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Everything posted by Tony_Montana

  1. Tony_Montana

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    OK....Thanks for responding :-)
  2. Tony_Montana

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Zeds are also identifying and agro at hundreds of yards away.....I really think they should have left the Zeds code alone....we have taken a step backward with them. I see in the changelog this is fixed. Also....why are are the Zeds ATOMIC VETERAN Zeds now? Lightning fast, super agressive.
  3. Tony_Montana

    Update 1.8.1 Bugs

    Bugs I have found with 1.8.1 1) Zeds attack through wall AGAIN 2) Zeds can score a hit 10 feet away Rest of it seems good. I apologize if these have been mentioned but, I couldn't find them in the forums.
  4. Tony_Montana

    Update 1.8.1 Bugs

    Zeds are also identifying and agro at hundreds of yards away.....I really think they should have left the Zeds code alone....we have taken a step backward with them.
  5. Tony_Montana

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    I couldn't find a thread for it so I listed my 1.8.1 bugs in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting 1) Zeds attacking through wall (AGAIN) 2) Zeds attacking and hitting 10 feet away (AGAIN)
  6. Tony_Montana

    Standalone Praise!

    Devs, Just wanted to take a moment and Thank You for the work you have done on DayZ Standalone so far. It is coming along and will be a long process. It is kinda nice right now without all the helis and vehicles roaming about right now. The game so far has also made me more mindful of my surroundings again instead of "Kill everyone of sight", I am forced to decide if I want contact with another survivor or watch him and let him go by. My old habit of not sneaking around Zeds has changed now also. Anyway, seems like I am rambling on a bit. Good Job and Good Luck. Tony Montana
  7. Tony_Montana

    Forum Topic vs Bug Report

    Alright kiddies listen up. The DayZ Game Bug Reporting System is for reporting software issues with game play such as walking through walls, zeds glitching, players glitching, etc.... The Forums are for your Suggestions for the future. Please stop cluttering the Bug Reports System with Forum Topics. It's hard enough for the Devs to sort through this mess without it being clogged with useless, childish chatter and complaints. TM
  8. Tony_Montana

    DayZ Mod 1.8 Update

    Is it true that this Update will not work on servers using rmod and the like or custom script servers?
  9. Tony_Montana

    DayZ 1.8 Update

    I understand........Thanks
  10. Tony_Montana

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    If you don't know when the update will be released, don't give a date (twice now) ! Surprise us when you do.
  11. Tony_Montana

    DayZ 1.8 Update

    OK....Now it's twice that a release date has been posted and yet, no update! If you don't know for sure then don't get our hopes up again and again. Just say it's TBD and suprise us one day when it pops up in DayZ Commander. That's all we ask. If you don't know, just say so!
  12. OK.....You said that Update 1.8 would be released this week......It's 9/14/13....WHERE IS IT??? Don't bait us in with an extensive rolling Change Log and a release date only NOT to deliver! If you can't get it out in time, just say so and don't state a release date. The whole community is excited about this update, enough so to bring players back to DayZ who took breaks for a while. I don't know who we are waiting on or who dropped the ball on this but, it's freakin' ridiculous. Someone make a decision or tell us what's going on. >:( >:( >:( >:(
  13. Tony_Montana

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Must not have seen them then......hard to miss 30 Zeds milling around town.
  14. Tony_Montana

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Can't wait for the new changes.....FINALLY the individual servers can decide how hard they want things to be. Good choices
  15. Tony_Montana

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    When I fired a gun inside a building, 30 Zeds entered the building within 10 seconds....There were NOT that many Zeds nearby or even in the town.....Zeds spawn in reaction to sound....not good.
  16. Tony_Montana

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Latest changes (6/30/13) are GREAT! Zeds work better when attacking....not super fast and teleporting behind you. Well done
  17. Tony_Montana

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    DIG IT!
  18. Tony_Montana

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Only attracted to loud noises such as gunfire
  19. Tony_Montana

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Any thoughts on rolling back to before 1.7.7 and give the Devs time to sort all this out. Seemed like it was alot less broken then. There were more players, the Zeds were like "Walking Dead" zombies (Not super smart but, deadly), loot was more available encouraging exploration of the whole map, vehicles were therebut had to be at least fixed, we all seemed to enjoy it. Now, Zeds phase through walls, have super hearing, long LOS, hit like a tank, no loot anymore, no vehicles anymore, and everyone is bitching. Just a thought.
  20. Tony_Montana

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Great....would someone tell the Greenwookie server Admins
  21. Tony_Montana

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Does the Machete go back on tool belt now?
  22. Tony_Montana

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Sounds like ALOT was fixed. We appreciate your efforts and attention to bugs. Most MODS would take months to get out a hotfix.
  23. Tony_Montana

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    You can't put machette back onto tool belt once removed either.
  24. Tony_Montana

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Amen......Super Zombies is NOT the answer. They track you through everything and when you try and fight, they get super speed and dart back behind you constantly. Zombies are supposed to be somewhat stupid, not members of MENSA. The infection thing is a little ridiculous now....infected 3 times in a 1/2 hour by SUPER MENSA ZEDS because you can't loose them or fight them off. Wrong execution of the right idea. tweak it a little.
  25. Tony_Montana


    Did I miss something in the forums? Why are all but a couple servers down? I have been told they have been down for many hours? I apologize if I have missed a post in the forums.