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Everything posted by zhrike

  1. zhrike

    Wizardry is OP, needs to be toned down.

    I hope so. I'd say 50/50. I know. I felt forced to do it after our disagreement. Didn't notice the links until after I posted, but then they seem, based on the comments, to be dead.
  2. zhrike

    Wizardry is OP, needs to be toned down.

    Keep reading and watch the video posted just above. There is a difference between desync and this hack. I don't think I was being unclear, but apparently I was. Yes, desync causes things like equipping weapons, eating food, etc., to lag. However, there is a known hack - shows the interface with the option "disarm enemies" above. I first saw it in a video posted here where a guy would equip his weapon, get close to the hacker, and it would be put back on his back. If he equipped it within a certain proximity, he'd put it in his hands and then it would go right back to his back. This is different from desync. I haven't found that video yet but I am looking for it. And for more clarity: I wasn't speaking to the OP, just to the notion that not being able to equip your weapon is a known hack.
  3. zhrike

    Wizardry is OP, needs to be toned down.

    Amen. I'm loathe to post this kind of crap because there are far too often links to the hacks. This one is from January, hopefully not stil active, and hopefully anyone who does use them gets VAC banned among other things. Aren't they always?
  4. zhrike

    Wizardry is OP, needs to be toned down.

    <snip> 0:13 highlights "Disarm Enemies" This is just one example.
  5. zhrike

    Wizardry is OP, needs to be toned down.

    I'll look for them. If I find one or both I'll post.
  6. zhrike

    Wizardry is OP, needs to be toned down.

    Is English new to you? Let's try this one more time, slowly so you can understand: There is a known hack - that has been documented on video - that has been posted in THIS HERE FORUM, that shows 1) a player repeatedly forced to shoulder his weapon as he tries to approach a teleporting hacker, and 2) In another, a hacker shows the hacked interface, which includes this ability (among other things). So, to recap, my only addition to this thread is to point out that the trait mentioned above is a known hack, to which you arrogantly and incorrectly replied "Wrong." I've never been killed by a hacker, that I know about, and don't give a fuck about dying in game. Hacks have been and still are available for SA. Exploits have been and are still active (removing/changing files). So please, spare me your bullshit. Many times people whine about dying to hackers when it's either desync or simply someone who got the drop on them, but pull your head out of your ass and stop replying to shit when you're clearly fucking clueless.
  7. zhrike

    Wizardry is OP, needs to be toned down.

    Wrong. There is a known hack, documented on video numerous times, that prevents a player within a certain proximity of the hacker from equipping a weapon. One of the videos even shows, from the hacker's perspective, how you can toggle that particular hack. Was it that in this case? Who fucking knows. Was I saying it was? No. Was I wrong? FUCK NO.
  8. zhrike

    Wizardry is OP, needs to be toned down.

    This is a known hack in SA:
  9. zhrike

    Laughing at KOS failures.

    Nah, it doesn't sound obnoxious. I am not a big proponent of telling people how they should play. In fact, I hate that people often do that. It's absurd. There is no right way to play. I don't like people who hack, who exploit glitches, who combat log, who ghost, and server hop ( And you didn't hop. You simply went from one server to another and back, and with an understandable reason,) all traits that fall outside of the scope of play. So, I don't think that there is, nor should there be, a "proper" way to play. Gearing, for many, is the highlight. There are many people on these forums who never want to kill anyone, and enjoy the act of gearing up, surviving, and helping others, the most. And there are people who shoot (or try to shoot) everyone they see. There are clans who run around hungry and thirsty because they could give less of a fuck about eating and drinking, and they know they're going to die to guns before starvation or thirst anyway, and there is everything in between. So, it's about the style that you and your nephew want to play together, which is cool. Thanks for the answer. And beans for you, good sir! My view on play style has evolved over the year or more I've been playing the mod and now the standalone. There are some people who post videos here who embody a style that I really appreciate, and it varies. Manbearpig is one. Vigilante Gamer is another, and this video both changed my mind somewhat when I first saw it, and also encapsulates how I currently feel about the game, with the only exception being that I don't believe that anyone playing the game in anyway can ever ruin it. The game is beyond being ruined by players. I omit hacking/exploiting from that statement. Anyway, it's a well-reasoned and well-articulated argument he makes:
  10. zhrike

    Laughing at KOS failures.

    Yeah, amusing reaction, not surprising, (and must have been satisfying) but in terms of your hopping it only sounds like 'taking advantage' because you were. I wonder: where is the fun in it? Where is the challenge where you hop to an almost empty server to gear so you can then hop to a busier one to help or maim bambis? I'm genuinely curious. I do understand that time is limited, my own is as well (married, kid), but gear isn't guaranteed. I've emptied entire clips into players at NEAF before, too. It does get your heart going. Best thing about the game.
  11. They were all wearing red check shirts. That was their major blunder.
  12. A hackier is an alternate, lesser known form of "haberdasher," who specializes in hats, particularly those worn in the meat preparation industry. True story.
  13. My guess is that for most items the statuses are placeholders for deleterious effects that will be added later. Such as: percentage of being sickened by badly damaged food over pristine, etc. Just a guess, though. With other items it's also obvious: compasses are much harder to read the worse they are. Once they add in more complex health and sickness, survival aspects like that, we may see these things carry concrete meaning in game.
  14. zhrike

    Is DayZ for me?

