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Everything posted by vekien

  1. The idea was very epic but there was SO many flaws and glitch/bugs that caused issues... Some notes: Desyncs all over resulting in death of a few people who could do nothing. Camera man makes sounds and is visible when in vehicles. Camera man needs to not aggro and have noclip. Stream Delays. Not all players streamed sadly. One of the goody items was a Sniper Rifle, awesome for getting a close up on the artifacts glitching. Whole town ended up on "fake fire" due to heli crash. No one cared for SAWS lol. Be nice to be able to HEAR the streamers so we're aware of what they're thinking/saying/planning. We need some sort of realtime minimap display on the stream. Needs some awesome intro with mikeb's music (like over or under!! hahah) The only winner, is the Tractor.
  2. vekien

    Potential Graphical Artifacting Fixes

    This didnt work for me, but a solution that works for me 100% of the time is when i begin to get artifacts i just restart the game, it seems loading in the area fixes it for me, until i move to the next area with glitches and i have to do it again, but it is 100% garaunteed for me XD and it only takes about 15 seconds to do. Flush also doesnt work.
  3. vekien

    DayZ Concept Art

    Very nice pictures, added DA to whitelist.
  4. vekien

    Anti-Cheat Solution

    Hacking can get you banned, lost CD Key, Locking a server, does not. Come on, common sense lol........
  5. vekien

    Anti-Cheat Solution

    I personally have not seen much happening, maybe its different on EU side, but it doesnt happen much to me. Also it doesn't matter if you have to fill out a form, type in your birthdate or kiss a goat to get into a private server, not everyone will follow the rules and lock their server to have it private. Just like how not everyone plays legit... I dont think you understood what I was saying when I mentioned why I was against it. I am not talking about "HACKERS" locking server to get legit stuff, I am talking about "Cheaters". Sure, hackers can go spawn stuff and hack away blah blah, so you lock your server. Then we have a bunch of locked servers that people have to then waste time applying to join and it becomes insanely frustrating for the players. THEN you have people who go exploit the system, not "Hackers", just "cheaters", they lock their server to grab all the cars and stuff and park them all in a safe spot, fill them with guns and stuff, then just use it as an "Armory", that exploiting player then goes to other servers all pimped out just to PVP, he has nothing to loose because all he has to do is go back to his own passworded server and regear the moment he is killed. So then, from allowing people to lock your server you are only creating even more of an issue by adding another way to "cheat" in the game, creating another barrier for players, and a few of you will be okay because you can control your server, although cheating will happen anyway because I could easily fill out a form, join your server, cheat, and if you ban me, what do I care? There is 2500 more servers to choose from lol And you might think "got rid of the cheater" but then the next cheater fills out the form to join your server, and you ban him, then the next cheater comes along, and you will have to keep banning but more will come anyway. You might as well just allow the freedom to ban and not lock, because locking doesnt really do anything, its not like it locks out cheaters because cheaters are not robots, they're players... that will fill out the form to cheat on your server...
  6. vekien

