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About Juskhronic

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    Trinidad and Tobago
  1. Juskhronic

    Old farts wanted to play alongside old fart.

    Would you accept a noob like me?
  2. Juskhronic

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    I think this game might come out next year
  3. Juskhronic

    Looking for players 25+

    Hey do you take noobs like me? I am 28 yrs old and live in caribbean What maps do you play by the way?
  4. Juskhronic

    The 1.7.7 update favorites

    When is this mod coming out?
  5. Juskhronic


    Looking for people to play with in Taviana this is my first time playing there. Mature group preferably
  6. Juskhronic

    Base Building

    Hey guys, which one of expansions has base building?
  7. Juskhronic

    Looking for a team

    Hey guys I am looking for a group just for casual play. I am 28 yrs old and would also like to play with people around that age if its not too much.
  8. Juskhronic

    Purchasing Dayz and using dayz commander

    Thanks alot, I really appreciate it
  9. Are you guys recruiting noobs like me ? :blush:
  10. Juskhronic

    Purchasing Dayz and using dayz commander

    Cool Thanks :)
  11. Juskhronic

    Purchasing Dayz and using dayz commander

    Thank you mr know it all for your help....jeez :facepalm:
  12. Juskhronic

    Purchasing Dayz and using dayz commander

    what do i have to purchase on steam to get it?
  13. Guys can I purchase dayz from steam and then use dayz commander? I am new to this please help