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Everything posted by vekien

  1. vekien

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Not Irrelevant at all, it is a great achievement. The duplicate of accounts is such a small insignificant percentage.
  2. vekien

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    10k from 1million unique players =D
  3. vekien

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Well, I did not do the Math, the Math was done by Vipeax i believe, the stats i receive is a singular number already processed by the hive. I think, it is just fetching the number from the ingame function (from Arma 2 engine) that is recorded. That said, you can get around in game much faster than in real life, the speed to travel 1000m in game is much faster than what it would be to travel it in real life using same principles, i believe anyway, not tested but im pretty sure as I can zoom around in a car across the whole island in what feels very little time, so trying to base the math on real life conversion I dont think would work, but you can go test this to show i am wrong.
  4. vekien

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    I am not nieve, I know the stats, and my comment was the amount of players who play with legit people vs playing with hacked people is a high ratio, a lot more people get into legit servers and legit situations than those getting into hacked situations. When updates/bypasses are released, of course it is going to peak then, thats nature of the internet and hacking apps, what do you honestly expect here, also when things get patched by BI/BE it will die down a bit. The rest of your comment, i do not get what you are talking about. You are just repeating what I said. But then you tend to forget. Hacking is very difficult to stop by a mod! Get this through your head because it is very important lol. The MOD and the MOD Team, Rocket, and Developers, add features to the MOD like bear traps, THEY DO NOT work on anti-hack code as much as BI do and BE do. Only Rocket works at BI, and even then he does not work on anti-hack material. It is NOT the mod being hacked, its Arma 2. Stop thinking the mod can prevent these issues when it comes down to Arma 2 engine and BE. Please avoid continuing this topic here, PM me if you wish to continue.
  5. vekien

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    This is very rude, are you just angry because you died to a hacker? As said over 9000 times, hacking cannot be prevented 100%, especially not by old tech, and further more by a mod. What do you really expect? ArmA 2 was focused on being open, it was a engine to be used, and this is causing it issues in DayZ popularity. All developers give a shit, but at the end of the day there is absolute nothing the DayZ can really do, hacking has to be treated at a higher level, in the source code of the engine and by BattleEye. They're working hard on it but remember it is NOT their only work, and just because you dont see bans or dont see posts, doesnt mean nothing is happening. Pretty much all developers keep quiet on these subjects. If you want to know how many people are pissed, you can view the designated forum and work it out. A very small amount of people do get affected out of the amount that play daily. I myself have only been hack killed once.
  6. vekien

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    The life expectancy will be how it is shown on the front page, because we recently changed it to filter out all stats of characters 5 minutes or below, this put the time from 35 minutes to 49. It is not all that much when you think about it, people do run a lot, driving as well. You relate it to the number of characters its only 52km per char.
  7. vekien

    Appropriate Zed Speed?

    i cant say i have had any zombie keep up with me in a car, even a tractor. A Car on grass sure cuse most cars are not off road and go 10mph on grass, but on road? noway one will continue to follow you, LOS will break.
  8. vekien

    Weapon Nerfing

    Ya this is frustrating, having to put full mags into zombies just to clear them, where as before it was like 2 bullets! :( im sure it will get fixed up eventually.
  9. vekien

    Is everyone in DayZ like this?

    Yeh unfortunately it is all that, the thing is, at the start it was all new, and things were "scares", zombies were kind of a threat because couldnt really loose them. Now zombies are no threat at all, lost easy and mean nothing, just run through a city n loose them n loot in process. And after you've geared up several thousand times people think "will kill a geared guy and take his stuff". Even if you had nothing they dont really know that at first glance, could be tricking them, could be bait, etc. After you've been back-stabbed plenty-o-times you become a little less "caring" to the "unknown internet guy". Just how it is these days, people gear up, then kill others. What I find funny is, a lot of regular streamers i see often "protest" so when they get sniped with pretty much nothing or messed up, they go find an axis then try sneak around the guy who killed them, a lot of times they kill the guy and so the guy with as50 and machine guns and nvgs and all sorts ends up dying to a hatchet haha i find it ironic XD
  10. The only time i usually go in nighttime servers is when its "just getting dark" in that there is still moon reflection off things that you can make out objects and when I am fresh spawn so that way i have a easier time gearing up lol XD but i do have NVGs now!
  11. vekien

    I just got a second chance

    Hah lucky, Should drop the FAL though, its powerful and nice but its like a car alarm when you shoot it.
  12. did you record this with jelly?
  13. vekien

    Respawn disabled? WHY???

    yah sure! here take this pill, and this drink first tho and hop in!
  14. vekien

    Respawn disabled? WHY???

    Realism, please, you can drive 226km in about 3minutes, thats 6780km/hr lol then you can recover a broken bone back to full 100% status within 5 seconds of breaking it with morphine and cook 10 steaks in a split second and the fact you respawn anyway, oh and there is "infected/zombies", realism only goes so far lol I dont think this feature was really needed tho, if you spawn near a town you can just go die from zombies anyway, if you spawn south of keme you can just,, run to it or jump off the bridge, for me its made it worse because of the stupid "fall from 2 inches and break a leg" can mess me up at times but now i cant re-spawn, even with a fracture (because thats bugged/not working as it should). Thus to me it feels like a very silly thing to put in that has zero purpose that cant be overcome in other ways or just makes some aspects more frustrating. XD
  15. vekien

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Players in the last 24hours is unique, its how many logged in during the last 24hr period. With almost 20k+ at a single moment.
  16. Fracture button still not working, I am out in the middle of no where and a bug caused me to break a leg when i ran over a rock, so now i'm fucked ><
  17. vekien

    Why Don't the Zombies Just Run Straight?

    When it calculates a path, it calculates it on a X/Y path so it has to run on specific points across X then Y Then X then Y, so most often if you're at a diagnol it has to zig zag across the axis to get to you. The speed is to ensure it gets back on track when calculating the zig zag. While they look fast, they're no faster than you its just to compensate for the ZZ.
  18. vekien

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Not quite sure what you mean, i did not expect anything, you just trying to argue for the sake of it? I stated those are the personal reasons I do not see heatmaps coming, I am not saying they're wrong, I just think some stuff should be handled differently based on the gameplay aspect.
  19. vekien

    Stary Sobor Population Zero?

    Why go all the way to Stary to do that?
  20. vekien

    This is NOT a zombie game...

    I am not, I am stating there is no facts because its fiction (atm :o). Movie adaptations do their own thing. This game, does its own thing. Thats what I am getting at, in the end weather you say infected or zombie or monsters or mobs or enemies its all same thing end of day: something that wants your brains.
  21. vekien

    This is NOT a zombie game...

    Ah right i forgot all that happens in this game, because its based on the real life zombie and infected time we had, right? :D
  22. vekien

    This is NOT a zombie game...

    How does that make any difference to what they do in a game? lol
  23. vekien

    How populated is Green Mountain?

    I went once, was empty, not much loot either.
  24. vekien

    This is NOT a zombie game...

    I dont get difference really. Both zombies and infected eat humans, both look disgusting, both make grunting noises. XD Other pressing issues are on right now though.
  25. vekien

    DAY Z - in few month

    I dont have my trusty magic ball that tells me how players will play in a few month, sorry :(