    Anti-Cheat Solution

    The reason im against this is because while you stop "cheaters" you then create "cheaters" Because you lock your server, get everything and anything, then hop server ultra-overpowered and go PVPing, what people concered ruined gameplay experience, and it doesnt matter if you die because you just hop back to your ownserver, go grab all your stash and then hop back to a public one. So I am against it, unless there is a way to prevent your items on locked servers to be transferred off that server.
  7. I hate repeating myself... BI/BE have to deal with it, why do people harrass Rocket and the DayZ team when it has to be fixed by BI/BE and those are the once who decide on a "official statement." That said, if you go read Rockets posts regarding it, copy+paste them all into 1 big post, and you got your statement from what only he can do. He is also limited by what he can talk about regarding what BI do.
  8. People forget how this all started, it was just a test, a tech demo so to speak, it then completely blew up, just this past month we've gone from half a million to 1 million, its growing insanely and while a lot of legit players come, the number of "hackers" begins to grow, the "workforce" of the "hacker" community for the game exceeds that of the dev team and its a constant battle. But as said by Rocket and what I consider common sense, this is a MOD, it can only do so much, it pretty much, itself cant stop hacking, he has said this himself but people choose not to listen then ask him for a response, he responds, they choose not to listen until they finally hear something they like. To prevent "hacking" and "cheating" it has to be delt with by BI, and by BE, not by Rocket, not by DayZ, but by the source, in the engine code. But only so much can happen, with devs working on Arma 3, and devs working on DayZ Standalone, you cant expect a whole work force to be focused on old technology that was built from the ground up to be open and free. It was never designed to be restricted like Cod is or Battlefield, and even those games, heck even the multi-billion Blizzard has its issues and dont fix them over night, what do people expect from a smaller company, with a game that was built with the purpose of being open, moddable and scriptable. All this, is on Rockets mind, a lot of pressure on him, the dev team are working very hard to come up with different solutions but while x people complain about "hacking", same amount complain about alt-f4, glitches, content, zombies, pvping, etc.etc... you have to work on everything at once. People need to lighten up on the situation and realize the situation behind it all and stop rage posting so much because it does not help.
  9. The solution is dont build your game around the ability to easily modify and work with the core engine. Arma 2 is open, VERY open, hence why its so easy to "Hack". People keep crying, and crying, its so annoying and so many of them just look silly, in the end it cant be fixed over night. Everyone acts like its being ignored and a solution/fix can be coded up over night, cuse its not like, say, Blizzard, ever have issues.
  10. Did you not understand me or something?
  11. You guys ruin the term "Hacking" :/
  12. vekien

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    I am wondering where you got the 800k actual players from?
  13. vekien

    where do you guys find good weapons?

    The best weapon, is easily, the Hatchet. Its Silent, Its Deadly, Its Personal, Its got 100k ammo, Its everywhere. Continue.
  14. vekien

    New front page - your opnion

    Its more sexier than <inset hot celebs name>, i want its babies
  15. vekien

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Hence why I said, you still have to query the data >.> :D The web stuff runs on its own server, but would still need to connect to query.
  16. vekien

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    It already does this, but you still have to query the data, i built in a cache so once it fetches your dead data, its never pulled again eva (as it never changes) and only alive data is pulled, and it takes about 0.003s to do it, but they like nope! lol XD so we will have to wait a little while.
  17. vekien

    Now 1 Million!!!!! + Unique Players!!!

    +1,285 players joined in the past 3 hours hitting us over 1m :) Congratulations Dayz!
  18. vekien

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Congratulations!!! And welcome to the +1,285 new players that hit us over 1m :)
  19. vekien

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    You can go back to survivor from bandit, to me, the humanity is just a number, so i dont know what catagorizes as bandit or survivor, you start with 2500 and 1 kill can put you into negative XD it goes up over time and i think for killing zombies. heh, we have something like that, but the stats are only queried every 3hrs XD, the next update is in 46 minutes and the last update there was 932 more unique, and we need 1140! XD
  20. vekien

    200 Zombie Kills in 2 minutes

    stop nitpicking! NEVA! >:( :D i expect that video of 200 in 2m! PRONTO
  21. vekien

    200 Zombie Kills in 2 minutes

    But the title says 200kills in 2minutes and the video does not reflect that, it reflects 60 kills in 2m 24s sped up, idk how much sped up, maybe double? so in almost 5 mins you get 60 kills, Then you say "it would of been 200 kills in about 4.5 minutes" but you're trying to tell us 200 in 2 mins and then not even show it :P Misleading title.
  22. vekien

    200 Zombie Kills in 2 minutes

    Hmm in a video that is 2min and 24seconds you get 60 kills, and the video is even sped up lol How is this 200 in 2minutes?
  23. vekien

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    The development is complete, the problem is we need direct hive access and the server guys are not to keen on that right now because its already peaking and they don't want the extra load (even tho its super super super tiny as i built it well lol!). :(
  24. vekien

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    I cant provide that data sadly, the live hive is very restricted to certain people, even the web team don't get access XD but soon we will have a web page that will tell you all your personal data :)
  25. vekien

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    The humanity is there, but the amount of decrease you get from killing someone hugely exceeds that of being nice, right now some of the highest humanities are 40-50k with 1-2 being 70k+ but the negative humanity ranges huge with a few people being nearly -3million and a lot of players around -500k to -1m score, I am about -100k because i've only killed non bandits ><