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Everything posted by AVendettaForYou

  1. AVendettaForYou

    Need one or two players!!!

    Hey guys we have about 2 players looking for a group on our server they usually play during the afternoon until the morning, if you all are interested in having a server to play on and join up with some fresh faces then add me on steam: AVendettaForYou I'd be glad to hook you all up with the players.
  2. Hosting challenge tomorrow afternoon. Admin hunting. An admin will be posted in a tba city, your goal is to either team up or go alone and hunt the admin, if you succeed and loot the body which will have various gear and a mountain dew can, you can trade in the mountain dew for any item you want (non vehicle) after the challenge is finished. The challenge will be an hour long and will start at 8:00 p.m. est time.
  3. AVendettaForYou

    Battleye Kick for corrupt data #5

    Yea same issue here, nothing running but dart teamspeak chrome and dayz, still getting kicked for the issue :(
  4. I would like to welcome the Night Rangers clan to our server, they have been very polite to our players and admins and we are glad they chose our server as their home.
  5. Bump! Updates: Custom Buildings added in at: NWAF, NEAF, Balota and Balota Airfield, Elektro, Skalisty Island, and Kamenka. Pictures in main post. New Safe Haven Trading Post at Skalka guarded by soldiers. Clear Roads. Custom loot at helicopter crash sites.
  6. Bump, getting more of a regular playerbase of about 5-10 people throughout the day would like to see the numbers increase.
  7. Changes: - Now a full day/night server.. - A.I. are more challenging. - A.I. no longer take vehicles to move around. - A.I. will call for reinforcements if a group is in range. - Will ambush players. - Players can now obtain certain items if they bring admins a list of stuff in the game. Ask an admin for details.
  8. Now running full moon night weekends with street lights on for a more eerie feeling. For a pair of night vision you can either trade one mountain dew can or one of every engine part. Note on mountain dew: We are offering one item of your choice if you happen to stumble upon one, now you must keep it in your inventory and request an admin so we can see you have it, then we will take the mountain dew and trade your choice item back to you.
  9. Yea no problem. Didn't know we wasn't allowed to do any recruitment outside of here.
  10. Getting a more active player base for our server, still looking for more people to come and enjoy the fun!
  11. AVendettaForYou

    Servers ?

    Just started a new server, new player friendly check it out here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/131196-torchwood-dayz-chernarus-treasure-tentsbases-247-daytime-250-vehicles-active-admins-weekly-challenges-increased-heli-crash-sites/
  12. Added in auto refuel, as well as animated crash sites with increased loot drops from each one, spawn times are also increased.