD A6 Vision. My graphics at Dayz are bad,I run windowed. I accidentally pressed a button and then lowered even more.
  19. vanden1989

    Pending Update: Build

    What about if me and my friends are trying to enter a good server but only find laggy and shitty ones? Will I be blacklisted for Alt-F4 user?
  20. vanden1989

    Pending Update: Build

    What if the player is entering a lot of servers because most of them are giving errors such as "Bad version" and "Loading screen freeze"? Will he still be punished?
  21. Me and my friend were at Stary military camp and heading to the NW Airfield when suddenly we got teleported to an airfield with everyone on the server. There was a guy (his name was SureShot) armed with a LMG,and a chopper and a bus behind him. He starts to shoot everyone to death. I kept shooting him with my M16 but he didn't die and he killed me too. Everyone lost their gear and respawned back at the coast cause of him. Time was 2:05 AM at Brazil's time zone.
  22. vanden1989

    Hackers on US61 NY2 turning players into Goats

  23. I got problems too. Some guns at the missions and at Boot Camp are missing since I installed Six Updater.
  24. vanden1989

    Killed while logging?

    But how did I log on in the debug forest... I was at Elektro and when I spawned I was at the empty wilderness with all those body and survivors standing still.