    From what you've written, it might not be the game for you, especially right now. What makes it fun for me: The huge, open world. The look and feel. Surviving ... though this is less interesting now, since there are a lot of missing mechanics (e.g.: hunting, cooking food, camping). Most importantly: player interaction. It could be a firefight with no words spoken, meeting friendlies and trading, treachery, or having some friends on and tactically approaching hot spots looking for action. The player interaction is by far the most fun for me, specifically team work.
  15. zhrike

    DayZ: Mod or Standalone?

    All of this is simply my opinion: 1) Frankie is really good at creating videos, but they're fiction. Enjoyable, yes, but fiction. Check out Sacriel and PsiSyndicate for mod play. They're somewhat contrasting play styles, but honest. I think Jackfrags is also on the level. 2) The Mod has a lot more content than the standalone has now: there are no vehicles, no tents, and far fewer weapons in the standalone. 3) The standalone will absolutely surpass the mod. I have no interest in the mod anymore, personally, as the changes and improvements render it boring to me at this point. The standalone has far more buildings that can be entered, the map has been changed and contains new cities and buildings, and will continue to be developed. That said, arma 2 is an awesome game in its own right, and the wasteland mission is a lot of fun, and it's cheap. Right now the SA is cheap, too. I bought arma 3 in its alpha and it's now almost three times what it cost then. I think many people who are buying standalone miss that fact. They're not buying a finished game. They're buying a game that will be finished for a lot less than it will cost when it's done, and are granted the ability to help in its development.
  16. PM'd to avoid advertising it further.
  17. I saw that video (yours). That was ridiculous. What were they worth? A couple of coppers? The NEAF hangar glitch also sucks, which is where I think the dude who killed Chimpy was sitting in your recent videos. I agree, it will get fixed.
  18. Tents in the mod were bound to the server on which you deployed them. They were also incredibly glitchy. I can't tell you how many I donated to the wilds of Chernarus trying to get them too close to trees in order to avoid being set on fire. Actually, they were completely open to whoever found them, so they would just be rifled and emptied. They had 50 item slots, and had limitations to how many backpacks and weapons you could store in them. I think it was 50/2/1, but I could be wrong (items, weapons, backpacks). Which meant, you had a total of 50 item slots, but couldn't put five primary weapons in, each taking up 10 slots. You could have two weapons, if primaries that would be 20 slots right there. Something like that. I'm going from memory, and I'm drinking, so ... Tents were cool for stashing extra food, weapons, and ammo. I used them a lot in the mod, but the more I think about it the more it breaks the idea of permadeath. Same thing with vehicles. If you died, you could just make your way to your tent/vehicle, though the latter were much harder to hide. I'd store extra maps, compasses, NVGs, hunting knives, etc., so I could be fully geared just getting to the tent/vehicle location.
  19. I fucking hope not. At least not on the public hive portion. Private hives will likely be able to define more parameters, but hopefully there won't be admin tool suites created and disseminated, otherwise the inevitable admin abuse shit will start happening all over again. I mean beyond the restarts after death crap that's apparently happening now. And "twentington eleventy vehicles!" You really need to be able to pronounce Elektrozavodsk. Spoken in a deep voice with a Russian accent it's glorious. Practice. ;-P
  20. Yes. I think 850W will be plenty.
  21. This. Check the power demands against the PSU you currently have installed. You're likely increasing power demand significantly.
  22. Definitely and confirmed WIP. They're introducing new spawn points soon, according to Hicks directly during his live stream. He mentioned Kamenka and Svetlojarsk specifically, and probably more that I can't recall.
  23. zhrike

    Where is everyone?(Balota+NWAF)

    I've hardly seen anyone at either airfield, relatively-speaking. Killed some folks, died some, but the frequency of interactions has been far less.
  24. zhrike

    Where is everyone?(Balota+NWAF)

    It ain't the mod, is it? I'm staggered at the lack of players at NWAF/NEAF often. Haven't been to Balota in a while. It's anti-climatic when you approach one of those airfields, full of adrenalin and ready for anything, and then ... nothing.
  25. zhrike


    I asked Hicks a few questions on his live stream with Senchi yesterday, one of which was about the content up north. He actually answered a few of the ones I posed, which was cool. Apparently Senchi is the creating the content for the map, and is, and will be, working on the areas up north over the next year. Hicks said he'll go over to him and try to persuade him to commit some of the changes every once in a while to get some of the stuff added, so it appears that the northern areas of the map will be coming in slowly over time as the patches are released. I also asked about bicycles before vehicles, since vehicles are a long way off. He said that he might imagine that bikes would be in first before mechanized vehicles, but not to quote him, which I just did anyway. Specifically he mentioned mountain bikes.